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NZMF autogen missing P3D v3

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Got a bit of a problem with the runway and taxiways having installed NZMF Milford Sound set about six feet lower than the surrounding terrain.
The default NZSI region airport is perfectly fine and does not show this problem.


Have tried the AEC tool which makes no difference either way.


Can anyone help with this?


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Can you tell us what procedures you went through when installing NZMF. Things like what Region was central on when you installed, did you install latest orbxlibs afterwards, do you have Vector and if so did you run the AEC tool. Did you switch regions a couple of times in Central after the install, have you tried deactivating vector (if you have it) when flying in NZ. Where is NZMF located in your Scenery Library, it must be above your regions, etc.

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From memory FTX Central might have been set to Global. I do have vector and have tried the AEC tool which made no difference either way. Did try switching NZSI on and then off again, but not more than once. Not yet tried deactivating Vector.


I am at work for the rest of the day but will look again at these this evening and see if I can get it working correctly.


If trying a reinstall, should FTX Central be set to Oceana? Or hybrid mode?

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Just now, luke0101 said:

From memory FTX Central might have been set to Global. I do have vector and have tried the AEC tool which made no difference either way. Did try switching NZSI on and then off again, but not more than once. Not yet tried deactivating Vector.


I am at work for the rest of the day but will look again at these this evening and see if I can get it working correctly.


If trying a reinstall, should FTX Central be set to Oceana? Or hybrid mode?

Please provide an Order Number and the staff will be glad to help you with any issues.

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Good news! After re-installation the original elevation problem has gone..!


Unfortunately, there seems to be a large area of missing autogen trees in the central part of the airport, adjacent to the runway (picture attached).
I had noticed this before the elevation issue was fixed but assumed it was related and that they would be cured together.


Are there any suggestions for this new problem?



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There you have me, I'm afraid.

I don't have P3D, perhaps if some more people who do see this topic,

you may have an answer from a straw poll.

To that end, I have edited the title to reflect the new subject and moved

the topic to the P3D v3 forum.

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to NZMF autogen missing P3D v3

I have reinstalled NZMF, while Central was set to Oceania.  I then re-installed the 21 MAR 2016 Library.

My NZMF is still missing a section of trees.  The trees are missing whether Central is set to Oceania or Global hybrid mode.


Not sure if it matters, but I also have FTX Trees HD installed.  Both "Use Orbx Trees" and "Use FTX HD Trees" are checked in Central.





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Just to report that I am seeing the same thing.

I have both FSX and P3Dv3.2 installed.  In FSX the trees are there, in P3D 3.2 they aren't.

I have FTX trees HD installed.  I tried turning off 'Use Orbx trees' and 'Use FTX HD trees' in Central but it made no difference.


All the best,



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it is most certain not a orbx issue, have seen that updating from V3.1 to  V3.2 and  using content.msi update is removing

things from Original autogen folders.

before update to V3.2, therefore make complete backup of old autogen folder and effect folder and place this

back after update.


was glad to read is on avsim forum before I moved to V3.2 , because otherwise many addons were not correct working anymore.



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Thanks for the quick reply Ed.

I had a chance to test a bit further remembering you'd mentioned a problem at San Carlos which seemed to be down to the ground poly files.

I found that it is the file ORBX_NZMF_ground_poly.bgl that seems to make the difference.

In P3D v3.2 using the P3d version of the file causes loss of autogen by the airport whereas using the FSX version gives me the autogen by the airport (but I lose the autogen on some of the surrounding hillsides). This is exactly what happens if I use the full FSX version in P3d v3.2.

Hope this might help if the chance arises to look into the matter.


All the best,




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Interesting findings John. 


These issues remind mind of us when P3D was going through the various 2.x version updates - each new build broke something and we ended up chasing our tails. This time around we are inclined to wait till a final stable version of v3 before we go fixing things, because there's no guarantee what we do now will work in 3.3. 

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With the new ground_poly.bgl, the edges of the area that is missing autogen have filled in a bit.

However, there still seems to be a section of trees missing in P3Dv3, which is completely covered in Nick's screenshot from FSX.


This is what the new ground_poly.bgl looks like on my P3Dv3.1.


NZMF new ground poly.jpg

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My image in the post above is with the Scenery density and Autogen vegetation density set to Dense.


With Scenery density and Autogen vegetation density set to Extremely dense, there is still a hole in the same spot.


NZMF missing trees - extremely dense.jpg

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h3pilot - have you tried setting FTXcentral to global then back to Oceania.

The reason I ask is that I just exited P3D3.2 then restarted it and - lo and behold - I saw the same hole that appears on your screenshots.

So I cycled FTXCentral for P3Dv3 to global and back to Oceania and the hole was gone again.

So I seem to have an intermittent hole :-(

If I get time later I'll try and test some more.

All the best,


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17 hours ago, John Burgess said:

h3pilot - have you tried setting FTXcentral to global then back to Oceania.


I have cycled FTX Central between NA and Oceania and also Global and Oceania, but neither made any difference.

Compared to your screenshot, I am also missing a small chunk of trees on the other side of the runway too.

Really weird.  Ed's new file added some trees for me, but not all??  I may re-install NZMF again.

NZMF missing trees.jpg

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