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Near miss and KISS


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First flight in the Virtavia Neptune after installing it into FSX.

Tried it with the EMT in P3Dv2.4 but a few gremlins so have not used it for months.

Anyway now it works fine in FSX and with the TW Sound set added it is just right.

So here is the near miss bit.

Leaving Brisbane and over Moreton Bay in very low cloud when something flashed over the cockpit. Looked outside and this plane had nearly collected us.

A minute later we are turning to follow the coast and there he is again on the horizon just behind the wing. Better scarper before he buzzes us again.

Now the KISS bit. Not much in the cockpit actually works. Well what do you expect for nine pence! The Auto Pilot is easy to operate which is fine for my type of flying.

Looks good from the outside, I like this plane and with Australian colours it is perfect.

KISS? Keep it simple stupid :mellow:  :wacko:  :lol:


Hope you all had or are having a great week end.

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Wonderful shots!

Yeah, good week end tO you tOO!



Thank you Voyager


Looking great.



Cheers Iain.


Nice report, thanks for this. I like to keep all these KISSes away from my installation, as I do not like to put too much data rubbish into it.

Thanks Gerold. One man's rubbish is another man's gold!


Great quartet of simmer shots !!

Greetings and have a good start into the new week,

Cheers Berunda, so far so good.


Great set, great colors, and great aircraft! :)

Thanks RJ, love it too. Like me, it's cheap but not nasty.


Martyn is on vacation, it's official :)

And lapping up every minute of it.


+1 - Just wait till the "Honey Do List" comes out , bye bye Martyn . >:(:-[:o:lol:



LMAO, so true so true!

Ha ha.Just come back from the hardware store with all the bits to rebuild Mum's shade area. Lawnmower needs servicing first and next week recoating the deck on the veranda. Jobs indoors include a thorough spring clean, maybe Wednesday and Thursday rain is forecasted. Friday morning up the ladder to clean out the gutters. Rubber hammer in one hand to swat the big spiders when they appear.

NOW HEAR THIS , her at work actually wants me to have a rest for 3 weeks but now I have the energy and impetus I have decided to do these jobs without her realising as yet, will I be in trouble when she finds out.


So get up early and work and after lunch it is FS time.

Thanks for your great comments Guys. Beautiful day here in the valley, breezy not a cloud in the sky and a top of 31c.

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I like the fact you saw it coming (shot.1) and hit the BRAKES ... you do know that won't work up there ^-^


Cool set.

What are you talking about? ??? How else can you slow a plane down before landing without using the brakes. ::)  :o  :lol:



Great shots KDK, sounds like you've got it

all worked out ::)

cheers Gumby


Thanks Gumby, having an absolute ball at the moment.


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