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The land down under according to P3DV3.0


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First flight in Australia in V3.0.

Only right I start off from my home town of Shepparton.

Just a quick flight as it's bed time very soon.







The download of England is nearly finished but will have to wait until tomorrow to have a flight in V3.0

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I am gonna catch you and Brad there Martyn........#REBUILD IN FULL AFFECT!, Lol.  Man this is one task I always hate doing but I know it will be so worth it in the end to have a fresh copy of everything and then hooking up my 4th HD with v3.   I am in the process of re-installing everything now.  The hard part is done which is all the Windows Updates, man that took all night.

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Beautifully arranged shotz, well captured!



P.S.: Sleep well Martyn :smile:

Thanks Gumby. Glad you liked the shots but had another crap nights sleep. Better luck tonight I hope.

Very nice and good shots!



Cheers Voyager.

Well, your home town looks pretty good from your images! :)

Thanks RJ. There are few places I have lived in the past in Oz and England to visit.

Now all we need is Vector and life will be good , thanks for your first shots from OZ in 3.0 Martyn . :smile: :smile:





Thanks Brad. Yes Vector and Pilots Mesh would be great. The new installers are coming out at a very respectable rate along with the triple ones!

You all make me crazy guys, only thing that keeps me away to step over is the total reinstall, and finding all the good settings,  but anyway, AWESOME shooties again Martyn!

Cheers Dolf. Don't procrastinate. The installation v3.0 is made at a great pace with a few releases every week. P3Dv3.0 can be run along side both FSX and P3Dv2.4(5). Besides I have been reinstalling V2.4 since the beginning of September. This time I have avoided trying to install everything in a few days. I am enjoying it much more this way.

Really great captures Martyn 8)

Thank you Mark. Must try and get down to your part of the world soon, beautiful county.

I am gonna catch you and Brad there Martyn........#REBUILD IN FULL AFFECT!, Lol.  Man this is one task I always hate doing but I know it will be so worth it in the end to have a fresh copy of everything and then hooking up my 4th HD with v3.   I am in the process of re-installing everything now.  The hard part is done which is all the Windows Updates, man that took all night.

Go for it Sammy. We are waiting for you.

Nice shots and a smart looking aircraft KDK.


cheers Gumby

Thanks Gumby. Not too many aircraft to fly in V3.0 yet. I am a bit wary of not messing around with installations when there is not the proper installer as my knowledge of such things is almost non existant.

Many thanks to you all for your great comments.

Looks acceptable, seems you sim is working, Martyn.

Oops, nearly missed you Gerold. Thanks for commenting.
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