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No Track IR.


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Hi Everyone. Does anybody get by with out using Track IR or some thing simular and say just use EZdoc or the basic FSX cameras. Have never been able to use track ir or get it set right so have never used it. Only ever used the FSX camera's. The last time I tried to use Ezdoc I made a right mess of things and ended up reinstalling every thing. Just wondered what other people used. Thanks. Derek.

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I seem to be the contrarian in the group. I have never been able to get used to Track IR. I couldn't get used to turning my head and looking at the monitor out of the corner of my eye instead of looking directly at the monitor. Perhaps if I had a wrap-around monitor, but I don't. I took it off my system quite a while ago. I prefer using the POV hat switch.

It could be a physical thing for me too. I suffer from glaucoma and have lost some peripheral vision, which means when I turn my head a bit to look out a side window I have to move my eyes in that direction too. I prefer looking straight at the screen and using the POV switch.


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Hi Everyone. Does anybody get by with out using Track IR or some thing simular and say just use EZdoc or the basic FSX cameras.

Hi Derek


I don't use any of them.


Reading the many praises for Track IR has failed so far to convince me for mainly three reasons : it's a little complex to set up as you experienced and I don't find any amusement anymore in tweaking stuff, It looks unnatural to shift the head to one side and the eyes  to the other side and also many people have a touch of motion sickness using it (something I'm prone to). I have a rather sedated flying and the "thumb view" is enough for me. Now, I don't say never. I may try someday...


EzDoc I passed too. No real reason except that I again use the POV hat button and zoom in the VC which is enough for me. And I dontl ike the idea to add a new layer of software to my sim.

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I seem to be the contrarian in the group. I have never been able to get used to Track IR. I couldn't get used to turning my head and looking at the monitor out of the corner of my eye instead of looking directly at the monitor. Perhaps if I had a wrap-around monitor, but I don't. I took it off my system quite a while ago. I prefer using the POV hat switch.

It could be a physical thing for me too. I suffer from glaucoma and have lost some peripheral vision, which means when I turn my head a bit to look out a side window I have to move my eyes in that direction too. I prefer looking straight at the screen and using the POV switch.



You have to customize TrackIR profile. There is way to set acceleration, so whith just 10-15° head move can be interpreded as 45°-90°-180° move of camera, depens what you need. For good result you have to spent some time with your custom profile...


POV HAT is fine, but you are limited to two of 6 possible movement axis...  You can look around, but you cant change camera position with hat.. With trackir you can easily look from window to back of aircraft, you can easily look at switches under yoke and so on.

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TrackIr is a must for me. I used a set profile to start with. Tweaked a little and set it up for height of eye, sensor position and speed of rotation (head movement). Then saved it as a 'Roger's chair' profile. Each time I start the sim I check the saved profile I made, adjust the speed to 'fast' which reflects head to viewpoint motion and hit F12 to center everything. Start the sim before starting TrackIr though.

With just a slight head movement I can easily see over my shoulder and with fine calibration even through 180 degrees.

I agree it takes a little getting used to and I find I cannot wear my glasses because eyeballing left and right at the screen while moving my head slightly means it gets blurry. No big deal I can still see well enough without them :)

Give it a go, it adds another dimension to the sim.



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I refuse to fly without TrackIR. Seriously. Without it I feel trapped in a box. Claustrofobic. Using it feels very natural to me (even while I wear glasses). I think it took me just a few minutes to get used to it and after that I was sold. Having to use the hat switch is utterly incomparable to simply looking around. So much quicker, more intuitive... Looking over your shoulder for the runway in a split second, checking the instruments on the other side of the panel... Using a hat switch compared to TrackIR is like sitting in an electric wheel chair with a neck brace and having to use the chair controls to look around... or something like that. A hat switch simply is no replacement or equivalent to TrackIR.


Well, imho anyway. ;)

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... Looking over your shoulder for the runway in a split second, checking the instruments on the other side of the panel... 



Who doesn't have these facilities end up acquiring habit of looking too long into the aircraft losing the clues and teachings of visual flight.



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Another thing  I don't care for with Track-IR is wearing the hat or visor.


I'm not trying to learn anything or even replicate real flight Voyager.  And with my Kodiak I can bring up the switch panel, PFD and MFD as well as the autopilot and even my addon Airport ID and TCAS to a size I can easily read with buttons on my Saitek.  I don't have to stare at the panel too long.  Whatever I need to see is right in front of me with the click of a button.


Not saying my way is better.  Just saying there are alternatives to Track-IR for those who are not comfortable with it.



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I have tried it and like some of the features,but I guess someone could tell me is it possible to use Track IR and keep the facility to use joystick pov hat switch as well?.

That so far has been the only thing that has stopped me from using it.It may be a stupid question but every time I have set it up to use,I lose the pov functionality.I miss that when coming in to land and simply want to switch to  a locked spot view to line up.



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One thing is true about Track IR--it is either-or. Either you are a fan and would hate not to have it, or you are not a fan and fly just fine without it. Without disrespecting those who obviously get a lot out of their Track IR, I have to put myself in the latter group. I tried it, found it unpleasant to use, and have done just fine with the default view options. I can see why Track IR appeals, but it just doesn't work for me. That's my 2 cents.

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For a short time I had a combination of both TrackIR and EZDdk camera presets, so I could call up close-ups with a press of a button. But then I went back to TrackIR exclusively... The trick is to get the settings so that you do not have to swivel your head madly arbout in order to get a reaction on the screen. I can make an almost full 3/4 turn to the left or right whilst still basically facing the screen - and no, it is not too fussy and jittery when I just want to take a closer look at one of the instruments. 


That being said - both TrackIR and EZdok want a conentrated approach when setting them up. It pays to check out some of the tutorials that you can find online... (well - it certainly did in my case) ;)





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Hi Everyone. Does anybody get by with out using Track IR or some thing simular and say just use EZdoc or the basic FSX cameras. Have never been able to use track ir or get it set right so have never used it. Only ever used the FSX camera's. The last time I tried to use Ezdoc I made a right mess of things and ended up reinstalling every thing. Just wondered what other people used. Thanks. Derek.

 I bought it two years ago when I first got into FS , it's a love hate relationship and honestly I never use it anymore. Even though I have it set up perfectly using some popular profiles .. The only time I found it was a must use situation was for on-line group flying.


Plus I hate wearing hats in the house or headphones unless I am flying on-line which is very infrequent.

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I mostly use TIR on take off and landing. I use Opus to set up TIR and use the cameras when TIR is on pause. Opus is a all in deal. I try to stay in the cockpit while flying but sometimes I use the S key to step out side..TIR is not perfect but am glad i have it. I used Ezdok and I do not want to go back to that headache.

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There are several You Tube videos out there that shows exactly how to set up Track IR with Ezdok.  Personally, I'm in the group that can't fly without it.  The advantages are huge especially on landing when you're trying to look over the front cowling.  Also, when you pair it with EZdok, it's easy to assign numbers to seat and VC positions  which allows full advantage of sitting in any spot within the cabin. The "dizziness" feeling for me went away after a couple of days of flying , however I realize that everyone is different.  Finally, I get so immersed in flying and enjoying the sceneries that I don't even realize I have on a visor. :)



I mostly use TIR on take off and landing. I use Opus to set up TIR and use the cameras when TIR is on pause. Opus is a all in deal. I try to stay in the cockpit while flying but sometimes I use the S key to step out side..TIR is not perfect but am glad i have it. I used Ezdok and I do not want to go back to that headache.

I know the term "easy" is relative, but Ezdok really is easy to set up.  Do a search for it on You Tube and it will walk you thru everything step by step. 

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I've had it for years, try it every six months or so, and always remember why it sits on a shelf.  Just don't like using it.  Haven't tried EZ-Dock but so used to manual view controls over 25+ years it's second nature... Track IR is just a distraction.

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I'm surprised there are so many people that don't like using Trackir and Ezdok.


It makes you think that they don't know how to set it up properly. But that can't be true because they are easy to set up and everyone on here has more than enough skill to to do it or they wouldn't be flightsimming.


It must be the motion sickness thing. It's hard to imagine if you don't experience it yourself, I guess.

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