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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. Wow wow wow! First, that paint is wicked looking, I mean it looks great! And this is from what, the South American mesh? If so then it'll have to be bought this weekend!
  2. Holy smoke Pete! I did the exact same thing today. I agree 100%, this sets the bar very high. I learned how to use the Xbox controller in drone mode and roamed around in there and all over outside, I must have taken 200 shots. This will be plenty for comics, I already have some ideas. Brilliant shots here!
  3. MSFS Orbx's KTIW - Tacoma Narrows. And, finally found a bridge. Thank you and have a nice day.
  4. Thanks John. I read that the main form of travel there is golf cart and that it's very expensive. Also, the ocean all around there is full of great whites.
  5. Thanks Landon, agreed. It amazes me the motion of the ocean swells when the weather deteriorates too. Just like in real life.
  6. Thanks Paul. I wanted to see boats and I did, I also wanted to fly a complete circuit around the island. It was smooth and delightful. This is a nice simulator.
  7. Hi Mike, I'd call it A2A quality. You can make it as study level as you want or just fly it, it has a lot of different settings which make it both. I love this little plane.
  8. Thanks Boss, it’s so desolate and stark yet beautiful.
  9. MSFS Orbx's Catalina Quite the delightful area.
  10. Thanks Bernd, I reckon the -500 which I don't think we'll ever see is the real baby. I do love this -600 baby Boeing though, it's....cute.
  11. Thanks Karl. I had the pane outfitted with in-flight refuel. And we were carrying a load of beer but it's kep cool because someone left a door open in flight.
  12. Thanks Anna! It's nice to see so many P3D Orbx airports in MSFS. Do you happen to have a list of just Orbx in-house produced airports and areas and not third party? I like Orbx's touch and charm. Thanks.
  13. Thanks Martyn, I too wonder what the colors are for.
  14. Nice shots Andreas! Brings back memories of my one and only time there. It’s a gigantic city.
  15. Excellent shots John! This is where I worked and was my home base for flying balloons around and over. I lived in Boise for five years, man do I miss it. And Albertson’s, ha, shopped there weekly. Cool stuff. I was hesitant about buying it but now these shots have me convinced, it’s on my to-buy list.
  16. Hello, I did do a search here for “roadmap” and found a couple of topics but they didn’t pertain to what I’d like to know. Does Orbx have a roadmap of Orbx-only airports? Not third party but simply Orbx made. I’m not in any way disparaging the third party vendors on Direct, I just like the original Orbx quality like KPSP for example and it’s excellent interiors. Thanks for any replies, I appreciate it. Jack
  17. Thank you Don! Bought four today, flying as I type this, KLAX to KPSP. Very scenic.
  18. Thanks Andreas. It’s a terrific plane and the airport is well worth it.
  19. That was Boundary Waters, it’s about 35+ miles from mr now. But no matter what park with all the shade the humidity is oppressive
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