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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. Such beauty Paul. I've been to Greece and it was just as lovely as these shots.
  2. Can't run, both knees need to be replaced so I just hike.
  3. Sounds good. I don't have the room for a treadmill but I do have huge hills in this subdivision, paved but very high.
  4. I miss my park that I hiked in, 6.5 miles per day, now I have to drive 10 miles one way to Brown's Mill park. And it's been too hot to hike lately.
  5. Thanks Martyn! It was good back when I was in my 20's and could eat and drink my weight in food every day but now that I'm older, not so much
  6. Yes, occasionally but I like either Heineken or Stella. Newcastle is good but very heavy, too filling and full of carbs. It’s like eating a baked potato
  7. Thanks John, they knew it was a VIP so they move the jetways to me.
  8. Thanks Paul. I wish I could get the jetways to move like in P3D.
  9. Thanks Landon, yeah, I drank a lot of that stuff when I was there, I miss it.
  10. Thanks Ken but I used the Content Manager and found it as described by Nick above.
  11. Yes, thanks Landon. I think that's the actual procedure to capture below however when too low to capture I get nagged in the 737 with "Below Glideslope". I'll continue to do touch and goes and see where the sweet spot is. It seems to me, mind I may be wrong, but it seems to me you can get reception much further out in real life.
  12. Excellent, thanks Paul. I haven’t spent much time there so I didn’t even know they had payware. I’ve always been partial to Orbx products.
  13. Very true, discovering this the hard way. But I at least bought four in the sale today
  14. Nice Paul but can you please tell me the absolutely exact file for this boat and where I can get it? I got the ones @adambarused but they're mostly huge oil tankers or ferries. I'd like a pleasure boat like this. It would be very much appreciated. I had massive problems with the other one, I could load a ship and after I went to Content Manager it told me the same ship I just "flew" needed to be installed and when I looked in the Communist folder it showed a different name of the file with a weird _OVT or something at the end. So I binned the lot of them. I have an extreme loathing for nonsense like this. I did google and could find nothing about the underscore (_OVT) extender on the end of the file name.
  15. Nice shots Martyn, I was astonished when I saw my first rainbow too, it's interesting they included this weather phenomena.
  16. Thanks Wayne, not in real life? I read they can seize up at times.
  17. Not until now. I don't mind it, no idea what it does it, maybe it's just the camera system?
  18. Thanks Wayne, it must have been a sunny day that day or else the in-sim weather was wrong, dunno.
  19. Thanks Paul, made an ok landing there, had to hand land it after a go-around. In this sim the ILS in APPR mode doesn't seem to sync until almost at the threshold, not just PMDG, it's other planes too.
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