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wain71 last won the day on June 10

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About wain71

  • Birthday 09/14/1965

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Community Answers

  1. is this in the update I downloaded or is it something else completely?...
  2. so with the expected release next week of the T7, are there any Orbx or Partner airports you re looking to fly in or out of? any long haul routes you've been wating for this one to fly? interested to see if you have any favourites or any airports coming that will be great for recreating routes....I will have to learn the thing first on a shortish route, never done a flight more than 3 hours in any sim.....
  3. watched these earlier on the phone, hilarious...
  4. wow, what power, amazing speed they have to, that guy in the 2nd video was really not expecting such noise....
  5. great set there, nice little plane to...
  6. I don't really have a favourite, over the last few years life has been to hectic and I have had limited time to fly so when I have I just got in the plane and flew, however due to a few real world life happenings I have vowed to slow things down a little and I have actually been looking around and only flying when I really do have time...I have really started to appreciate the hard work that has gone in to these airports / airfield....looking forward to what will hopefully been an even greater experience when we get 2024 later this year...I am not really one for internals but rather like the things that make an airport look alive, like clutter in small hangars or areas out of the way of the main terminal / building that have had a lot of effort on...
  7. Happy Birthday Matteo, hope you have a great day...
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