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Jon Clarke

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Everything posted by Jon Clarke

  1. Looks like you have not got the MSFS/Options/BingData and Photogrammetry enabled correctly . Delete Rolling Cache and then in the Graphics options ensure you have settings at least at High End. It is not an issue with the Orbx addon but with your settings in MSFS. If you have just installed the latest update today, it may have altered your MSFS settings.
  2. @simpilot2450 If you are asking if you can move some Orbx addons from C drive to D drive then the answer is Yes. I use Addonlinker since day one of it's release and because it creates symbolic Links and not Shortcuts, Orbx Central will read and update accordingly. Of course you must have the addon enabled via AddonLinker in your Community folder in order for it to be updated. For example if you have on your D drive, Orbx LOWI and an update became available, you would need to ensure that you added LOWI to the Community folder via AddonLinker symbolic Link first and then ran the Orbx Central update option. Orbx Central will read the Community folder so any Orbx addons that have updates, need to be symbolicLnked by AddonLinker into your Community folder. I do it all the time and no problems at all. I do use the Microsoft Store Premium de-luxe version of MSFS and not Steam but I would see no difference in this particular application of moving addons from one drive to another. Try moving an addon from C to D drive and then enable it using AddonLinker. If the Steam version has issues with it then just move the addon back to the C drive. I don't anticipate any problems will be experienced.
  3. While we wait for Tony to respond, have you ensured that you LEPA addon airport is higher in the layering sequence than the Balearic airports file?
  4. I haven't installed the TEFB Central update so i am not seeing the bump. We need to ask @Tony Wroblewski if the update was the cause as i believe the update was to make a minor compatibility with EGNT. I have emailed him to respond.
  5. As described in the Orbx Direct product info page for EGNT it is a highly detailed PBR rendition which will have a resources impact. I have to say that dropping to 30fps is not considered to be a fault and is in fact an acceptable frame rate for the period of time one would be at the detailed airport versus actually flying. You don't mention what your PC specs or XP settings are or whether you are running traffic ai which all have an effect on fps at an airport. Can you also confirm that you have TEGB Central installed.I attach a pic of what I see regarding bumps on the runway and I do not have that issue to the extent it impacts on landings. There is also a similar topic regarding EGNT already responded to. Here is the link:
  6. @Nick Cooper @Ed Correia I do not see a Support section under Partners for Iris. Can you advise where the customer's query can be addressed to?
  7. @Tony Wroblewski for comment please. I have contacted Tony via email so hopefully he will respond on this forum.
  8. If they are scenery then leave them below Global Airports. The scenery_pack layering system is easy to follow. The top of the scenery_pack is for 3rd party Airports Then Global Airports Then Scenery addons Then Libraries Then any 3rd party mesh. So leave the Newark and Phoenix as they are if they are purely scenery and not Airports
  9. I have taken a look at the scenery_packs and have a couple of changes to make. I could immediately tell that you use X-Organiser as it doesn't necessarily play well with Orbx addons. I have placed you Japan Pro below Global Airports as it is a scenery mod and needs to placed where it won't potentially mask any other addon content. I have also moved to above Global airports some airports that were placed near the bottom of the scenery_pack SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KDTW - Detroit Metro Wayne Co/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KMSP - City/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/MKJS - Sangster International/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/TVSU - Union Island Airport v1.0/ You also have some addons with a brief description which i do not know what they contain like: SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Newark/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Phoenix/ Are these orth4xp or airports? If they are Airports they need to be above Global airports. If ortho then OK where they are except that your Ortho4xp Overlay folder should be above the Ortho scenery. I will leave you top sort that out. Here you go: scenery_packs.ini
  10. Thanks for the attachments and the results of your flight. It does indeed appear that flying a jet at several hundred knots is asking too much of your CPU/GPU combo to cope with loading the scenery quick enough. Looking at your scenery_packs.ini Ihave to say I have never seen so many entries regarding SAM as in your copy. You really need to trim it down by checking for duplicate file copies. You definitely have copies in your standard Custom folder and also on your E drive. here is a copy of the amount of references to SAM: SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Library/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Seasons/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Seasons/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Library/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Library/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Library/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Seasons/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_StaticAircrafts/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Library/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Seasons/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_GlobalTrees/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/SAM_Library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/SAM_Seasons/ SCENERY_PACK / SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_GlobalTrees/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_StaticAircrafts/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_GlobalTrees/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_StaticAircrafts/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_GlobalTrees/ SCENERY_PACK E:\X-Plane 11.40\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_StaticAircrafts/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/SAM_DeveloperPack/ Way to many and using resources up. Also your entries for TE Florida are all ove rthe place, I have placed TE Florida where it should be in the scenery_pack.ini but have left all the erroneous SAM references as they are for you to sort out. You also have a potential scenery clash with your copy of Orlando VFR. I suggest you do the clean up work in your Custom Scenery folder regarding all the superfluous SAM entries before you put the attached revised scenery_packs.ini into use otherwise all those SAM entries will get continued to be written in. If you delete all the extra references then the scenry_packs.ini will reflect that when you start the sim again. I see you are not using Vulkan. Any reason why not? Regarding your XP settings, they are OK and suitable for the weaker link in your hardware which is the 3.5GHz CPU. scenery_packs.ini
  11. The pics are typical of the issue I described in my initial reply. I need a couple of things from you please. 1. Run the Verify Files option for TE Florida then: 2.Attach your scenery_packs.ini. 3.Attach your XP log file from your XP directory. 4.Run a flight in the same area but in a low and slow plane like the Cessna 172. Flying a jetliner at 4-500kts will be adding to the loading demand of the scenery and let me know if the problem is still there and to the same degree. 5.Let me know your PC specs. 6.Attach pic of your XP Graphics settings page.
  12. Welcome to the forums. Please attach a pic or two of the issue. There is a known problem identified in 11.50 where the scenery is not catching up in time to display correctly. A pic will tell me if that maybe the issue.
  13. I have revised your scenery_packs.ini and removed the EWXP entry as it is redundant. You must remove that file from your Custom Scenery folder otherwise it will keep being written into the .ini and maybe causing an issue. You should find Metal gives a better fps count if it acts in the beneficial way like Vulkan does in Windows. I don't have Mac so I cannot confirm that. In your Custom Scenery folder there should be 2 copies of a scenery_packs. One is an Orbx backup copy. Leave that alone but make sure you delete the one that is the scenery_packs (configuration) file as shown with a red arrow in my attached pic and then drop the attached new one in there. scenery_packs.ini
  14. @Chuns The scenery_packs.ini you have just attached is different to the one you initially gave me. It is also altered as you have added have EWXPVolume2 which I don't know what it is. You need to tell me that.Unless it is an airport it needs to below Global Airports and probably below the TEGB addons. I will not relayer your scenery_packs until you tell me what EWXP is. Looking at your XP settings they are already low but I see you have Draw Parked Aircraft enabled which will be using resource. As Fizzelle says , you should be using Metal which was the sole purpose of 11.50 version. I am on Windows so I use Vulkan but I understand that Metal is the Mac equivalent. It should get you much better fps.
  15. Back again !!!! Please attach a pic of your XP settings from the Graphics options page like in the pic attached. We can then see if there is anything we can do. It will look as though we will need to lower some settings but need to see what you are set on at present. Also attach your scenry_packs.ini if you have added more scenery, and your XP Log file. The XP Log file is located in your XP directory a shown in pic 2.
  16. Good to know it all works well. Thank you for being so kind in your expression of gratitude. Happy flying
  17. It should work OK and if it does I suggest you just delete the scenery_packs.Old file so as not to clutter up the .ini file
  18. I would be glad to assist. Please attach it (not a pic of it) so I can review. It maybe early tomorrow morning UK time when I get round to it as i will be offline shortly.
  19. @Tony Wroblewski Any comment Tony on the latest observations?
  20. @ic0nIt was fixed in the TEGB South update which also introduced the new file of TEGB South Airports. The lighthouse issue was/is contained in the TEGB South Airports folder now and that folder should be above Global Airports as you have it. You could try placing it right at the top of the scenery_packs.ini. Also run the Verify Files option for TEGB South I also suggest you read through the linked topic as it covers the issue you are referring to and alsoi n i posted a pre-update mod that made sure Needles stood as a standalone addon. Take note of the required XP settings mentioned in the topic posts.
  21. Or this which is what I have always used: https://www.techspot.com/downloads/7107-hardlink-shell-extension.html
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