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Jon Clarke

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Everything posted by Jon Clarke

  1. Hi and welcome to the Orbx forums. You don't get Aerosoft-Static Aircrafts with the default XP, so that must have come from one of your Aerosoft addons. You do get the other one's you mentioned. I will rework your scenery pack for you so make sure you keep a spare copy of it after you drop a copy into your Custom Scenery. One basic thing to remember and rearrange yourself it required is that several Obx addons like KVOU come with files labelled as A,B & C. It is best if they are grouped together in the SP.ini. The other basis rule of thumb is the layering should be as follows from top down: 3rd party airports and any associated additional files that are part of the Airport package ( as exampled with KVUO) Global Airports Obx TE addons (place London Landmarks just above the TE series if you have TEGB South) Landmarks (the rest of them like Washington etc) Scenery enhancement addons like sim heaven x-europe, San francisco cable cars and similar enhancements Ortho4xp or any other ortho souced (Forkboy US) Overlays Ortho files like you have placed correctly already Global type mesh like HD and UHD by Aipilot I have not moved the aerosoft mesh files for EDDM/EDDK/ENBR/ENGM/LIMJ because i don't have them personally but would ask you to move them yourself to underneath each relevant airport and test if there are any problems. Usually a mesh that comes with an airport only covers the airport boundary and therefore should have no impact at all on any other area, so logic assumes that the mesh file can sit just under the airport file in the SP.ini sp.txt
  2. @McCloud9 I have slightly revised your .ini to place KSEA Demo above Global Airports and the TE Washington files to allow the KSEA airport buildings etc to be visible. The rest of the .ini looks fine so i am not sure I can help. Your pic is not a good example because it is over an industrial type area and the ground detail is not visible enough. You need to be in a slightly more vegetative area to see the land and you will immediately see a difference between default and orthophoto ground textures. If your installation is complete and you still think you are seeing default scenery, then Verify the TE Washington files via FTX Central. But first go to a more rural area and check out the ground details. scenery_packs.ini
  3. Set your weather to clear and choose July for your date. Then you'll get the blue skies for testing.
  4. @McCloud9 Hi. Your ini looks fine except your entry for Needles should be above Global Airports. Orbx installation puts it below Global Airports for some reason. Now as to why you are not seeing anything of the demo baffles me. I only have full versions of the TEGB series, you are saying that if you create a flight from EGHI Southampton, then you do not see the TEGB scenery but the default scenery? I also don't understand the option you state as "Expansion Packs" as I have never seen that. Is it something that comes with the demo? All I can suggest at the moment is that maybe you try using FTX Central to Verify the TEGB South Demo files to see if you are missing anything.
  5. As Fizzelle says, you need to send your .ini as an attachment because you have only shown a bit of it in your post and therefore it is not possible to comment regarding whether it is correctly layered or not.
  6. Just made a couple of adjustments for you in your scenery.ini. Glad things look better. scenery_packs.ini
  7. @Gedi You need to attach your scenery.ini rather than just list it. I will then be able to adjust a couple of things for you and return it. Regarding the pics you have submitted it would appear that you have your World Objects settings very low because you are missing lots of autogen and buildings etc. You need to set your World Objects to Max with TEGB. Looking at your fps reading of +50 fps it would indicate that your PC would be able to accommodate the additional maximum World Objects setting.
  8. Yes it looks fine but I would ask if you have the default XP11 file of London Landmarks? If so then place it just below Global Airports and above the Orbx TEGB entries. TEGB North has 2 Overlay folders. One is for the mainland and the other is a default overlay covering the part of Northern Ireland that is in TEGB North.
  9. I'm old too so i will respond! 1. You are not excused. Age is not a reason to be apologetic Don't know your age but have you registered for Senior Discount, should you qualify that is. 2. Your scenery.ini looks OK to me. Just to be a bit tidier, you could move your other Landmarks below the True Earth layers but just leave the London landmarks where they are as in the example below: SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Global Airports/SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo Area/SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/LOWI Demo Area/SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - London/SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_South_TrueEarth_Overlay/SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Sydney/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Chicago/SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Las Vegas/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Dubai/ If you are going to get Southampton then get it now while the sale is on. It will go above Global airports in the scenery,ini. Rule of thumb for the .ini is: Addon Airports Global Airports Sceneries like TEGB, Landmarks, Overlays(refers to Ortho4xp scenery) Libraries(of which you have non except maybe Orbx when your hassle is resolved) Orthophoto scenery (NOT Orbx but that made by you with Ortho4xp) Mesh (3rd party)
  10. Interesting and thanks for the insight. Will the South SP take care of the airport buildings removal via another substantial download of the product or will there be something in the SP that triggers the removal like via FTc Central?
  11. @John Venema Have Orbx taken into account the requirements for Exclusions noted in TE-GB South and ensured that Exclusions are included in the Central version prior to release, or will we have to wait for a Service pack.?Personally i would prefer the job to be done before release so that we don't have to wait for something as important as the exclusions at airports to be delayed as we are in TE-GB South version. Seeing overlapping buildings a t some airports is quite an immersion killer, As you know people love the positive but dwell on the negative
  12. There are approximately 83,000 Orbx members and Neil's work has been experienced by all of us in one way or another. Now that is what is truly termed as a legacy. I and many others would be humbled if our work affected that amount of people in our time on earth. RIP Neil and thank you for providing me so much enjoyment as a result of your dedicated work to simmers over the years.
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