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Ashley Jones

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  1. Well that would be because I am one of the devs the converted it over from p3d for Aerosoft And im just more then anything informing you and I believe our Aerosoft rep is in contact aswell I was not aware of this tho when I started the post. And you are quite right you can not go around messing with other developers payware Airports. Also there is a mesh issue aswell that is being discussed too.
  2. I have said to be fair that it is the Aerosoft payware version of Malaga.
  3. Here is the scenery ini file but its not a layering issue I don't think as a few other people also have this issue scenery_packs.ini
  4. LEMG also has autogen messing with the Aerososft Airport
  5. I doubt it will be as they worked with Spain UHD mesh so id imagine there will be some issues of floating buildings etc. Malaga is ok apart from the chunk out the mountains all objects seems to be ok just needs some exclusion zones added.
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