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Everything posted by stiletto2

  1. Thanks, wolfko! I recently found a RL photo (I did not take it) that someone sent me awhile back when I was investigating one of Orbx's airports. Here it is as the next mystery photo: Rod
  2. I am so used to the green of England, I almost didn't recognize Fishburn Airfield in a blanket of white. Nice pic! Rod
  3. Gerold, so you don't have to wait for Boetie to wake up, it is definitely EGKA. Here is a P3Dv5 pic of EGKA taken in the same basic spot: Rod
  4. YBBN is coming! Did you see this line at the end of the Key Features list: Perfectly matched with our upcoming YBBN Brisbane Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator Rod
  5. @Andreas Hegi 3W5 is great! Thanks! S43 and W16 would also be great in MSFS. Just can't have one without the other Rod
  6. Oops....should have mentioned that my shot of the bridge was with Orbx KTIW installed. Rod
  7. @Sascha Normann Thanks to Orbx, you and your team for doing a fantastic job on getting the TrueEarth sceneries for P3Dv4+ caught up with X-Plane 11 at least in North America and Great Britain. I have them all. The Balearic Islands were just released for X-Plane 11 on August 11th so you are pretty much on target. I think TE Southern Cal for P3Dv4+ is the best yet. Just flew around LA and loved it! Great job! Rod
  8. TrueEarth US Southern California for P3Dv4+ is not released yet. Not sure what @Casamike bought.... Rod
  9. Great news! I too would like to know if all of the Southern Cal payware airports including Burbank for P3Dv5 will fit in seamlessly with TE US Southern California for P3Dv4+. Thanks. Rod
  10. Based on fact that Ken Hall shows his location as Tasmania and he referenced the internet and the fact that "Akamai's most recent State of the Internet report ranks Australia 50th in the world for internet connection speed", I think this quote from a recent article might answer your question: "Elon Musk’s SpaceX satellite broadband service has taken its first step into the Australian market." Rod
  11. Sniper31 is correct! Here is a pic from my sim of the Orbx version of De Vere Field: I guess that correct guess entitles Sniper31 to post a pic if he has one.....otherwise back to Stillwater.... Rod
  12. That is the right Payware package but not the correct name for the bonus airport that came with S93. Rod
  13. Hi Rob A., Thanks for that info. I now understand. Cleary, Andreas was refering to the fact that he was modeling the same cemetery look that P3D 1S2 had which was the cemetery building next to the faint terrain images of stone markers. The new version of 1S2 for MFS2020 has that exact look. I did not understand that Rob de Vries' request actually meant something more than what P3D 1S2 had. Rob de Vries was apparently asking for an enhancement to the original which would have put stone markers in the grass. I am sure Andreas' response did not mean to indicate that he was going to put headstones in the grass. So, all is good. Rod
  14. Hmmmm....that seems odd as @Andreas Hegi told you it was modeled in the thread below. I hope they didn't release the wrong version. Rod
  15. HI Jose, As you can tell, I actually like a bright sim. Go figure! I agree with you that the EA water is not my favorite. For me it is too dark...even in a bright sim! Have fun! Rod
  16. Here you go...... Here are six pics in the Tampa area from KBKV to the Sunshine Skyway: Brooksville (KBKV) Looking south from New Port Richey towards Tampa. The community in the foreground sticking out into the water is Gulf Harbors KTPA with Raymond James stadium center right Raymond James Stadium Downtown Tampa Sunshine Skyway Bridge Here are four from the Orlando area: Disney World - Polynesian Resort, Grand Floridian and the Magic Kingdom Orlando International (KMCO) Downtown Orlando Universal Studios area Rod
  17. Found it! You are correct that Orlando CityScene would be pretty much redundant. Thanks, Rod
  18. Can you post a pic of Disney World's Magic Kingdom are using CityScene so I know what I am looking for.... Rod
  19. Hallo, Stephan! See below for two pics of KOPF and two pics of KTMB. These shots were taken using P3Dv5 plus TrueEarth US Florida which is quite beautiful to fly over. Both airports are significantly improved from default. I would call them Orbx light. No animations that I saw. I have also flown into KTPF and KTPA. Those airports were also done in similar quality. Hope this helps. Rod
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