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Scott Harmes

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Everything posted by Scott Harmes

  1. I have another one. Quite a few clues here, so should be easy (enough).
  2. No idea! A guess from me, KGPI - Glacier Park International Airport?
  3. Correct Bernie. Well done. So, now anyone is free to post up the next airport. Cheers,
  4. OK. Here is one of my favourite Orbx airports of all time, and probably the most used by me, although it has been a while.
  5. It's not Innsbruck is it? The terrain would certainly match, even if the QANTAS and ANZ clues do not.
  6. Haha. I noticed the Canadian rego straight away, but a google search didn't help me anyway. All I could find with that registration was a DC-8 and a Piper PA-28.
  7. Here is a new challenge to continue with the airport quiz. There are a few hints if you look closely.
  8. Ahhhh. Is it CYSE Squamish? What an awesome airport in an amazing setting.
  9. OK, I know the first one and the third one. Not sure yet about the middle photo. 1/ Despite the logs missing (or added, depending on your point of view) I think the first one is 74S Anacortes. 2/ ? 3/ I think this one is KBVS Skagit. The "Port of...." was the hint for me. Great shots. It's awesome to see these airports in real life photos.
  10. I think it's Innsbruck. The main hint was the like by Jarrad . It certainly looks different from this view (if I am right).
  11. Dominique, I have heard a lot of users say that the worst thing about DCS, and the thing they wish would improve, is the scenery, particularly the lack of different locations. I'm sure there would be a market for scenery development. Personally though, as I say above, the look of the ground, buildings, trees, has always been of no interest to me in DCS, and in particular the scope of the current areas is more than satisfactory for me. The look of the airports is another matter, but I think ED has done a good job on these already. This is just my opinion. Cheers,
  12. I have to agree John. I have to be honest here and say that the scenery is the last thing I am paying attention too when flying in DCS. I either have my head buried in my avionics and displays, or I am keeping an eye out for bandits, or threats on the ground. That is if I'm not busy using BFM to avoid getting hit by enemy fire. The airports in DCS World are pretty well done, and have plenty of detail where you need it. Once I am airborne in that sim though, I am not doing any sightseeing.
  13. Yeah I don't use DCS as much as I would like either. It is an awesome sim to use with VR, and I have been flying the Hornet a bit over the past few weeks, just a year after I purchased it . It is very satisfying learning all the in depth functions of DCS World aircraft. It is hard for me to choose a favourite DCS aircraft as each time I learn the systems of one that becomes my new favourite .
  14. Hi Howard, The current versions of the relevant airports are listed in this thread: https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/167188-sode-animated-jetway-updates-released/ You can check the current version of each airport that is installed by checking the version text file in the following folder: "......\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\User Documents\Versions" (or in whichever sim you have the airports installed). If you find that the versions do not match then you can run the "Verify Files" option on each relevant product page in FTX Central. Cheers,
  15. It's very sad to hear of Neil's passing. My sincere condolences to his family. Neil has left us with an amazing legacy in his superb personality, his efforts and his creations. RIP Neil
  16. Hi, With Bozeman specifically it would not be possible, because the static jetways are a part of the terminal model, and therefore can't be excluded separately. It is the same setup with PAJN. If an airport has a separate model for the jetway, being either static or using the default Control+J animation, then it can be excluded and a SODE jetway put in it's place. Cheers,
  17. Hi, As a temporary work around please turn the following file off (add .OFF to the end of the name). So, ".....\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Scenery\World\scenery\ADE_FTX_SAK_PAJN_elevation_adjustment.BGL" should become ".....\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Scenery\World\scenery\ADE_FTX_SAK_PAJN_elevation_adjustment.BGL.OFF" Cheers,
  18. No worries at all! Thanks for checking that out. Cheers,
  19. I couldn't find those files either, but if you search for "Daniel Florentin" at Avsim, you will find two Ireland Full VFR scenery packages, which may include these scenery objects. Cheers,
  20. I have P3D V3 with ORBX Global Base, Open LC NA,and Vector active, and I see exactly what is in the first picture. Strangely the map in the F-22 Raptor shows lots of square block shapes in the terrain in this exact area, but the two sharp, square angles like those in the first pic are all I could see out the window. It doesn't look very accurate unfortunately.
  21. I have one airport to request because I just discovered it as I was reading a story about it and couldn't find any upgraded version of it for the sim; KAAO - Colonel James Jabara Airport in Wichita, Kansas. It would be great to have due to who it is named after, and I just read a story about a Boeing 747LCF Dreamlifter which landed there by accident, damaging the runway, and having to take off again from the runway which was 3000 ft shorter than the recommended minimum runway length. PS. I also just saw two more interesting airports nearby. The Beech Factory (KBEC) and Cessna Factory (KCEA). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2511166/Boeing-747-Dreamlifter-plane-stuck-tiny-Kansas-airport.html https://www.wired.com/2013/11/dreamlifter-wrong-airport/ Cheers,
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