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Everything posted by paulb

  1. Or maybe someone in charge of a prison?
  2. I have to agree Martyn . Perhaps the Airbus A320 Neo (A32NX) from FlyByWire?
  3. All excellent shots Mike. I like the variety of aircraft
  4. Great shots Adam. 2 and 3 look real!!
  5. Thanks Jack . I found it an interesting exercise. I will give everyone a chance first and will then give the answers.
  6. Thanks Jack . Well, there will always be another sale.
  7. Good question Jack. I don't know the answer.
  8. I currently have three simulators on my pc and tend to move between them. Usually that depends upon what and where I want to fly. Anyway, simply for my own benefit I decided to take a similar shot in all three. All at Orbx EGHI Southampton Airport, Gate 6, clear weather, 3.00pm, summer. I thought that I would share them here. This is not about which sim is best. It is simply a sim recognition test Sim A Sim B Sim C
  9. Thank you kindly Calum
  10. A first class set of Seward Adam .
  11. Thanks Martyn . I presume that the sale end at different times depending upon where you are in the world. So maybe Australia was the last place to benefit?
  12. Just four shots from a flight in North Island, New Zealand - Rotorua to Aukland. Orbx - Aukland City Package, NZ mesh and partner IndiaFoxTecho MB-339 in MSFS.
  13. I know the answer . Nice shot Andreas .
  14. You had me wondering there Jack as I flew near Aukland in live weather yesterday and there was no sign of snow!
  15. paulb


    Many thanks Wayne .
  16. paulb


    Thank you Andreas . Glad that you liked them.
  17. Thanks Wayne . Indeed, my simming pc gets hot in this weather. I usually put it into sleep mode straight after a flight.
  18. Many thanks Andreas . That's one of the joys of flight simming!
  19. Well done Martyn! . Glad my wife can't see the airports as I usually ask her - Why did you buy those? You already have similar. Her answer is frequently - it was in a sale!
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