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Everything posted by paulb

  1. To be honest Jack (and bear in mind that I have only been using the sim for a short time), whilst MSFS excels on the graphics front - ground detail, lighting etc, at the moment P3D and XP11 are more sophisticated in other ways.
  2. Interesting shot Martyn . Suprised at the rainbow. I thought they only appeared in the wake of a storm? MSFS weather.....
  3. Thank you John . Indeed cruising is such a peaceful activity.
  4. Sorry to hear of your problem. It sounds like you have searched the forums here and tried all of the different fixes suggested. Just one thought, which may be a waste of time, I sometimes had this problem in FSX. In my case then, it was simply my pc (graphics card in particular) being unable to cope with what I was asking it to do. It was some time ago and I can't remember if I bought a new graphics card or just turned down the settings in the sim.
  5. Thanks Wayne . The boats are very easy, once you get them in the water. Just like having an aircraft, but simpler.
  6. Indeed Martyn . It was a nice change to slowly explore in the boat.
  7. I should have realised that all of the hotels would be fully booked in August . So I rang a friend who had a motor cruiser in Skianthos. He kindly said that I could stay on his boat for my holiday.................... Skianthos town is immediately to the west of the airport Although there are hotels dotted around the island, the town is the major settlement A nice boat, we even had a TV below deck This is looking East from the town As we pass the harbor, we can see the ferry which links the island with both Greece and Italy Soon we reach the edge of the small town As it is not a large cruiser, my friend told me that I would have to share a cabin for the night. A boat is an easy way to explore the coastline. I had a great holiday. The final part of my holiday follows soon Orbx LGSK Skianthos in MSFS
  8. Nice shots Jack . Have you noticed how the skyline sometimes tilts in MSFS - like your final shot.
  9. Excellent shots Jack . You will like Newcastle. it's a nice airport.
  10. Efharistó ya ta kalá sas lóya Gerold . So true my friend, but my buggy has lots of ventilation and gets me around the place.
  11. Thank you kindly Martyn . Yes, quite similar - both surrounded by water!
  12. Thank you Jack . I had to hand land it. Autoland doesn't work for the stock planes in MSFS. Although I think it could be included in a future update. The buggy is drivable. It is free on flightsim.to.
  13. Thanks Wayne . Indeed, the buggy is good for exploring.
  14. Thanks Landon . The buggy is quite good. Great for exploring some of the detail in the airports.
  15. Lough Neagh is a very large freshwater lake next to Belfast Airport. It's the biggest lake in the UK. That's what I was looking at in the back of your shot.
  16. Yes it is Belfast Jack, and that is EGAA Belfast Airport.
  17. Is that another boat Jack! . Just kidding my friend - great shot. I think that is Lough Neagh in the background.
  18. Excellent shots Martyn . It looks a pretty large airport.
  19. After a long but pleasant flight from Edinburgh, I have arrived at my holiday destination . Good to hear the flaps open and the gear go down............. The runway is quite narrow at this airport. Why is the pilot sweating? Made it! Heading for the terminal Looks like a pleasant little airport Skianthos Airport in Greece Parked up and unloaded Just an image of the airport Gosh, it's hot here. Need to rent a car Or perhaps take the short bus trip? Decided to get a car. All luxury models were taken, so I was given this buggy Need to get to my accommodation next.............................................. Orbx LGSK Skianthos Airport and MSFS
  20. In the right direction, but a bit further away.........................
  21. Not exactly Martyn.......................
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