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my first KRDD shots


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I am so happy to have KRDD finally and as good as it is, I swear the extra airport (Benton) is even more fun. The way the terrain just falls away at both ends of the runway make it a blast. and watching cloud shadows scrape across the runway and buildings just make it so cool.

so anyway...shots:











Places like this make you want to take better shots. Im working on it.

thanks for looking.

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I am so happy to have KRDD finally and as good as it is, I swear the extra airport (Benton) is even more fun. The way the terrain just falls away at both ends of the runway make it a blast. and watching cloud shadows scrape across the runway 


Great shots Dave - how are you getting clouds to travel across runway - it seemed to work in P3D 2.4 but in 2.5 I am not seeing this - how are you activating this - thanks

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Sensational shots Dave, and I'm really glad to hear you are enjoying Redding :) 


I swear the extra airport (Benton) is even more fun.


I totally agree with you on that point - I sometimes do extra low approaches from the north just to clip the powerlines on finals! 




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Thank you very much, Jarrad. Excellent work on Redding and surrounds. Its much appreciated. would you believe I just recently found the hospital and the train? Im wondering what other things lay around for me to discover.

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