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Yosemite textures different to screenshots

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First of course many thanks for the wonderful Yosemite freeware package, it is beautiful!  


Unfortunately I do no see quite the distinct beauty of the screenshots posted on various forums, in particualar, El Capitan and Half dome look very different, in fact they are pretty much the exact representations as can be seen on Google Earth, Half dome has a huge shadow lying across it and the rock stucture of El Capitan just inst there, but the valley floor and everything else looks just right. Also Half Dome's shape looks different as if the mesh isn't quite right. 




So I am wondering, are the screenshots from P3D and FSX has a different texture/mesh set?


I tried different seasons but no difference as yet (summer and autumn)


Yosemite is at the top of my entire scenery apart from the ORBx Libs.




El Capitan looking Northwest






El Capitan Looking Southwest










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Further info. I deleted the Yosemite scenery from the library and now I have something different again, this is the basic NCa scenery, the big shadow on half dome is gone and the shape is more true to life, however, the additional scenery like the cars and detailed stuff on the valley floor is now missing, so somehow I am getting some kind of mish mash. I downloaded my file from the ORBx Cloud, I assume that was OK?


I tried adding the scenery back in manually as well but it's just the same.


I also tried upping the texture maxload setting in fsx.cfg in case it was too low but no difference.


I also looked at the halfdome textures, they look like the correct ones, I am unable to fathom where the deep shadow texture is coming from, it isn't like that when I deleted the yosemite scenery from the list, thus showing the basic NCa scenery,  :-


This is most puzzling, I am not without some experience in scenery having created a fair bit myself in the past, but this one has me scratching my head! :)

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Nothing I have tried so far seems to work, the texture set in the folder is correct but they are not being applied and the mesh is not showing correctly either, yet other aspects of the package are showing, all the buildings and cars etc in the valley floor are displaying properly (I know this as they disappear when I disable the new scenery)


I cannot imagine that the download I got was faulty, but in an attempt to set that aside I tried to download from the alternative sources, FTX and Google cloud, but oddly they both stopped at around 36MB  The ORBx cloud link worked fine though, but I am pretty certain that is nothing to do with what I am experiencing here.


So, still a puzzle.

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Hi there,


what is your scenery complexity slider set at? The mountains and cliffs in this add-on are scenery objects that may need to have a specific threshold to be displayed.


In the same vein, if you have an object exclude active in the area at higher display priority than the Yosemite add-on it could exclude those mountains as well. Doesn't look that's the issue in your case though since you only have the Navaids entry, which presumably doesn't contain such exclude files.


Cheers, Holger

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These are my Current scenery settings Holger.   :)  I don't have any other active scenery in this area, nothing from either myself or any other scenery producer. The navaids are just an update of some VORs that are all much further north in Montana, Oregon and Washington, it just alters the magnetic deviation so that it matches the GPS system in sim.



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Hi there,


looks like your settings check out. However, while unrelated, a mesh resolution setting of 1m is not a good idea because it makes elevation transitions at airports and other locations with flattens look worse than with the Orbx recommended 5m setting. Also, we recommend unchecking the "ground scenery shadows" ticbox because many 3D objects don't have proper shadow shapes (in fact the Yosemite El Capitan model will show an odd shadow at its base when the checkbox is ticked) not to mention that the additional shadow computations can cost fps in areas with lots of 3D models.


As for the mystery of the invisible models I was looking through the Yosemite scenery folder and noticed that the objects are "objectflowed" so that they automatically switch between summer and winter models. Perhaps something is wrong with your objectflow module or its entry in dll.xml though I'm no expert on that.


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks for taking some time to have a look at this Holger, I really do appreciate it.  I have taken your advice onboard re the settings and made the adjustments, no doubt I will see some improvement elsewhere. Not surprisingly though these adjustments did not do anything to resolve the current puzzle. I went through all my scenery and disabled everything in the US that I have active from addon scenery to see if there was a possible conflict, to no avail.


One aspect that is still difficult to grasp is the way that Half dome is being displayed with the Google earth texture, Alex felt this was the NCa default texture (and it may well be!)  But when I disable Yosemite, I see something entirely different.




Note that the dome appears more correctly shaped and that the rock face, though in shadow, is not totally black (like it is in GE) so as far as I can tell, this is what the default NCa mesh and texture should look like.  So where has the wierd shape and the GE texture come from? Is it the default? if so, what am I actually seeing? If I new that I might know where to look for any problems

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Hi there,


the NCA version of the Yosemite Valley does have photoreal textures (not Google Earth but rather NAIP imagery) so you will see Half Dome as it is in your second screenshot albeit with the deep shading that is part of the imagery and also a bit of a sawtooth ridge along the edge of cliff face; screenshots of the valley without Yosemite freeware installed are http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/73646-nca-yosemite-valley/ and http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/72643-ftx-northern-california-in-final-beta-21-images/


Perhaps you can post screenshots taken from the exact same position (with coordinates blended in via Shift-Z) with and without Yosemite active so we can see a direct comparison. Also, do you have any third-party terrain mesh or photoreal add-ons (eg BlueSky) active in your scenery library below the Orbx/FTX block of entries?


Cheers, Holger

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Gentlemen, I think I have everything installed correctly. But, as good as NCA is, I don't really see the value to the new scenery. otoh, there are some small details, like a cluster of vehicles and people on a ridge parking lot overlooking the scenic vista of El capitain and Half Dome...very nicely done...



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Here goes Holger, I have the lat and long showing and pretty much took all shots from the same viewpoint.


From this test I can say pretty much for certain that the problem I have is with the actual Yosemite files that I have.


This sequence shows why I have come to that conclusion.


First shot showing no NCa or Yosemite active, so just barebones FSX.





Next shot (below) shows NCa activated but not Yosemite




The third shot is No NCa and just Yosemite active.



The final shot shows Just the default scenery and Yosemite active, no other scenery at all from Edwards Airforce base upwards is active, nothing.





Considering that I have removed everything that could possibly cause a conflict I can only assume that there is some error with the files in this particular download which I got from the ORBx cloud, strangely neither of the other two options (my FTX and Google cloud) would work for me, they kept stopping at about 35MB.

Whether that has any significance I have no idea.

I opened the Yosemite texture folder and looked at the 6 texture files that were in there (well, .dds files) they all see perfectly correct and look nothing like what I see here, but match the screenshots for the scenery properly. All the other files in the texture folder apart from these 6 are .agn files (Autogen?) and are very small.


The scenery folder contains only .bgl files apart from the two .xml files associated with the object flow.


Truly, it is most strange that a texture should be applied that I cannot even find! Let alone the rather crumpled shape of Half Dome that is the result of activating the new scenery, it looks most forlorn!

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Hi there,


those screenshots indeed confirm that only parts of the Yosemite add-on are working or present. Specifically, the 3D models and its textures aren't showing; the "stunted" appearance of the Half Dome is to ensure that the NCA terrain mesh doesn't conflict with the 3D model. FYI the \FTX_AA_YOSEMITE\scenery folder should contain 34 bgl files and 2 xml files and the parallel texture folder 508 items (6 x .dds the rest agn).


I still believe the most likely explanation is an issue with the Objectflow module, which governs the display of the 3D models. 


Cheers, Holger

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If in fact an issue with Objectflow module is the problem how can it be corrected.  I ask because I have the same Yosemite Half Dome as Kim. 

 Although not related I have a know Objectflow problem in the fact that my KSFF Felts Field has white (snow) grass clumps showing and from my attempts to find out the problem from support it seems that my objectflow has problems that I nor suport have not been able to solve.  In addition I see that CBB7 Tipella also displays white (snow) textures on the trees around the airport.

Is there some method of replacing, changing, repairing or just plain fixing object flow in ORBX software.  See my posts concerning textures missing at KSFF on the forums.

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Hi guys,


I'm no expert of Objectflow so I may have to ask other developers for help but I found a couple of (hopefully) relevant threads:






Cheers, Holger

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Success!  I followed your links and read the posts, both mentioned files I do not have, one of whch was Objectflow.DLL which apparently should be in the Orbxlibs folder,  so (and it was certainly remiss of me not to have done this first) I DL the latest Library files and all is now well. I knew somehow it would likely be my own fault, I was not wrong! ::)







Apologies to all for my error, especially to you Holger, and thanks for your patience and knowledge ( the bit about the reduced mesh as a preventative for the overlay was interesting) as you certainly put your finger right on the issue.

For me at least, this is now resolved.

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read through your linked posts and did the uninstall/reinstall of the Objectflow files as recommended by Ed.

I did notice that while Objectflow was talkied about for Yosemite scenery being a possible problem I noticed that there is no ModuleInstaller.exe, Objectflow.dll or ModuleInstaller.cfg file anywhere in the scenery sub-folder for Yosemite.  Is this correct?  I do have the 36 files in the scenery sub-folder and the 6 .dds textures in the texture sub-folder. 

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Hi Spud,


yes, that's correct as we're moving away from having to duplicate those files for each add-on that uses Objectflow to a single centralized version. That's why newer add-ons no longer need those files in their scenery folder and the core module is delivered with the Orbx libraries.


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks for the info.  I had to ask because I'm pretty sure my Objectflow is somehow screwed up as I can't get Half Dome to look correct, KSFF has incorrect textures for the trees and grass which everybody says is an objectflow problem.   In addition I have checked CBB7, CEN4, and CEJ4 all of which have objectflow.dll's etc. and the only one that I can not see any pure white textures in is CEN4 and thats mainly because there is little or no grass and trees at that airport.

Is there any way to completely replace the objectflow portion of the sim?  I have no idea what I did that mucked it up.

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I've been following this thread with great interest, and I'm glad to hear that the problem has been solved for some. Unfortunately, I still see Yosemite as it appears in post #17, picture 4, which is default FSX plus Yosemite. I followed the advice given in the linked threads from post #20, but that did not help.


Sorry for the dumb question, but do I need to have ORBX payware products installed for Yosemite to work? I looked for requirements but didn't see that listed. I do not have any ORBX payware products yet, as I am trying out the freeware first before making the decision to buy.


Like Spud, I think my problem is related to ObjectFlow. FSX does not ask if I would like to add it to my Trusted list and it does not appear in FSX.cfg. I have run moduleinstaller.exe several times, uninstalling and installing the flight sim modules. I see FTXAA_ORBXLIBS enabled at the top of my scenery library, and it is from the FTXORBXLIBS_140927.zip file.


Any ideas on how to force FSX to see the ObjectFlow.dll file?


Thanks for all the support and the fantastic freeware,


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I may be wrong but I don't think the Yosemite scenery upgrade will work with just the default FSX scenery. I have the ORBX NCA region installed and it is showing perfectly.

Suggest you get the ORBX NCA first as it doesn't matter which order the regions are installed.

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Downloading the latest libraries is not solving the objectflow problem I have unfortunately.  I have re-downloaded and re- installed it 3 times it the past two days plus all the other suggestions from this and the two threads Holger linked to.  Still have the Yosemite problem and white grass and trees on airports that have Objectflow .dll's.

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  • 4 months later...

I read this thread as my version of Half Dome also does not look right.


I noticed the mention of ObjectFlow, but I've had to disable because I'm using FSX: Steam Edition, which I understand does not yet support ObjectFlow.


Is there an interim solution to seeing Yosemite correctly, or must I wait for the FSX:SE/ObjectFlow problem to be resolved first?


My sliders align with those in the thread, I have ORBX NCA installed, and Yosemite is #1 in my Scenery Library.  I'm not an advanced user by any stretch of the imagination... but I follow directions fairly well.





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Downloading the latest libraries is not solving the objectflow problem I have unfortunately.  I have re-downloaded and re- installed it 3 times it the past two days plus all the other suggestions from this and the two threads Holger linked to.  Still have the Yosemite problem and white grass and trees on airports that have Objectflow .dll's.


Take a look to this thread http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/91237-monument-valley/#entry835825


If, like me, you have UAC disabled and have to run installers under a user ID (with admin rights) different from the one you use for FSX, check your dll.xml.

Details on the the mentionned thread.



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