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Blow, boys, blow!


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When I was at school, I learned that there is plenty of gold in the Sacramento river:


Ick heff mol en Hamborger Veermaster sehn,

|:To my hooday!:|

De Masten so scheep as den Schipper sien Been,

To my hoo day, hoo day, ho - ho - ho - ho!



|: Blow, boys, blow, for Californio,

There’s plenty of gold, so I´ve been told,

On the banks of Sacramento.:|


Well, this is "Low German", so even the Germans need a translation...: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamborger_Veermaster

And for our international readers there is not much on offer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Banks_of_the_Sacramento


At least, I finally have the chance to check & blow, on the banks of Sacremento river:







Hmm, no gold to be seen in the scenery. So I return across Redding...



... towards KRDD:



And some education on Sunday, for those who are brave enough...:


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For our English speaking forum member's here you go :




You struck gold with these fine shots Herr Gerold . :D :D





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Great shots and thanks for the translation of the verse Gerold! :)

I knew you would need the translation, as you are a Boerliner!


For our English speaking forum member's here you go :

You struck gold with these fine shots Herr Gerold . :D :D



Quite a difference between these variations, especially regarding the lyrics. Well, the basical difference is 10.000 miles, and that was a distance at the time...


Lovely shots.. It amazes me that these are from FSX.. I guess the song is from the days of the sailing ships? and the "low German"wording has a look of the Dutch, am I wrong? Teecee.

TeeCee, your are fully right in both: The time of the songs origin, as well as the relativity of "Low German" ("Plattduetsch") to dutch and english. Wi snackt platt, det kans hom!


Great shots Stillwater!

Greetings from a boy living now in foreign territory (Bavaria), but coming from just around the corner - Lueneburger Heide :)

So you might be one of the few here around who really understands the song!


Ja - sind wir denn hier im Fernsehgarten? :banghead:

Very nice shots by the way.

What a pity I did not find a video from the Fernsehgarten. But maybe they do not have such great northern Shanties?


Thanks for your comments, mates, always a pleasure!

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Great shots Gerold!

And forget that gold - ... You have a helicopter ... well, okay if You had more gold You may have a private jet as well - but as less is often more -be it!

And i will again enjoy Your superb shots above here!

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