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Ideas for home cockpits


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I have one and I am on my third rework right now. Twice I have had it up and running and found that I simply did not fly it much -- and so I considered why and took it apart and started over. Well not totally start over, still kept the features I liked. Now just minor changes, but still when dimensions change, it can be a lot of rework. Probably rebuilding 40-50% of it this time, but it will fit what I need to get into it, better utilize space and allow me to climb in and out of it easier.

When I get it back together I will take some photos to share.

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I have always loved the idea of a specific cockpit, particulalry the 737-800 but have never taken the plunge besause I simply enjoy flying different types of aircraft. My setup allows me to feel enclosed, giving me the feeling of immersion and with a 30" monitor setup I fly in the VC of any aircraft I please.



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Hi Rockliffe, impressive mate and not to belittle it, it looks relatively easy to construct (if one is a good handyman which I am). A good balance between "going over the top" and being "functional".

A query, what are the two panels just above the keyboard? Probably the exposure of the camera but they don't look like actual switches, looks more like some sort of finger press panels??

Cheers  Dan

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If you wanted to see some serious ideas you should of come with me to Amsterdam in Nov. at the Worlds biggest flight sim conference, and you would of had all you wanted to see -that I can tell you



now that would be awesome ! one can dream

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If you wanted to see some serious ideas you should of come with me to Amsterdam in Nov. at the Worlds biggest flight sim conference, and you would of had all you wanted to see -that I can tell you



G'day Rockliffe 

may i ask what type of wood did you use please ?? 

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Hi Rockliffe, impressive mate and not to belittle it, it looks relatively easy to construct (if one is a good handyman which I am). A good balance between "going over the top" and being "functional".

A query, what are the two panels just above the keyboard? Probably the exposure of the camera but they don't look like actual switches, looks more like some sort of finger press panels??

Cheers  Dan


Hi Dan, sure, it was reasonably easy to construct, but took me far longer than it should have done. The two panels are the VrInsight switch panel (lower panel) and the VrInsight MCP Boeing style panel, both which are great!



G'day Rockliffe 

may i ask what type of wood did you use please ?? 


Hi Milo, sure, just plain and easy MDF for the top part which I painted a 'Boeing' grey, and the base is a bodged Ikea desk which I covered in a simulated leather style material.



Rockcliffe, you are a helluva lot better handyman than I, that I can promise you. Really looks cool.


Hee hee, I wish matey...

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thanks Rockliffe ,  I looked at some mdf today at bunnings, 

roughly what thickness did you use ? 


I am just wondering if it would be good to use one of those small projectors

and use the pit itself for the projection , rather than have  3 monitors etc..

​would that be doable ?

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thanks Rockliffe ,  I looked at some mdf today at bunnings, 

roughly what thickness did you use ? 


I am just wondering if it would be good to use one of those small projectors

and use the pit itself for the projection , rather than have  3 monitors etc..

​would that be doable ?


Sure, the MDF is about 18mm thick and I covered the edge of the sides that are showing with some beading, that just finishes things off a bit. The paint is matt emulsion.


As for the projector side of things, well as far as I know, projectors still have a resolution of 1920x1080 unless you spend lots of $$$$$'s. Using a projector v's a monitor will be a personal thing and dependent upon personal tastes and how you want to set things up. Three monitors will give you far better quality with a higher resolution overall but of course will need more CPU muscle to run, where as a single projector will need the same muscle as a single monitor running at the same resolution. The single projector will not return as good a quality as a monitor, generally speaking.


I like to think I have the best of both worlds... I have the high quality 30" image when running at 2560x1600 resolution, without the need for using too much CPU power and with a viewing distance of about 24" it gives me fantastic immersion, which at the end of the day is what we're all trying to achieve.


If you're going to make such intrinsic changes to your setup, then I guess lots of advice is the order of the day. Have a good one... ;)

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I built mine to be very generic, cheap, and easy to move if needed.  I found a design that one guy made, and replicated it with a few tweaks.  I enjoy flying lots of different things, single and 2 engine props, up to the big 4 engine jets.  So I built it with the mind that it is easy to switch between them and have a generic representation of their controls.  (Thank heavens for FSUIPC to program it all!)


Here's how I fly yoke aircraft:



And for things with sticks I'll pull out the USB converted Thrustmaster F-16 FLCS combo



I posted a build thread here: http://msflights.net/forum/showthread.php?389-Building-a-home-cockpit

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use a 26'' monitor for my main view. I bought myself a 19'' 16:9 monitor and I installed it last night.


It is, however, not as easy to set up an instrument panel on it as I had imagined. I undocked the 2D panel and draged it to the 19'' monitor. But: the 2D instrument panel of the default Maule (I use P3D 2.1) only uses the lower half of the monitor (the upper half is covered by the two metal bars and the (black) outside-view). The instrument panel displayed in the lower half of the monitor is totally compressed and very bloggy (it looks like it would need some AA).  


Any hint how to set this up is highly appreciated!

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I use a 26'' monitor for my main view. I bought myself a 19'' 16:9 monitor and I installed it last night.


It is, however, not as easy to set up an instrument panel on it as I had imagined. I undocked the 2D panel and draged it to the 19'' monitor. But: the 2D instrument panel of the default Maule (I use P3D 2.1) only uses the lower half of the monitor (the upper half is covered by the two metal bars and the (black) outside-view). The instrument panel displayed in the lower half of the monitor is totally compressed and very bloggy (it looks like it would need some AA).  


Any hint how to set this up is highly appreciated!


That's an odd one Till. I see you have a Nvid card so that isn't the issue and also Win 7 64 bit, same as me. Just wondering if it's somehow related to P3D. If you look at the pic of my setup further up the thread, the left monitor is used for FSC and charts and so forth, that is run from a second networked machine, but the right hand monitor runs alongside the main monitor. I run in fullscreen and simply drag anything I like across to second monitor, 2d panels, GPS, FSX ATC, ProATC, Opus etc. I have no issue whatsoever. In the Windows monitor setup you should have your displays setup to span across two monitors.

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Well, yes, I did span the desktop over both monitors and can go with my mouse all the way over both monitors.

And I can open the 2D cockpit but it has a strange layout. It looks like the VC but much more bloggy and the front window is completly black. If I drag it to the small monitor and use it in full screen-mode I see the panels at the lower half of that monitor and the black front window in the upper half of it. I think it should be possible to have only the panel filling out the whole monitor.

I don't hope that I will have to use a payware for panelbuilding ...

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I don't know how people get the shape of the MIP , I know on other forums 

they say just looking at pics of planes and other peoples set up but its so hard

to know what to do.. I had thought of  just a full cessna one , but now considering something

like Rockliffe's version, or similar to what simsamurai do , dont know.. 


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Hey Rockliffe, when you drag those undocked screens such as GPS, 2D Panel and such to other monitor, do they move left and right when using hat switch to look around cockpit on the main monitor or do they stay locked in place. Didn't know how that worked.

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Hey Rockliffe, when you drag those undocked screens such as GPS, 2D Panel and such to other monitor, do they move left and right when using hat switch to look around cockpit on the main monitor or do they stay locked in place. Didn't know how that worked.


Hey Wolf, Howard, please ;)  Nope, they just sit there as good as gold and remain, even when moving to an external view. tell you what, take a look at this vid and you should see my setup and how the two monitors behave... BTW, pleeeese, ignore my height on approach, I know I was far too low, I was just getting to grips with the Q400 :unsure:;)



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Hi Howard


Thanks, nothing like a down to earth video to show something


Did you try using the second monitor (the one connected to the main FSX computer) as the pilot left window instead of docking stuff on it ?


Sure Dominique, it just doesn't want to play ball! Besides, the monitors need to be similar in size and resolution as I understand things...

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Howard. I love how you have the views setup. Almost like Track IR but not right? That is a great setup. Love how it is all laid out. Very nice. Going to set some of my views up like that tonight. Thanks.


Edit: I just watched your Warthog Controller video showing all your button assignments. I think it is time to retire my Microsoft Sidewinder FF 2...lol.

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Thanks Howard, very interesting set up

I kind  of would like to do similar, is it/could it be possible to set something up

so I can have some controls for a 737 and a 208? 

what I would like maybe is have 2 viewing screens, then up above have one for your displays 

like you have done on the right monitor , and a second screen up top left to run just for plan G, 

wonder what sizes to use?  I'm currently running a 27 inch, and an old 15 inch

crt monitor for all my gauges and stuff... but might have to build mine slightly bigger than yours..


thanks for the video,  

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Thanks Howard, very interesting set up

I kind  of would like to do similar, is it/could it be possible to set something up

so I can have some controls for a 737 and a 208? 

what I would like maybe is have 2 viewing screens, then up above have one for your displays 

like you have done on the right monitor , and a second screen up top left to run just for plan G, 

wonder what sizes to use?  I'm currently running a 27 inch, and an old 15 inch

crt monitor for all my gauges and stuff... but might have to build mine slightly bigger than yours..


thanks for the video,  


Most things are possible in FSX (well not always) it's just a way of discovering the best method. As for several displays, there are many different avenues to explore, it really depends on what you want to end up with and how much of a compromise you want to pay. The one thing to remember is that as you increase the amount of pixels that are being driven by a single machine, then that will impact on your performance, but I guess I'm teaching my grandmother how to suck eggs. :smile: From strictly a personal opinion, you say you want to run two monitors for your main display, but for me that would irritate the hell out of me! I mean, you'll end up with the screen bevels right in front of you wouldn't you? Like you, I have thought about having a third display above my main display, and that would be used as an overhead with the NGX. I have to say, I have been extremely happy with my setup and especially the main Dell display which is a 30" and runs at 2560x1600 res, simply awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

Just thought I'd share a few pictures of my finished Cessna Flight Simulator:

It has taken me over a year to build, I finally got the 42" Sharp Aquos LCD TV installed, sealed in place and all the hardware mapped out to FSX through FSUIPC.

After many hours of testing, all the controls work awesome, the surround sound is perfect and the live streaming ATC through "Live ATC.net" via the "Live ATC Chatter" software is unreal!.

30 FPS Glassy Smooth!

The finished product, outside shot:


View from the front showing how I installed the 42" Sharp Aquos LCD TV:



Couple of views from inside:



View outside the nose showing the access to the computer and all the wiring coming through the firewall:


View inside the nose showing the USB HUB & Power Bar for the yoke, rudder pedals and other control hardware.


Here's some of the build shots I took along the way:

I still need to mount and frame in the 42" Sharp Aquos LCD TV.

All the switches are USB and functional except the "ELT", has a LED light that lights up when turned to the "on" position, it's not hooked up to a transmitter, so I don't need to worry about having a Cormorant CH-149 helicopter or a DHC-5 Buffalo circling my house!.

The Cessna Yoke, Pedals, Throttle Quadrant and Trim Wheel are from Saitek.

There's a five speaker surround sound system installed and the seats are fully adjustable for us short people.








Master Switch

ELT & Flap Switch

Fuel Selector Switch

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Thanks guys,


Sure been having fun with it flying around the BC Coast..


Sure love the Orbx Stewart and Bella Coola Scenery with Pacific Fjords/Tongrass and PNW...


It's sure been a learning curve getting everything to work together...hardware/software/Tweaks


Here's a view sitting on the runway getting ready to take off in Stewart BC:




Here's one of my favorite shots:



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