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fs global ultimate and ftx global

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My understading is the same as Howards, and I hope  I am right because I have ordered the mesh for Europe and Africa and it is on its way to me ^-^  can not wait to see its effect on Pyrenees and Alps

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I have it , I uninstalled it , I re-installed it .


The problem is FSGlobal is correct  in mesh elevation ( so they tell us and no reason to disbelieve ) and location in regards to the real planet . ...but fsx is not . It has incorrect land locations - coastal edges etc . So as FSGlobal mesh hits a shore line it could be a hundred feet up creating a cliff , which doesn't exist in reality , It creates the cliff because the land has run out - it should be there .


So you get these visual errors . Whats needed is for fsx landmass to be redrawn correctly .


Second  - a lot of runway elevations are incorrect too but they have given you a tool to use to fix that


I'm still figuring it out . I have some problems like submerged  addons , I cant see the scenery objects and my corrected runway is ok but the rest is underground .


I bought  " AS_APPROACHING-INNSBRUCK_FSX_2 " ..and so far its unworkable in the sense that - the photoreal mountain / ground elevations are popping up and down and don't settle


Its stuff like this that bought me to the conclusion to uninstall it , I spent about $150 for two out of three of them . Felt a bit saddened about that . but ..................


After reflecting about it and knowing that Orbx stuff seems to work fine and most coast is ok ,. I decided to reinstall it because its just great .To see those hills and mountain skylines with a few more ups and downs , a better resolution , is just great but it does come at a cost .


The other thing too is , because of the size , loading up fsx takes longer . Its a bit like the old REX .


I'm still a bit in two minds about it . Maybe it's a little before its time and I would really like some comments or preferably some screenshots about FSGobal 2010 . 

 If I could have a trail run of 2010 I would . If it was similar I would get that instead but I just don't know.


This is a great addon . When your in the right country and right weather its real ...but is it worth the pain ?

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Sure, I stopped using third part mesh also. I installed NextMap for Spain, and uninstalled it almost immediately. Alicante airport had a 200' cliff running around it's perimeter, and there were cliffs around all the rivers. For me anyway I wouldn't give 3rd party mesh house room, unless of course it's being used very careful in areas where these such problems won't be created. I know some people sacrifice these anomolies for the benefit of more realistic terrain, but for me, it's too big a sacrifice.

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Thanks all for coming back on fs global ultimate I have had that on fsx before and am aware of  the cliff affect  at airports  EGGD Bristol  ends up being  on a cliff  and did not look right  .

They give you a disc for aerodrome flattening  mesh done this to Bristol  airport but still did no look right .

I think myself that 2011 pilots that make the discs should of done something  with in the disc to correct  this .

When I installed  last on fsx it took 4 hrs. to install and I will not put back on at the moment  on  FTXG  .

I  have the 3 areas  of fs global  but I will stick with ultimate terrain Europe  and true landscapes France regards Stewart.    

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I'm doing yet another re-install atm , sigh, and I have installed that $20 FSGenesis  World mesh I bought . Maybe not as high def as FSGlobal but I went to Capetown to test it out previously . There it made a noticeable difference over default and in other areas too . I don't remember any problems but I' going to find out soon enough I guess.


FSGlobal would be fantastic if the product or fsx landmass gets worked on . I cant do it but I can hope somebody or Pilots get going on it .


I would go back to FSGlobal if I had scenery /mesh skills , which I don't , but even so I still feel drawn to it because I had a few of those "magic moments " in the sim . Maybe I'll give it another bash another day and be more forgiving about the downside.

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I'm doing yet another re-install atm , sigh, and I have installed that $20 FSGenesis  World mesh I bought . Maybe not as high def as FSGlobal but I went to Capetown to test it out previously . There it made a noticeable difference over default and in other areas too . I don't remember any problems but I' going to find out soon enough I guess.


FSGlobal would be fantastic if the product or fsx landmass gets worked on . I cant do it but I can hope somebody or Pilots get going on it .


I would go back to FSGlobal if I had scenery /mesh skills , which I don't , but even so I still feel drawn to it because I had a few of those "magic moments " in the sim . Maybe I'll give it another bash another day and be more forgiving about the downside.


Haven't you heard about the Aerodrome Flattening Meshes tool they developed at FSGlobal? To my understanding it ships with each copy of the Europe Mesh and allows you to add a miniature mesh to each and every airport you desire. I use it

It's not an automated install, you have to specify by ICAO which airport you want to correct. Whenever I find an airport on a plateau I fire up the program and the problem is solved.

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Ah, OK. I have heard about this tool, but have not read any conclusive replies that suggest it's any good. So does this tool come as standard with FS Global and if so does it work with all airports? Does anyone know what other mesh products also include this tool? I think I may do some further research...

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Doesn't always work .

I'm busy right now but if I can find some screenshots I'll post . FSGlobal is uninstalled currently and maybe stay that way for some time ,or forever ?



This is not an airport , how do you fix this ? ....





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In my software library over the years I have had installed FSGlobals 2008, 2010, and all 3 Ultimates. It's accuracy is it's Achilles heel. The AFM tool does work and is not to difficult to use for the 24,000 airports it provides micro-mesh for. But that's still 24,000 airports, not all may need it, but that's still 24,000! There is also the AFX tool for really re-fiddling airports (runways, taxiways, parking ramps, buildings, etc.. The lakes and ponds on top of volcanic craters (like shown in the screenshot above) can be mitigated with the provided "FSG_No_Flatten.exe" tool. Coastline issues bothered me also and I'm not sure anything can be done about that (short of something along the line of what FTX region packs do).


FSGlobal 2010 might be a good compromise not quite as accurate, less visual issues than the Ultimates, and the tools to apply a possible fix for the areas you fly the most.


FSGlobals manuals explain art length why all these issues exist (underlying FSX default land mapping).


I currently have FSGenesis ("pre-Next Map") coverage for all of the globe on my 2700 box and it is pretty good. Perfect? No, I've been flying the coastline of Norway from Bergen to the border with Finland, the farther northern airports and some surrounding terrain along the way display some of the same issues as FSGlobal to a greater or lesser degree. I run into some of the same issues only not as often, and it's very dependent on where I fly (less issues in the US, Canada, and Europe than elsewhere. Biggest downside: You have to go through a manual install to get it to place individual entries in the scenery library so you can engage/disengage depending on where you fly, FSGlobal places entries in the library automatically.


Other Differences:

Size taken up on HDD for covering globe: FSGlobal 2008 @ 13GB, 2010 @ 25GB, all 3 Ultimates @ 105 GB

                                                                   FSGenesis: if memory serves, about 40GB (guesstimate)

Price : FSGlobal 2008: $57 (in 2007), 2010 $58 (in 2010), 3 Ultimates $111(in 2012/13) 


           FSGenesis: Got complete global package on sale $60 to $70 (years ago).


As I wrestle with what mesh, if any, for the 4770 box, for me the question is: fiddle or fly? There is no clear winner.

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I used to have FS Global Ultimate Europe/Africa installed, but ended up uninstalling due to many of the same issues described above. I fly mainly in the US atm with FTXG, UTX, FS Genesis mesh and landclass. And of course the full Orbx regions. This works wonders for me until Norway South comes along. :)

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Ive just finished sorting out a reply for Wolter before reading the prior two posts . I'll post mine anyway ......




Sorry for the delay Wolter , I have popped in from time to time but no time to respond properly. I'm cramming this in whilst getting ready to go away for a couple of weeks.

I have finished my reinstall and can't find that problem but not saying its not there now , but it looks promising . There are problems though with water / rivers such as ...

btw ,I believe your running FSGobal 2008 . I'm running the Ultimate series.


River at LOWI - Innsbruk



Azerbaijan, easy to find ,along the edge of the Black sea ( I tghink its called that ! )




Iceland , Nordfjordur - BINF






...and so it goes on , but after all that I will persevere with this to see how I can shape it up. Some learning to be done . This is going to take a while

Amazing , whilst messing around with this post and the sim I think I found the original problem,,

gbt- Bata ,Equatorial Guinea



We need to draw the correct land mass . Who's up for that ?


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Ah, OK. I have heard about this tool, but have not read any conclusive replies that suggest it's any good. So does this tool come as standard with FS Global and if so does it work with all airports? Does anyone know what other mesh products also include this tool? I think I may do some further research...


Both questions: Yes,



the Swede in Spain

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BATA is shown in the FS Global Ultimate manual as an example of how things can be wrong - they even then show you how to fix it using the included AFX demo, and I'm sure this method also works with ADE.

Bit unfair to bash the product without having read the manual, I reckon.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope ftxg vector will fix the elevation problem with  pilots fs global ultimate if so I will use all 3 dvds that I have Europe Africa , the Americas , Asia Oceania . 

It is a shame having all 3 areas and not being able to use because of the  elevation problem with some airports putting them on a cliff . 

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I hope ftxg vector will fix the elevation problem with  pilots fs global ultimate if so I will use all 3 dvds that I have Europe Africa , the Americas , Asia Oceania . 

It is a shame having all 3 areas and not being able to use because of the  elevation problem with some airports putting them on a cliff . 



Why would a vector product fix an airport elevation issue?  If you are hoping for that then Im afraid you you will pretty disappointed.  To fix the elevation issues with airports post installation of FS Global Ultimate you will need to use the AFM too, bundled on the DVD with FS Global Ultimate, its in the manual and even mentioned a few times in this thread too.

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Why would a vector product fix an airport elevation issue? If you are hoping for that then Im afraid you you will pretty disappointed. To fix the elevation issues with airports post installation of FS Global Ultimate you will need to use the AFM too, bundled on the DVD with FS Global Ultimate, its in the manual and even mentioned a few times in this thread too.

Actually Matt, I thought exactly the same until I asked some questions within the FTFG Vector release thread. It's my understanding now that FTXG Vector will actually include corrections up to 24,000 airport elevations ready for use with a good quality mess such as FSGlobal or FS Genesis. If this actually transpires into reality, it will be yet another amazing win for Orbx... This is what JV has to say...

We are correcting the elevation of all 24,000 FSX airports. What that means is if you use a good quality mesh you will have no issues at. The FS Global 2008/2010/2012 all fall into this category and so does FSGenesis.

I hope this is clear now?

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That is good news I cant wait until the release of  ftxg vector to correct  the problems with fs global when installing  onto fsx and getting elevation problems at   some airports . 

As for the Aerodrome flattening mesh afm I have tried on several airports just putting  in the airport Code  tried  on Bristol  airport  EGGD  but it  did not look right  but it was better than having  the airport on a cliff . 

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If JV is true to his word, this will definitely be huge. I am like others when it comes to mesh products. It's always a no win situation. Plus forking over $100+ dollars over so you can manually edit airport elevations, regardless of AFM tool or not, was never my cup of tea.

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BATA is shown in the FS Global Ultimate manual as an example of how things can be wrong - they even then show you how to fix it using the included AFX demo, and I'm sure this method also works with ADE.

Bit unfair to bash the product without having read the manual, I reckon.



 Back from travels .

I did read the manual Jack . I may ,as usual have to read it three times ! ..does it tell you how to fix problems away from airfields ? . How about unlisted fields - I have a problem there .


However ,the mesh is reinstalled and its staying there . The landscape I see is worth the few anomalies I get . I seem to be turning a blind eye to things I don't want to see - the rest is awesome . Having some great scenic flights.

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Actually Matt, I thought exactly the same until I asked some questions within the FTFG Vector release thread. It's my understanding now that FTXG Vector will actually include corrections up to 24,000 airport elevations ready for use with a good quality mess such as FSGlobal or FS Genesis. If this actually transpires into reality, it will be yet another amazing win for Orbx... This is what JV has to say...

We are correcting the elevation of all 24,000 FSX airports. What that means is if you use a good quality mesh you will have no issues at. The FS Global 2008/2010/2012 all fall into this category and so does FSGenesis.

I hope this is clear now?

The question though (and it has been asked in a couple posts), but yet to be answered is - What happens to these airport elevations if you stick with default mesh? From JV's statement, it sounds like there will be issues using Vector with default fsx mesh.

Hopefully this can be clarified.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

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 Back from travels .

I did read the manual Jack . I may ,as usual have to read it three times ! ..does it tell you how to fix problems away from airfields ? . How about unlisted fields - I have a problem there .


However ,the mesh is reinstalled and its staying there . The landscape I see is worth the few anomalies I get . I seem to be turning a blind eye to things I don't want to see - the rest is awesome . Having some great scenic flights.


Hi Alan!

Great to have You back!

.. indeed:

Things are not - and may never be - perfect with the Pilot's mesh (or any other 3rd party mesh), due to the way how FSX is designed - but all is certainly and noticeably improving as You have also pointed out - and now, with ORBX and Pilot's working together at some future developments, i am 200% sure that most issues will be ironed out - again:

Maybe it will never be perfect, but almost perfect! 8)

Cheers, Christoph


The question though (and it has been asked in a couple posts), but yet to be answered is - What happens to these airport elevations if you stick with default mesh? From JV's statement, it sounds like there will be issues using Vector with default fsx mesh.

Hopefully this can be clarified.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4



Nothing will happen because vector data does not change elevetion data (especially not those from airports)!

If however a 3rd party mesh gets involved, changes will appear.


If one of Pilot's mesh products for instance is being used together with ORBXVector in the future though then all these (or at least almost all of these) elevation issues will be adressed in a dedicated installer!

Cheers, Christoph


No sweat, see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/64909-global-vector-will-need-mesh-discussion/?p=593235


Installation of corrected elevations will be optional.



Installation of corrected elevations will be optional.

Cheers, Christoph

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