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FTX Global - What is it all about?

Rob Newman

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Hello everyone.


I have buyt and instaled FTX Global and I really want to know something before I install Patch 1.1 and ORBXLIBS.

I have instaled ORBX FTXGlobal V100 and I want to know the order to instal for ORBX LIBS and FTX Global V1.1 (Patch) ? The second questione is about ORBXLIBS, do I have to install all LIBS that exists or its enough to instal the last one ORBXLIBS 13.10.27 ?




Best Regards


Marius L.


Always install Orbxlibs as very last and always only install the very last version of the Orbxlibs. So if you have FTXG V100 (sure you don't have V110?), install it, install patch 1.10 and then install Orbxlibs (it could well be that the Orbxlibs is already in 100 or 110 but it won't hurt to install it anyway).

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Always install Orbxlibs as very last and always only install the very last version of the Orbxlibs. So if you have FTXG V100 (sure you don't have V110?), install it, install patch 1.10 and then install Orbxlibs (it could well be that the Orbxlibs is already in 100 or 110 but it won't hurt to install it anyway).


Roger J van E


Like I said right now I have installed just FTXGlobal V100 so I will install Patch ( I mean V110) and then ORBXLIBS 13.11.27, am I correct?


Thanks for answering so quik.


One question I want to ask: I have just installed FSX, FTXGlobal, REX and I don't have Mesh or Lanclass becouse I will buy it from FTX when it comes out FTX Vector and FTX OpenLC. It is oki to start to install my scenery addons before OPENLC and VECTOR came out or should I wait to install them after I will install OpenLC and Vector?


Thanks again and Best Regards


Marius L.

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You should be able to install your scenery addons now. Most of us have all of those added now and will only be required to install Vector and Open LC when they are released without having to uninstall them beforehand. 


Thanks  --paddler--


Best Regards


Marius L

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am using P3d V2.  I just purchased, downloaded and installed FTX Global 1.10.  Maybe it is just me but I really do not see a lot of difference from the default P3D V2 and FTXG.   Flying over the mountains of Colorado (which I am extremely familiar with) do not seem to be a lot different.  Am I missing something or possibly expecting too much?

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I am using P3d V2.  I just purchased, downloaded and installed FTX Global 1.10.  Maybe it is just me but I really do not see a lot of difference from the default P3D V2 and FTXG.   Flying over the mountains of Colorado (which I am extremely familiar with) do not seem to be a lot different.  Am I missing something or possibly expecting too much?


I'm wondering the same thing...however I am only now getting the whole big picture here with the "mesh" addon's and the "vector" addon's, etc, etc...


So would adding the FSGlobal mesh addon make everything look more realistic and 3d??  I am guessing so...


Also..what is the difference between FSGLobal Ultimate and FSGlobal 2010??  The former just certain regions wheres the latter is the whole she-band??  Also, FSGlobal 2010 FTX is specifically for FTX GLobal??? ...


..man this is so freakin confusing...and expensive!

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There is a bug in FTX Global V1.1 (have you installed the V1.1 patch yet?) which allows thousands of default P3D2 textures to show through. Perhaps this is why you get an impression there is no change. We have already started a pinned topic in the P3D2 discussion forum about the upcoming V1.2 patch that will resolve this:



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Thanks for the heads up and the link John, I did not know about the upcoming patch.  I will follow that thread.


"There is a bug in FTX Global V1.1 (have you installed the V1.1 patch yet?)".  I just purchased and downloaded FTG a couple of days ago and the file name was OrbxFTXGlobal110.zip so I apparently do have the correct version.  Looking forward to the patch.  Any prognosis on when it will be available?


Thanks again.



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After exploring the Iceland Demo, suffice it to say my GEX and UTX days are pretty much done....now just waiting for the Pilots Global 2010 for FTX P3DV2 installer to come out and life is going to get much more fun with Bob lol

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The very latest libs file should always be installed last, after every patch, update, etc. 



NO matter what you are installing, the LIbs file should always be installed last. If there are exceptions, some one will pop in with a correction. Hope this helps



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I am a bit confused.  I keep reading about FTXGlobal Vector and LC.  Are these products available for P3DV2  yet?  Should I wait for the FTXGlobal 1.2 patch to come out before purchasing and installing them?  Do they REALLY replace UTX/GEX which I have for FSX but have never installed them in P3D because of the Flight1 EULA restriction?


I need some clarification please.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Carlyle,


good to hear from you.


FTXG isn't my department but I've pointed the developer to your post. It's possible that FTXG uses a texture for the grass landclass (#128) that contains meadows with tree patches. There may have been good reasons for doing so but if it's feasible to change it in a service pack I'm sure Eugene will consider it.


In the meantime you could look for a file named 128b2an1.agn in \Scenery\World\texture; renaming it to .off might be a temporary fix though its effect would be global meaning all locations that use that particular landclass will no longer show autogen.


Cheers, Holger 


Hello Holger,


Thanks. This temporary fix also worked for me. Can you please confirm if this was solved with FTX Global Base patch 1.20 or not?


Thank you again

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John and Andy,


It would be great to get a fuller explanation from Holger and John. But it might be the case the Holger's message to Eugene got through and Eugene made a change for v1.2.


In the FTXG v1.2 install, the "128b2an1.agn" file has a date of 5/2/2008. Have the team reverted to an earlier annotation without trees? Can you confirm?



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John and Andy,


It would be great to get a fuller explanation from Holger and John. But it might be the case the Holger's message to Eugene got through and Eugene made a change for v1.2.


In the FTXG v1.2 install, the "128b2an1.agn" file has a date of 5/2/2008. Have the team reverted to an earlier annotation without trees? Can you confirm?



I went to check and yes, looks like an older version was installed. So maybe those trees are gone. What I will do is fly in those areas again to verify the situation.



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I am a bit confused.  I keep reading about FTXGlobal Vector and LC.  Are these products available for P3DV2  yet?  Should I wait for the FTXGlobal 1.2 patch to come out before purchasing and installing them?  Do they REALLY replace UTX/GEX which I have for FSX but have never installed them in P3D because of the Flight1 EULA restriction?


I need some clarification please.

The question is where do you fly? If you only fly i areas already covered by UTX & GEX then Global isn't going to add anything for you.


Why wait for Global 1.2? Patches patch what you have already & work fine.

Hi Please can you tell me why I would need FTX Global and FTX regions i.e EU Ireland which I have

Do you only fly in FTX EU Ireland? If so you don't.

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Hi Please can you tell me why I would need FTX Global and FTX regions i.e EU Ireland which I have

Full FTX regions are, and always will be, the flagship product providing the best representation of the area it covers... So if you never fly anywhere else than that region, them yes... You might not get much out of FTX Global (or any of the additional layers such as Vector or OpenLC).

If however you're planning on flying across the border into, or out of a full FTX region, or you just want to fly somewhere different, then FTX Global is a worthwhile investment... It blends the existing full regions into surrounding "default" regions almost seamlessly and also upgrades the rest of the FSX world textures to a much higher standard.

Hope that helps...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I read the above post, and it is partially of what I was searching for.  Disclaimer: Total beginner, I have had FSX about a week, and a few of the Orbx demo areas, like Iceland and Pacific Northwest, and was very impressed.


What still remains for my understanding is: Where do these regions fit in to the above FTX scheme, e.g I think Iceland is full FTX, but what about the Pacific Northwest? Once there is full FTX with Global, Vector & Landclass, do you still add regions such as Pacific Northwest? Will there be additional add on regions? Or once you add the full FTX, when available, will region add ons not be necessary?


Again, sorry if this is very basic, I did read the post and others, and still have this question remaining before I take "the plunge."




Sparky Holden

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Read this first page from JV : http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/61436-ftx-global-openlc-worldwide-areas-rollout-plan-details/ . At the bottom of his post

is this :


The thing that openLC does not do is add the accurate roads, rivers, lakes, coastlines, POI buildings, upgraded airports etc. That is the domain of the full-fat FTX regions and to an extent what products like UTX have done for parts of the world.

I wanted to share just what to expect with openLC so there is no misunderstanding or over-hyping of its features.


Hope this help's you .



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concerning the FTX Regions.  They are the crown jewels of ORBX/FTX.  FTX Global are replacement textures worldwide, and VECTOR is the second part of the three part package.  As Brad points out this is the road, rivers, water bodies, coastlines etc. for the world.  Open LC (not yet released will be part three and is world wide land class to enhance Global to its final level.

The various Scenery Regions, PNW, PJF, SAK, AU etc. are much more detailed with, in most cases improved airports, mesh and details.  The regions are what really makes a difference in FSX simming.  You say you have some of the demos which although limited in area are what you can look forward to in the full blown payware but in a much larger area.  FTXGlobal and VECTOR along with the upcoming Open LC acutually enhance the rest of the world not yet covered by ORBX/FTX regions.  The entire system improves your immersion into flight simming and outshines any other scenery available anywhere.

I did not mention the addon airports you can also buy that fit into the regions in which they are located.  They are designed to seamlessly improve an airport with much greater detail and function.  Be aware they are designed to supplement the region airports and need the region to work properly they are not designed to be stand alone.

So to wrap up, Global, Vector plus the upcoming Open LC are world wide improvements.  The scenery regions are smaller areas with exceptional detailed accurate scenery and addon aiports.  The cost can be spread out over time because you can buy as much or as little as you want at the time but be forewarned once you delve into ORBX/FTX world your hooked like all of us!!!

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Any material problems/challenges if I just use Vector with the Microsoft landclass?

Some... Vector calls for some textures that are installed with FTX Global... With just default FSX, those texture calls will show up as nothing...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all

A very simple question: Can I activate/dezactivate FTX Global and if answer is YES please tell me if it is enough to turn ON or OFF by ADDON SCENERY in FSX or Prepar3D?

Best Regards

Marius L.

No, FTXG is not a region because it replaces default texture. You can only uninstall it
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I was doing some VFR flying in Colorado, following one of the highways, and weaving through the mountain passes. Egven though I was trying to concentrate on situational awareness, I could not help but notice the astounding textures and the reality immersion from the Central Rockies pacakge....


this can get to be a rather expensive hobby as we get more sectional addons. But, in those areas where I primarily fly, it is well worth it....



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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,


Need advice. I'm still in doubt. Recently I just purchased FTX Global base pack but not yet installed into FSX. The reason is this. At the moment, I'm enjoying FTX Terrain Regions which I've installed earlier in FSX. I enjoyed FTX terrain regions Australia (the whole packs), the North US & Canada packs, the New Zealand packs as well as recently the England, Ireland, Wales, North Ireland & Scotland as well as with all the updates and recent patches. The reason being why I still get hold with the FTX Global base is because I've been informed that the installation will messed up the FTX terrain textures especially the England (such as the textures get stretch up). Is this issue true? Do you guys experience it as well? If yes..is there ways to resolve the issue? Thank you.

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FTX Gobal will not harm the FTX Regions as Global replaces the default textures of FSX.  You back up the default textures on the first install for safe keeping in case you want to un-install Global.  The FTX Regions use their own custom textures and these combined with the replaced default textures only improve the entire FSX expierience.  Be sure and also install the Global patches v1.1 and v1.2.  After installing Global you will have a Global selection added to FTX Central.  Read the documentation carefully to be sure you understand how to utilize the Global textures sucessfully.

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