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From my first flight with the B200 from PAJN to PAKT


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Hello Everyone!

I recently purchased the latest B200 by Flight1 and i must say that i really enjoy flying with this wonderful plane.

Here are some captures from my first "serious test flight" with it!

Please enjoy,



P.S.: I will soon be away for the entire next week and barely go online, hence i won't really be able to write and replies or comments. But i will certainly do so, when i am "back in town" again :smile:

... and maybe FTX Global will also be out by then ... and even FTX PAJN ...! :) :)

... but for now:

On to the flight:


Taxiing to RW26 at PAJN in the very early morning …



On the runway now. So far looking good, but - i had completely forgotten to turn on the „Cabin Temp Mode“ … first „error“ so to speak. Well - it could be worse - at least the temperatures did not fall below 0°C :wacko:



Take Off - positive rate of climb: Gear Up ...



Testing and trying out climbing via „Level Change“ … and another error: A wrongly entered waypoint in the flightplan. At least this one was noticed while in flight and fixed immediately! The time on the clock appears a bit weird too: It was something like 5:00AM local time. Ironically it was always „on time“ later … not sure why it states 4:03 here ... I'll need to have to look into this again too - back to the manual again :mellow:



… but for now: Let’s just enjoy the flight





Checking some infos about PAKT








On my way to the ILS (Y)-11 approach into PAKT. Although RW29 is in use i really want to give the ILS a try - i mean: I am still on my first „serious test flight“ here 8)





Now I tried to land although i should have known it better, but i needed some prove … and ended up, well …



… TOGA and performing the missed approach. Time to slow down prior to entering the holding here now …



close to Annette Island



... and finally, a litte while later i was landing smoothly at PAKT’s RW 29. Welcome everyone - i hope it was not to cold in the cabin ???





For those of You interested in the Flight1 B200 - just some personal notes about it, so - if interested: Please feel free to continue reading:


There are some - and only(!) - minor(!) issues which need to be ironed out, but judging from the great support over at the dedicated F1 forums, i am most confident that all of  them will be adressed rather sooner than later.

Keeping in mind how thoroughly well and detailed this plane has been modelled it's really worth mentioning i think, that its performance is truely well an dstable. 

Sure - and as with any add on: It very much depends on settings, airport location, weather and all of this

... FPS are never stable, but overall i did not discover any annoying stuttering and whenever i turned on the FPS counter while in flight i was smoothly moving within the mid 20ies.


The G1000 is fantastically modelled and its database can easily be updated, which makes this plane even more interesting for me.

Sure: „Glass-Cockpits“ are not to everyone’s liking and personally i do also really prefer the shape, look and „appearance“ of all these classic steam gauges much, much more … but i also try to see it rather pragmatic:

As "Glass-Cockpits" are common nowadays, i simply want to try them out and fly within them in the sim. And the B200 here really offers some highly detailed avionics!

... and some superb flightmodel and great engines as well!

And so:

As this B200 is also a frequently used plane all over the world, i am sure that it will be one of my prime choices when FTX Global will be available and when undertaking some crosscountry flights ranging from 250-400NM or so then.

Anybody interested in this B200 - i think it's really worth giving it a try!

Cheers, Christoph



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WOW - The VC looks amazing Christoph , thanks for showing off this new bird so well . You should get a commission

from Flight 1 for this great post . Take care my friend and have a safe trip .



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