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Kootenay 2, another source.


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Well after the debacle on Thursday when all my posts disappeared I have decided to try again and put up the second part of my flight down the Kootenay river.

Each segment I will change the aircraft and weather settings so it is not too monotonous, although I kept the clear weather just this time.

I have jumped from Ant's wonderful Eaglet into his equally great Sierra.

If you like light aircraft and you don't have these I can highly recommend them.


Following the Kootenay Highway(93) Mount Daer and it's associated peaks can be seen.


Split Peak.


Aptly named Shark Fin Peak is rear centre with Lockwood Peak to the right of it.


Where we flew in from Radium Hot Springs, Sinclair Canyon and we leave the Kootenay Highway for now.


The Cross River flows out of a spectacular looking valley.


The Palliser River flows in the gorge. The mountains in the background have Regal names, Prince Albert, Prince Edward and King George Mountains just to name a few.


So engrossed looking to port I have forgotten the other side. Here are the Aeneas Peaks.


Ready for a change, the White River flows from the south to join the Kootenay. We shall also turn to the starboard to follow the river as it cuts through the mountains.


The superbly detailed cockpit of the Sierra. An excellent touring aircraft by Ant.


To the left is Mount Glen and on the right is Mount De Smet.


Through the mountain pass the land begins to open out slightly. The well named Shark Tooth Peaks can be seen. Nice imaginative name but a long way from any sharks here.


The light patch by the river bridge is Canal Flats. Colombia Lake can be seen which is the source of the mighty Colombia River which flows for over 2000km before emptying into the Pacific. 55km down this valley is Radium Hot Springs, where the journey began.


Now getting much wider the Kootenay passes Lussier Peaks.


The Skoocumchuck river glints in the late afternoon sunlight. Mount McMillan is in the centre.


At Skoocumchuck the highway crosses the Kootenay. Premier Lake is in the distance, with the Lussier River flowing past it. Centre left are the Diorite Peaks and to the right are the Travois Peaks.

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Brilliant set Martyn.  Luv the watery sun..  :)

Looks like an interesting little plane to fly. Nice scenery here with slightly reduced vis in mist.

Fantastic shots of the 2nd part of your tour. Like the 2nd one with the hazy mountains in the background very much. Great description of the tour. Thanks for posting ::)

Beautiful set of shots Martyn!

Outstanding shots indeed.



Fantastic shots Martyn , great choice of AC for your trip .


Beautiful set of shots Martyn !!



Thank you folks for the comments and interest.
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Nice shots, it's a great area for a flight as the topography of the region is amazing. I picked up Ant's Tencam Sierra a couple months back, one of my major decisions for buying it, like with all aircraft I buy, is the fact that it supports the latest Reality XP Garmin GPS units in the virtual cockpit.

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Nice shots, it's a great area for a flight as the topography of the region is amazing. I picked up Ant's Tencam Sierra a couple months back, one of my major decisions for buying it, like with all aircraft I buy, is the fact that it supports the latest Reality XP Garmin GPS units in the virtual cockpit.

Thanks Jocko for the comment. A super place to fly in, how do they cram all those mou9ntains in?


Ant's aeroplanes are great value and apart from the Trojan are excellent tourers. The Trojan is just something else.

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