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Jay Kae

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I had cleared cache, cookies, history etc. (FireFox) multiple times with no good results but I finally used the Mark Forums as read, cleaned everything once again, then logged out recleaned everything one more time and so far it has been OK.


spoke too soon I guess.  Worked OK yesterday but the unread problem is back again.  In addition when I click the 'bullet' on the left to go to the last read post that feature doesn't seem to work either.  Dumps me either to the first post or later post I have already read.  Good luck Jay problem seems to be trickier than expected.

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No, not at all, I have just logged in as Mallard and Marked All Read and it works as advertised so it is a browser issue somewhere down the line, that is what I now have been able to establish 100% so that is half the battle.


I just need to find the common denominator between the lot of you guys

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No, not at all, I have just logged in as Mallard and Marked ...

Ha! Is that why I had a bout of double-vision earlier on this evening? ;)


At the moment I'm getting a weird mix of "read" parts of the forum, and others bits and pieces that are new or shown as unread... But in the meantime I have looked into those threads a couple of times, and their status is not changed. I guess the "read" bits are from when you logged in as me. And the forum must have remembered that time where you were me. It just doesn't seem to remember me as me...

BTW - I'm currently on Firefox 20.0.1 - could it be a Firefox problem (but then again... IE had the same issues...)





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Wierd for me is that when I log out of the site, clear cache, cookies, reboot etc, the next time I open the site up I am already logged in - it does not ask me to log in again, and everything is again unread??


Will try again from my computer at work in the morning, it runs IE9 I think, so I'll see if there is any dfference there.




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I'll have to dig more in the next couple of days guys, I have a washlist of other features that need to be installed still for the backend so once I am completely done I will hone in on this and see what the fix is gonna be

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Yes, I am aware of it JJ, it is not something that I can help at this stage I need to finish other security type things first, then I can get stuck into this issue a few of you seem to be having

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I had a brainstorm about this one with myself (sad, yes I know but sometimes it is the only type of intelligent feedback I get here at my work lol ) and can you guys try it now please?

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Excellent stuff, it ended up being a fairly simple solution, I 'told' everyone's cookie to 'forget' the local settings of IPB board and recache them on your machines. Sounds simple, is simple but it is like Columbus' Egg :)

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Upon posting a new thread:



SQL Error
An error occured with the SQL server:

mySQL query error: SELECT * FROM ibf_cache_store WHERE cs_key IN ( 'notifications' )

This is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.

Also, this just happened when posting the above.  It goes on for a while:





Testing another reply after clearing cookies a second time - ignore this if it works.



Ok, final reply (which seems to just become an edit) to my post:


Things are still weird even after clearing cookies twice.  I get that messed up text dump sometimes, and sometimes I just get a cycling green bar on top when posting, but if in another tab I go to the forum home, I see that my post completed, just not in the window.


This is on the current version of Chrome on OSX Mountain Lion.



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I am working on it, I am aware of this issue and it is a caching issue between the board and the CDN but I have hardly got any access to a PC today so I will do my best but no promises on timeframe guys sorry :(

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I am getting the following error message after posting images. Images are posting okay but this could be filling your error log or causing you other grief having only started to get it after the site maintenance






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I am getting the following error message after posting images. Images are posting okay but this could be filling your error log or causing you other grief having only started to get it after the site maintenance







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Oh, thank God, finally everything is back to how it was and maintenance is now completed, thank you all for your patience and I apologise for any inconvenience this upgrade might have caused

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@Holy, the forum software needed to be upgraded anyway, that was just a nice side effect to have that fixed 


The forums do not always run the latest version because sometimes certain key modifications and tweaks cannot run on the new version

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Hi Jay,


Sorry if this has been asked but I couldn't find that it had.

Anyway I can't access the forum via Tapatalk anymore, is there something wrong or we just have to wait a little longer for the function to return?

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Hey Flinty, no, Tapatalk has been discontinued as their scripts are too heavy for my liking, slowing the forums down unnecessarily. 


Oh I am shattered, so looks like I'll have to revert to the phone web-browser then...

Thanks for letting me know Jay.

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Hi Jay, unfortunately I ran into another issue. I do no longer get email update notifications for topics I've subscribed to. The last one I got is dating 07 May. I won't exclude the issue is on my end, but don't have any idea what went wrong. I already logged out an in again, which did not help. though.


Kind regards, Michael

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Jay, thanks for noting. This is really strange. When I go into My Settings it states  "You have no saved notifications". However I know I subscribed (e.g.) to this topic and on top of it I get the option to "Unfollow this topic".


Kind Regards, Michael


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Jay, I tried this before (and once again now) with no success. It's still "You have no saved notifications". This is with IE10, however, I tried unsubscrjibing and re-subscribing with FF without success, too


Regards, Michael


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