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The Dream continues..


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Yes Frank my friend keep going mate, ive followed this build from the start and will keep doing so. I must admit some of the things you talk about I know very little about or some times nothing about them but I really enjoy seeing all the hard work you are putting into this project I must say I would not know where to start myself and I know you will finish this and when you do I can imagine the smile on your face mate.



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Wow, I'm not sure how to take that?


If I've disappointed you, Andy, then feel free to give this thread a miss.


I started this project with a finished article in mind, but throughout the last year and a half, it has changed dramatically.


It never started out as a full cockpit with wrap around screen and triple projectors. That was something that evolved as time and money became more abundant for my project.

I want to produce something that fits my needs, nobody else's. To that end, I've decided that a newer MIP will operate better and make the building process easier, so that's my decision.


I've heard a lot of people along the way, say that I was just wasting my time and that I'd never finish it, but they don't know me very well.


So, for those that want to hang in there and respect my choices and perseverance, thanx. I'll try and provide some small amount of entertainment and information.


On another note, I've just completed my circumnavigation of Oz tonight.


It finished off with a beautiful autoland on runway 01, Brisbane at 3.00pm.


My routes were:


Brisbane- Coolangatta: 56 NM

Coolangatta - Sydney:  390 NM

Sydney- Wollongong: 51 NM

Wollongong-Canberra: 93 NM

Canberra- Launceston: 409 NM 

Launceston-Hobart 85 NM

Hobart- Melbourne: 345 NM

Melbourne-Adelaide: 365 NM

Adelaide- Esperance: 997 NM

Esperance- Kalgoorlie: 175 NM

Kalgoorlie- Perth: 320 NM

Perth- Learmonth: 596 NM

Learmonth- Broome: 569 NM

Broome-Darwin: 624 NM 

Darwin-Alice Springs: 718 NM

Alice Springs- Cairns: 837 NM

Cairns- Bundaberg: 625 NM

Bundaberg- Brisbane: 159 NM


Total: 7414 NM


And a lot of hours behind the yoke.



more to come.......







Hello Frank


I got a bit out of hand with my comments yesterday and for that I apologise.


I understand more when you say that your goals have changed over the years and months and that is your right absolutely.


I will drift off into the background now and let you get on with business.


Once again, my apologies for my inconsiderate behaviour.

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If you aren't pulling my leg, Andy, I understand completely. I  try not to take too much to heart nowadays, even tho this project is pretty close to it.

So, no worries, mate. Thanks for being so considerate and apologising.


I must admit, I do feel a little deflated myself, after my decision. I realise that it will slow things down and extend my expected finish date, but every time I think of that, I look at the difference in the MIP's.

That new baby is something else. It's not just about the aesthetics, either. It will be more accessible, in case of a fault behind the MIP, and working with a full aluminium MIP over steel and timber, is certainly going to make things easier. 


I'm still waiting to hear back from FDS on a price and availability, but I'll be having it sent pronto, that's for certain.


In the mean time, I've been busy repairing the sidewalls that I trimmed to fit inside the shell. They are both almost done now. Then I can start fitting the flight illusion gauges to the overhead, as well.


There are plenty of little jobs just waiting to be finished, so I've got plenty of time to do them now.




More to come......





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If you aren't pulling my leg, Andy, I understand completely. I  try not to take too much to heart nowadays, even tho this project is pretty close to it.

So, no worries, mate. Thanks for being so considerate and apologising.


I must admit, I do feel a little deflated myself, after my decision. I realise that it will slow things down and extend my expected finish date, but every time I think of that, I look at the difference in the MIP's.

That new baby is something else. It's not just about the aesthetics, either. It will be more accessible, in case of a fault behind the MIP, and working with a full aluminium MIP over steel and timber, is certainly going to make things easier. 


I'm still waiting to hear back from FDS on a price and availability, but I'll be having it sent pronto, that's for certain.


In the mean time, I've been busy repairing the sidewalls that I trimmed to fit inside the shell. They are both almost done now. Then I can start fitting the flight illusion gauges to the overhead, as well.


There are plenty of little jobs just waiting to be finished, so I've got plenty of time to do them now.




More to come......





Absolutely not pulling your leg. I made a mistake and as I said withdraw the comments.




Andy b

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Andy & Frank,


Glad to see your latest posts both of you. It returns the tone of these forums to what we all appreciate most about it - considerate and constructive dialogue between people with a shared hobby and indeed, passion. Keep contributing both!



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Andy & Frank,


Glad to see your latest posts both of you. It returns the tone of these forums to what we all appreciate most about it - considerate and constructive dialogue between people with a shared hobby and indeed, passion. Keep contributing both!



A big  +1 on that sentiment.


Frank, your journey in building a simulator is a most interesting project for me.  I don't think I can ever accomplish what you are doing, but your effort, tenacity, problem solving, and enthusiasm are inspiring.   I always look for new posts on your thread.   Keep on keeping on Mate!

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Thanx Guys, really nice comments.


So, I have an answer from FDS and I'll be getting the new MIP as soon as they can get one to me. I'm also up for a new cabling harness, which should cut down all of the wiring process for me, or a goodly portion, anyway.

I could be their first customer on that, as well. Those Canadian guys are also making something new and pushing the boundaries, that's for sure.


So, now I've got my work cut out for me. I need to take a few things out of the MIP (clocks, I/O cards, etc.) ready to fit to the new MIP.

I'd say I'll be pretty busy over the coming week.


On another note, I was a little lost, flight wise, last night. After finishing the circumnavigation of Oz, I was ready for my next challenge. With the treatment that New Zealand has had from ORBX over the last few years, what better place to visit.


I did a fully laden flight from Auckland to Wellington. WoW!, I'd nearly forgotten what a beautiful place New Zealand is, to fly. We flew the route down the west coast of the Island for an ILS 16 approach to the "Windy City".

I'll be mapping out a more expansive set of flight plans in the coming days for a few more challenges in the land of the long white cloud.


When I finished, I returned here to read all the goss, and lo and behold, here is an ORBX ad for an upcoming scenery, Auckland....Yahoo!

I knew it was coming, but that will be a wonderful addition to NZ. 


Can't wait!


Ok, that's it for me, gotta run off,



More to come, pics tonight.........






My bad, it's Queenstown, not Auckland. Doesn't matter, it ill still fit nicely, and it's on my GOTTA HAVE list....






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Well, even tho there's not much happening with the sim at the moment, that don't mean I have been idle.


Turns out that Intel have sneakily released the newest iteration of the 2011 monster cpu, the 4960k. That's the baby I've been waiting for to take up residence as the graphics PC for the sim.


I'm ordering the parts now, an ASUS Rampage 4, i7 4960K, 32GB Fast RAM, my PCI-Express 240Gb OCZ SSD, and a GTX780.

That's about as big as they get currently, so I'm hoping it will fit the graphics bill.


I'll be doing a full build and picture shoot for it when I do it, so look forward to that, guys.


I'm still awaiting my quote for the new MIP, so I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof at the moment. Lucky I got lots to keep me occupied while I wait.



More to come.........





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Don't worry, Iain, i'll definitely let you know, mate, that's for sure. 


And speaking of Queenstown the other night, and lo and behold, there it is for sale, today!


You little bottler! I mean the FTX New Zealand Queenstown in NZSI is beautiful, but this looks superb by the look of the screeny's.


I'm downloading as I write this and then I'll be off to try it out. It's like icing on a very big cake.



Back soon......






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I've been busy lately, but not on the sim.

I'm currently changing all of the cupboards in our kitchen. There is a method to my madness, tho.


This gets me many browny points with the Minister of Finance and it is also for me too, as I'm the chef at home, so I get the main benefit, there....hahaha


Anyway, I got home this arvo and my IRS had been delivered.


I got to and opened it up. I was really impressed with the packaging:






And the contents were even more impressive:




Beautifully manufactured. It will fit nicely in my aft overhead unit.




And the I/O card comes with it and all of the software for it to operate:




I also paid for my new FDS MIP, glare shield, CDU bay this morning and it will ship before the end of the week, so I'm hoping it might be here in a week or so.


Then it will be all hands on deck.


I'll be back on the sim early next week, so until then, my friends,




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You got a good eye, Andrew.


It certainly is the Ruscool unit. John seems like a great guy. He emailed me when I bought the unit and offered any assistance in setting it up. I tell you, Andrew, in amongst the sharks, there are some really great people in the sim industry.


I'll be finished the cupboards tomorrow, so I'll get a chance to hook it up, so I promise some pics or maybe a vid. 


Now, I gotta go get some sanding and painting done.


More to come....







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You got a good eye, Andrew.

It certainly is the Ruscool unit. John seems like a great guy. He emailed me when I bought the unit and offered any assistance in setting it up. I tell you, Andrew, in amongst the sharks, there are some really great people in the sim industry.

I'll be finished the cupboards tomorrow, so I'll get a chance to hook it up, so I promise some pics or maybe a vid.

Now, I gotta go get some sanding and painting done.

More to come....


Awesome Frank - I'm really looking forward to the vids/pics mate


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Yeah, sorry guys, I've been attending to other things at the moment.


I'm heading off on holidays soon, so I'm trying to get my MIP sent and delivered to home, before I go.


There won't be much happening while I'm away, so I'll log in when I can, will be back in mid November.


I'll try and get some stuff up here before I go, tho,






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I have to say, I think I've just had one of the most enjoyable flights in FSX.


ProSim have just released their newest iteration, Version 1.31 and in it, the much awaited IOS (Instructor Operating Station).


It is a jewel. I loaded up my Orbx Launceston and set up a previous flight plan, from YMLT to YMML.


I had a different route to normal and came in via the DYTES waypoint.


The IOS worked like a charm and the moving map feature is priceless. I was able to plot my flight progress and when we were vectored to the RNAV34, I had one of the best landings I've ever done, greased it to within an inch of it's life...


So, on the ground, the moving map picked up the parking bays and I followed the bird all the way to the parking bay, behind the follow me truck (via GSX).


All of these advances are so enjoyable and I look forward to a few more before the end of the year......I think we all know what that will be! 


This really has been an enjoyable flight, I'm looking forward to many more with all of my new goodies,





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Frank, I just flew from Brisbane to Perth the other day and was travelling with a disabled companion and because of that we had to wait some time after everyone else had disembarked before we could get off the plane. So I was at the exit waiting and the door to the cockpit was open. I was looking through the door and one of the pilots noticed me and invited me in! Of course, I accepted. I felt very privileged, and had a good chat with one of the pilots. It all looked very familiar, the thing that struck me however was how small the cockpit is, there is very little space to move around. When you see it in the sim, it appears quite spacious, I had wondered how you could fit a 737 shell in the room you have, and now I know.

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You are right, mate, it's tiny.


The biggest problem is getting your legs in the seat, that's why they have the handles and the j-rails to help.


Mind you, when you're sitting in the seat, it's pretty comfy. And the nice thing is, everything, including the overheads are within reaching distance.


The other thing that blew my mind was the travel of the yokes. From full forward to full back is approximately 20 degrees. The yoke at neutral is about 10 degrees forward, so a further 10 degrees is full forward and 10 degrees back is full back.

You also then have the trim, as well.


On another note, my projectors are on their way and should be here very soon, maybe next week....yahoo!


Pity I won't be here to set them up.





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While I sit and wait for parts, I am happy to say that I have a range of nice software toys to play with.


Now John and the boys have released Canberra Cityscape...Yahoo!

Anything Ozzie and I'm in!


Downloading now and will be doing a few flights, maybe touch and go's for the night, at YSCB.


Brilliant work from the boys, once more,






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Well, I gotta say, I'm stunned.


I cannot fathom how they do it, but Canberra cityscape has raised the bar again.


I just had several flights throughout the region and it's just amazing.


They have managed to maintain the look of the dense city atmosphere and yet, make it silky smooth to fly in, quite an achievement. I love flying around Oz and now I'll be basing a lot more of my flights through Canberra.


I hope John and the boys finally do Brisbane cityscape.......oooh, that would be nirvana!


Ohh, here's my pic of the shots I've just taken:









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I have to thank you for your example of tirelessly working to make your cockpit the best that you can.  While working on a simple desk to hold my yoke, throttle quadrant and radio stack I realized that the shelf for the yoke and throttle quadrant was several inches to low when I put the components in place.  Without your sterling example I may have just left it that way, however my first thought was "What would Frank do?" So I pulled out the shelf and did it right and in the end was so much happier with the result.  If I had not been following this account of your journey I might have been satisfied with less.


So thank-you for your time in documenting your journey, your integrity for the final product, and all of the enjoyment I have gotten for watching as your project takes shape.



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Well, it's been a little while. I thought I'd be writing this when I got back from holidays, but it's happened today.


My short throw, high def projectors just arrived:










I'm so excited. I'd like to get to and set them up straight away, but my holiday is looming and I'm not about to rush the project now.


They'll be here when I get back in November and then I'll get stuck in.


Can't tell the specs of the projectors, they are modified from original, to FSX specs. All I can say is, Full High Def, 1920 x 1080p and short throw!


I could have bought a good second hand car for what I paid for them, but I don't need one....I do, however need 3 high def projectors....hahaha!



See you guys when I get back from Thailand and Laos,







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