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Welcome to the Alice...

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

Well it's an exciting day for me with the release this evening of the much anticipated Alice Springs scenery. Been awaiting this one with barely held in excitement. Finally! An airport in the heart of the red centre!! Less talky, more screenshotty...

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Heading towards the town from the airport, dawn. Looking down the Todd River over Connellan, stiff northerly blowing. Took one look at the ridge and thought... Yep, ridge soaring weather 8)

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Out with the trusty Alexander Schleicher ASH-25, loaded up with full water. This thing SCREAMS along the ridge here.

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After the first turn at the northern end of the ridge, looking back over the town. Time for a few high speed passes before the sun gets up and the thermals start.

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ZOOOOooooooooom! :P Nothing beats the sound of a sailplane passing at high speed. Especially one with wings this long.

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Stunning terrain on the way back to the airport as the sun starts to get up. The team have outdone themselves with this one, I'm in love.

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Overflying the airport before pattern entry. Time to dump all that ballast.

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Easily one of the nicest looking runways in FSX, pictures don't do it justice at all. Floating down for a touchdown about halfway down the runway, full flap and about to start deploying the brakes.

Thankyou so much to the YBAS team, this is just stunning. Time for some Darwin-Alice Springs aviating!



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Like those "shotty" ;) a lot Derek - i am not home yet... but as soon as i am there i will be downloading and installing - YBAS has been around the ORBX sites for almost 2 years or so i guess and finally it´s here - and it really, really looks fantastic! WOW!

So for now i will once again enjoy Your super great pictures here Derek! - That being said:

Enough "talky" done for now :) and back to the pictures here!

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Thanks so much Derek - I am extremely pleased that you enjoyed the runway. It was a real labour of love and a real love/hate relationship making it, at times I wondered whether to continue it through to completion but the encouragment of the ORBX team made it possible and it is worth it :-)

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