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Possible Solution for G3D.dll crashes


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If you look here over at Avsim at posts #33 and down, this guy might have a solution to stop a g3d.dll error from shutting down fsx by adding some alert messages to the cfg fle, it seems to have solved the issue he had with LOWI and Im wondering if this might at the very least prevent your fsx from shutting down when a d3d.dll error occurs, Im going to test this over the next few days, anyone care to join me?

Link http://forum.avsim.net/topic/336047-g3ddll-ctd-related-to-virtual-memory/page__pid__2068556__st__25#entry2068556

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Well so far this seems to work, I can get a GD3.dll error every time flying in around ksea and kbfi in my MD11, I added the MissingLibraryAlert=1 to the Scenery portion of the fsx cfg and instead of fsx crashing it just quickly notify's you of the error and once you press ok you go along your merry way, fsx does not close down, now I wonder why these objects are not loading in the first place?

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Thanks for the link. We'll investigate immediately. If this workaround works, then it's probably handy to use it to avoid CTDs while we track down possibie missing library objects. The odd thing is, we know about this debug flag and in the past missing lib objects never caused CTDs ... ever. This may point to something changing in either OS or video drivers over the past few months which is now causing missing lib objects to push FSX over the edge.

As I said, an interesting find, and we will investigate.

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Tried it, was on approach into KSEA and got an error message. Hit ok and continued. Then I got it again about 30 secs later but this time it crashed before I could even hit ok.

What are the odds of two missing library error messages??

Also, I don't know if this is relevant to the issue or not but I have noticed that at KSEA and KPDX, there are areas around the runways and taxiways where the ground is sunk in. Some of the ai traffic is even halfway into the ground!

What did I do wrong here?

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These 3 lines have shown me numerous problems with my files today without FSX crashing. At long last I will be able to fault find my setup in an informed way without simply blaming drivers or overclocking as has normally been the case. Some of the faults shown have been ...missing plane textures, missing nav light bmp and missing land textures. I know these will not all cause FSX to crash but it gives me a good insight into what I need to uninstall ( like my Katana) and reinsall afresh.



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These 3 lines have shown me numerous problems with my files today without FSX crashing. At long last I will be able to fault find my setup in an informed way without simply blaming drivers or overclocking as has normally been the case. Some of the faults shown have been ...missing plane textures, missing nav light bmp and missing land textures. I know these will not all cause FSX to crash but it gives me a good insight into what I need to uninstall ( like my Katana) and reinsall afresh.



Do you have all three lines enabled?

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Having all three lines enabled generates texture warnings, too

And I get many, many of them so I think this is "normal" ...

MissingLibraryAlert=1 is the only one you really need for this ....

I'm glad to see the first positive responses!

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Quite a revolutionary find this one and interesting to give this a go tonight... I always have crashes as I fly out from KORS and past Friday Island on the way to Cushman.

Interesting to see that John V will be looking at this one too.

Thanks for the find :)

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TexXxan91 Hi I have all 3 lines on at the moment. It will be interesting with the texture files because even they do not cause FSX to crash it will show you if you have problems on a plane for example.

Guenseli Thanks for the info about only needing the 1 line but I think I will stick to the 3 for now just to see if some of the problems can be fixed. I will be working on the Katana tommorrow. An interesting one is that one of my Carenado planes is calling for a texture file that dosnt exist so I am trying to hunt this down as well.


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TexXxan91 Hi I have all 3 lines on at the moment. It will be interesting with the texture files because even they do not cause FSX to crash it will show you if you have problems on a plane for example.

Guenseli Thanks for the info about only needing the 1 line but I think I will stick to the 3 for now just to see if some of the problems can be fixed. I will be working on the Katana tommorrow. An interesting one is that one of my Carenado planes is calling for a texture file that dosnt exist so I am trying to hunt this down as well.


Ok, thanks but why did I still get a crash even when the error message came up?

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I have had 1 crash where the screen went black and the soundcard started but hitting the ok on the screen allowed FSX to come back and continue. I think this is going to be a big learning curve. Guenseli yes you are right about the countless messages but then again any little thing helps. If I find reasons behind some of the messages I will be happy, especially since I now can finish a lot more of my flights than I ever could.

Ken :-)

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Hi I have to try it too bought ybbn scenery very nice but in two flight two crashes on a aprouch and one on the ground after landing fortunately after pirepe sent . I run fsx in dx10 . Hope that will help . This error only happens in this airport Cheers for sharing

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So the problem was is that OrbX messed up and were calling library objects that didn't exist in the first place? Not drivers, over-clocking, too many tweaks or "FS being pushed too far" etc. like Support kept saying?

Definitely going to try this. FSX has been very stable for me, but long flights with fast airplanes like the Turbine Duke over OrbX scenery seem to push it over the edge sometimes.

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"were calling library objects that didn't exist in the first place?"

I think they exist, it is just that FSX has a very agressive way of trying to load stuff and throws away the towel it is doesnt have the time before the next frame needs to be displayed. This is fine for textures (it just creates bluries that eventually corrects), even for scenery objects and/or autogen (the building just "pop" in your face - or more exactly just below the placne - rather than nicely at the horizon), but obviously this wont do if it is a piece of code that need to be executed (animations and AI comes to mind). Because detailled orbx airport have tons of animations this could be the underlying issue. I am just making assumption there, but the only time I fot one of those G3D.dll error in FSX in a non orbx framework, was on "la reunion full HD" when the animation of the volcano failled to load after a long flight.

This would also explain why the error never happens if you flight around one given airport as all the local animation .dll are then properly loaded.

If this was the issue, one could wonder if there was a way for orbx to twick FSX and force it to preload of those anims for good at the begining of any flight, and then make sure the memory garbage collector doesnt throw them out as, for most of them, they will never be used in a given flight.


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So the problem was is that OrbX messed up and were calling library objects that didn't exist in the first place? Not drivers, over-clocking, too many tweaks or "FS being pushed too far" etc. like Support kept saying?

Definitely going to try this. FSX has been very stable for me, but long flights with fast airplanes like the Turbine Duke over OrbX scenery seem to push it over the edge sometimes.

I wouldnt be too harsh on Orbx & blame them directly for this. I think they were all stumped as well as the rest of us with g3ddll Crashes

But as John V said, a good find and something they will now investigate. From the guys that really do care about their products and their customers FSX experience, I have faith in them in that.

Exciting and interesting times are ahead :)

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So the problem was is that OrbX messed up and were calling library objects that didn't exist in the first place? Not drivers, over-clocking, too many tweaks or "FS being pushed too far" etc. like Support kept saying?

Maybe you missed that the person who posted his findings was talking about Austria, not Australia (Austria - no Kangaroos). It's a global FSX problem which we are trying to fix.

You were warned once by John V. because your offensive tone - consider my post the second one.

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Yep, I also want to make clear here:

I have had problems with Aerosofts Innsbruck, there was a 100% g3d.dll crash after DME RTT.

Now, with this LibAlert I can avoid FSX to crash!

These are just facts.

I do NOT say, that Aerosofts LOWI is guilty in any way!!!

And secondly I wanted you - as many other poeple (mainly in ORBX sceneries) with G3D.dll crashes" to test this, if my findings are suitable for you, too.

Some reported that it works, but:

- that does NOT mean, that ORBX or Aerosoft or whoever have made errors in developing!!!

- and that does not mean, that you never ever get now a G3D.dll crash.

Conclusions of this finding is not in our hands ...

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Yes its not just an Orbx problem, now that I have this enabled Im getting these warnings in other locations aswell, I have been testing with my scenery maxed out trying to get a crash, so far so good.

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So you have to be at your pc and catch the error as it happens?..

Sometimes, once at cruise and a walk around the cabin (apartment to grab a beer, give the woman some mile high treatment) a crash could develop then!

Would be great if it can OK it automatically

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I wished this fixed mine. Now, I just get the message and it STILL crashes...

My scenery is not maxed out and I'm not using HD textures.

Reading your other posts regarding sunken AI and taxiways that you have something seriously wrong with your install, maby post your issues and a couple screenshots in the support forum.

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I used that command all through my testing, while there is a missing library object i dont have any reason to think its the cause of the crash even though it is possible. I still think its a stress related crash but what is causing the crash i don't know, if we did then im sure the team here would make a change or two and release a special update for those who have the issue.

I read more than what i care to read about g3d.dll crashes across multiple forums concerning multiple flight sim addons but the reason it could be working for you is when the sim pauses at the aerosoft airport to display that error it could finish loading the scenery.

I can create and cure the g3d.dll all the time on my pc and with a little tweaking i can cause other crashes which are not related to anything other than the tweaking ive done, well should not of done :)

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Please everyone ... This is NOT a holy grail fix. As Wolter said, if you install a brand new, fresh copy of FSX and Acceleration and then set this flag, you'll get errors all over the world.

I find it offensive that JimmiG yet again uses this thread as an opportunity to demonstrate his lack of tact and his rudeness by implicating we deliberately call non-existent library objects.

We are building a "dummy library" that contains the objects FSX is looking for in PNW and have almost eliminated all errors - however - and this is important - this does not guarantee that CTDs will be eliminated.

I still maintain that the cause of most crashes are that people are over stressing their PCs. I received one email from a customer who stopped using extreme nVidia inspector AA and other setting, reverted to nVidia default and used the FSX AA, and as if by magic all his CTDs disappeared.

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Please everyone ... This is NOT a holy grail fix. As Wolter said, if you install a brand new, fresh copy of FSX and Acceleration and then set this flag, you'll get errors all over the world.

I find it offensive that JimmiG yet again uses this thread as an opportunity to demonstrate his lack of tact and his rudeness by implicating we deliberately call non-existent library objects.

We are building a "dummy library" that contains the objects FSX is looking for in PNW and have almost eliminated all errors - however - and this is important - this does not guarantee that CTDs will be eliminated.

I still maintain that the cause of most crashes are that people are over stressing their PCs. I received one email from a customer who stopped using extreme nVidia inspector AA and other setting, reverted to nVidia default and used the FSX AA, and as if by magic all his CTDs disappeared.

You are absolutely right stop pushing FSX to what it cant deliver.

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Well get this. I did another flight from PDX-SEA this time without the fps limiter and like magic, it did not crash. I still got some library error messages including a somewhat annoying one when I was on short final lol but that was it.

Still don't know why the ground around and under the runways is sunk down about 10 feet. The runways at PDX are literally floating above the ground lol.

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Still don't know why the ground around and under the runways is sunk down about 10 feet.

I would really classify these as separate issues, and post this problem under the payware support topic. As JV stated, they are investigating and this is not by any means, as of right now, considered to be a "fix-all" for any of this. Just throwing my 2 cents in...
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Still don't know why the ground around and under the runways is sunk down about 10 feet. The runways at PDX are literally floating above the ground lol.

That is definitely a separate issue = post a new thread in the Support section.

It is likely that some other add-on (mesh or otherwise) is interfering, or PNW is not patched.

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Guys you also need to be aware that this line was for developers to test their scenery. Personally i have used it since day dot and ensure i test before i release my airports.

How it works is when a model comes into view and it cannot be found the flag will come up, if you turn away then back the flag will come up for the same object. Its not that there are many missing objects its most likely the same one as before.

I will also point out even default FSX has missing objects and textures. Traditionally FSX was smart enough to dump the missing object, and missing textures would make the model invisible.

This might have some connection to CTDs but its is something that was not a problem before. Just to let you all in on a secret. The FTX_AU series had about thirty models missing from our object library used as Autogen because i made a mistake building the library, this was fixes ages ago. The point is that there were no CTDs being reported when they were missing.

So lets not get to carried away.

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Hi look I totally agry fsx is not perfect at all but I have purchased ybbn nice texture really impressed ,but i have this issue with g3d.dll 3 time approuch with pmdg 747 only 1 success and today c 130 departure to north to Hamilton I crash 69 nm from ybbn so applly the line to my cfg when loading flight came lots of missing object .. press ok after take off got couple of warnings and when I reach 69 nm from ybbn no warning straight crash . I hope this could be fix somehow. I am not sure if that could be between transition ftx to ozx or deafault but it is an issue . however yestarday from Ymml to YBBN landed engines off and after two minutes looking around airport from different outside angles happened again.

Something is telling me that magic line in cfg will only prolong this error. cheers Petr

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