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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Jay Kae

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Well, 12 days to go until Christmas and I actually have 10 minutes to sit down and write this to you all.

First of all to all our wonderful customers and supporters, thank you for being there with us this year. What a year it is has been with all the releases, some downs but mostly ups. I personally would like to thank you all for making my job very easy here, mostly that is ;) I love reading all the posts and looking at all the screenshots and enjoying the humour from all four corners of this wonderful, magnificent world .

Second of all, a personal thank you to my dear friend John for bringing so much joy to everyone inclusive of myself. FSX is nothing without your product, you have turned a bland and boring simulator into an alive and vivid world where I just cannot stop wanting to explore around that next corner.

Third of all but certainly not last, the developers here at Orbx, from young to old, you are an amazing group of people and I count myself very lucky to be amongst you. I know nothing at all about scenery design or anything about the thing you guys are so incredibly talented at... making a simulator come alive. You have seen your ups and your downs but never have things gone completely haywire because you function as a team and I commend you all for that. Thank you for being a part of Team Orbx.

Well.. I am just rambling on aren't I ?

My Christmas wish would be for you all to be and stay safe over the holiday period. Make sure you spend it with the ones you love. Spare a thought though for those who have nothing other then themselves. War, hate, oppression, genocide, all those things know nothing about Christmas and continue on a daily basis to ruin the dream which mankind is destined to achieve. Unity and being able to accept eachother for who and what they are, to give that other person another chance because they can change. Forgive your fellow man for the wrong they have done to you and make peace with them because life is just too darn short.

I am not a religious man at all but as my grandfather once said:' You do not have to be a man of clergy nor do you have to be a God loving man to love your fellow man'

So .. in his honour...

I love you all ... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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Your message of wishes is very touching.

I'd like to thank you ORBX team because through you and  this forum I have discovered the Aussie people.

Well, not millions of them but enough to make me appreciate your way of thinking, your friendship, your brotherhood.

You are a bit like us Israelis, they call us Sabras, ("prickly pears" I think in English), rough externaly and sweet inside like the cactus fruit :--)

ORBX is a business and you could just produce nice addons for FS and provide support for them but thanks to guys like you Jay ORBX is also a place where it's cool coming and meet people, sharing, learning and having fun, always in a very civilized way, always with respect and pleasure.

So we also love you guys, you are a bunch of kind folks, you produce wonderful products with innovative technologies, you are generous with all the free addons you give us and you provide the best support one can dream about.

For all that, thank you.

Wishing you guys from all over the world a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.


(Please can someone help me get rid of this %*µ¤0@&   bug on my screen. It drives me nuts !!!  :o )

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Hi Jay

A nice message. Well said.

Since discovering Orbx earlier this year and then joining this forum, I have enjoyed my time on here and have learned alot with help from others. It's a great community this forum, all sharing the same interest in our own ways. Great products from Orbx, Payware and Freebies. Really makes FSX so much more.

So a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your Family and to everyone else out there around the world who all meet on here.

Thank you for your time and effort.

Safe festive season everyone.

Si :)

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Merry Christmas to you all, may your skies be clear and your glass full!

Although that said flying with a glass of alcohol is not recommended - you might spill it for one thing.  ;D

Hmmm, now there's an idea who is up for a huge multiplayer flight over the holiday period with the intent of having had a few too many drinks before hand or during?  8)

Many thanks to John and the Orbx team, what you have achieved so far has been amazing and you continuously seem to find ways to further enhance the FSX experience. From those at the top, the developers and the beta testers thank you for all the hard work you have put in over the past year, I think it's fair to say as end users we cannot truely appreciate the grief you must go through at times to reach your goals, all I can can is that you seemed to have reached those goals and then some. I would never have thought FSX would have become such a big hobby to me and this has largely been due to Orbx scenery, REX, great quality aircraft and other FSX enhancing add-ons.  :)

Jay Kae, a big thank you for all your hard work behind the scenes with your oil can keeping things running so smoothy. I think it's fair to say you play a very big role in ensuring Orbx customers are able to get support when needed by keeping the forums fault free and in the background making sure there's fuel in the tank to get those downloads to us when we all try get the same file at the same time. Now get back it you slacker you've had your 10 minutes!  ;D;)

To the rest of the community here, thanks for just being there with your useful posts, support, screen-shots, videos, online flying and general banter, this hobby could be a very stuffy and stale experience without such a diverse group of people. So whatever your skin colour, beliefs, background, job (or not), sex, sexuality, age, social standing, height, weight, length, location, mental stability (yes I'm refering to you Patrick!), please do have a great Christmas where ever you are and whatever you are doing.  :)

Be good or Santa won't be coming to you, or if you can't be good don't get caught (yes I am refering to you again Patrick).  :P:o8):D;):);D


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My Christmas wish would be for you all to be and stay safe over the holiday period. Make sure you spend it with the ones you love. Spare a thought though for those who have nothing other then themselves. War, hate, oppression, genocide, all those things know nothing about Christmas and continue on a daily basis to ruin the dream which mankind is destined to achieve. Unity and being able to accept eachother for who and what they are, to give that other person another chance because they can change. Forgive your fellow man for the wrong they have done to you and make peace with them because life is just too darn short.

Amen to that: having had the wonderful event of bringing another life into the world this year, it forces the often-worrying state of this globe into sharp focus… however, we are blessed, at least most of us who frequent this board have relatively few worries compared to some of the tragic life’s some people are forced to live.  This sound very depressing and morbid, but it doesn’t hurt to spare a thought [or something more] for someone less fortunate at this time of year.

On a lighter note  :) congratulation to Orbx for a fantastic year… it maybe a cliché, but ‘going from strength to strength’ is certainly true hear.  I may not be able to afford each release myself  -I get what I can - but I really do enjoy looking at, and reading about these remarkable sceneries from this warm-hearted community, long may they continue.

To all the Orbx staff [and helpers], retailers and you forumites, please have a magical, peaceful Christmas and may the New Year bring all you hope for.

And as he started it, a special thanks to Jay for keeping the wheels of this board and FSS running like a well oiled machine… sterling work!.


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Happy Jesus' Birthday!

Merry Christmas Jay and the Orbx team; you people have put a lot of smiles on our faces, and we don't even have to wait 'till Christmas to get our Orbx goodies!

And to all you flight simmers out there have a happy, blessed and awesome Christmas and New Year!  8)

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Hello Everyone,

Very nice to see the Holiday messages . It reminded me that I had wanted to send a "Bravo Zulu" for some time now, and this spurs me on.

As an avid outdoors enthusiast, especially wilderness canoe tripping, flying low and slow VFR in bush aircraft is what I like to do. The most remarkable scenery of the FTX offerings, PNW, PFJ and NRM make my simming a delight! Thank you, all of the ORBX Team. It is no surprise to me that you feel that you have had a good year, we have all had a great year (and countless more to come) as a result of your wonderful efforts.

As an dweller in the Ottawa, Canada area this also then leads me to say that I hope that someday soon you will lend your talents to rendering like offerings of the Ontario and Quebec provinces. These are areas with a diversity of urban, rural and vast stretches of rugged wilderness ripe for VFR enthusiast. A solid mixture of large international airports such as Toronto and Montreal as well as an almost unlimited smaller strips.

Again, many thanks!

For all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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Awww, thank you Jay for such kind and inspirational well wishes!

Couldnt make you more right with your closing statement....life is too short, we are not immortal and one day we will be gone, so make the most of the life we have and cherish every moment....

Love to you all :)

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To everyone on this forum and to all those associated who have made our aircraft simming that much better, I wish you a safe, happy and Merry Christmas and also have a happy 2011.

I'm sure great things will continue to happen in all respects.

All the best,


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Hi Jay, hi rest of the world  ;D,

thanks for those words and wishes. I wish you and the whole community a

merry christmas. Thanks for the hard work in 2010 and I hope, that you will

have hard work too in 2011  ;D ;D, because we are all addicted to ORBX.

I wish you all out there in the world, a peaceful time and a few silent moments to

recognize what is realy important in live; the people next to you; your family, your

friends, workmates, neighbors...

Mankind has a dream: peace, justice for all people etc.

but we all have it in our hands. Go for it, get it!  Do personaly something for it; let it become

true; it begins in you own family.

Merry Christmas for all, Uwe

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I think,it can´t be better said(or written),Jay.

Thanks to the ORBX Team for this wonderful year of so great releases.

What would our hobby be without your exiting sceneries and airports.

I really don`t know,how it was before.

I wish everyone a merry christmas and a great new year!


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Jay, I couldn't begin to say it as well as you did, but to you, the entire Orbx Team, and all the people on this forum, many I consider better than friends....Have a Merry Christmas and/or Happy whatever holiday you celebrate, and a safe and Happy New Year!

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Thanks Jay and let me just add that the folks on this forum have got me through some stuff .

by just always being there in the forum so to speak.... I may live alone but with all of you all I am never lonely

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all the wonderful folks I have had the pleasure of interacting with on this forum and also the ones I haven't  I somtimes think that this forum is where all the good people in the world are hiding LOL :)

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Merry Christmas Jay and everyone on this forum. It's such a great place to visit and share our little passion with.

Hope the holidays are great and the new year a great new beginning for each of us.


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