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GB South for X-plane 12 doesn't look right

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I thought my install was fine when i loaded at EGLL but when I pan over to the London area with the tall buildings, the scenery is missing. Seems like the scenery layer is not correct but don't see the problem. Can someone spot the issue

GB South1.png


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Posted (edited)

I have recently installed TE GB Sth in my XP12 flightsim and without any other addon for the UK active is my London overview as follow:




Apart from a right configuration of the scenery sequence in your scenery-packs.ini file, I looks like only London-landmarks are visible in your screenshot.

Are you shure not to have interferring addons in your scenery-list?


I am curious for the outcome at your side, thank you.

Edited by ikbenik
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On 5/25/2024 at 2:23 PM, ikbenik said:

I have recently installed TE GB Sth in my XP12 flightsim and without any other addon for the UK active is my London overview as follow:




Apart from a right configuration of the scenery sequence in your scenery-packs.ini file, I looks like only London-landmarks are visible in your screenshot.

Are you shure not to have interferring addons in your scenery-list?


I am curious for the outcome at your side, thank you.

Yes, this is what it should like and I haven't figured it out yet. I know I have a lot of entries but I will remove something to solve this today.

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5 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

Did you try the scenery-packs.ini I sent you?

ALL True Earth addons must be placed directly below Global airports.

I tried but still doesn't work. I also put it at the top of the scenery order and removed the files and reinstalled about three times. The C drive is where I have X-plane 12 and the GB South is on my D drive. The C drive is has about 20gb space left but that wouldn't make any difference, right?

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When I load my scenery at EGLC airport the scenery looks correct and when I pan over to EGLL it doesn't look correct so the disk space on C matters even thought the files are on a different drive it looks like. This is the opposite from what i was doing before. Can someone confirm this so that i know if I have to get a bigger dive?

GB pic2.jpeg

GB pic1.jpg

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Hello sammy, this is the drive space guide by those in the know, I hope it helps you :)


As the main disk, by default C drive is mainly used to install operating system, store system files, programs and temporary files, etc. The amount of space you should leave empty varies depending on the capacity of the drive and the type of drive you use.

Here are few thumb rules to keep free space on your Windows PC:

  • 10 to 20% of space should be kept empty for the smooth functioning of the operating system it will be enough for virtual and temporary files.
  • In case you have an SSD, keep at least 25% of the SSD empty to ensure stable and smooth performance.

So what are the benefits of free space;

  • It Speeds up your Computer.
  • Boot time increases
  • No startup problems
  • The computer doesn’t freeze or hang.
  • Optimize overall performance.

If your hard disk is full, and you will notice your computer slowing down. There are delays and in program functioning and operations. Things will take a longer time to open up and many unwanted errors will start to show up. Tips to keep free space in your hard drive

  • Organize and delete unwanted files & documents
  • Empty your recycle bin frequently
  • User Cloud Storage or Onedrive
  • Delete Download files
  • Clean Temporary Files
  • Use Cloud Storage
  • Keep Backups
  • Run Cleanup tools
  • Clear Internet history
  • Clear Chase files
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Hi. Firstly, try updating EGLC, as that's just had a fix for TE South. Then it looks like the GB South Custom layer is showing, but the Overlay isn't.


What Heathrow do you have? Sometimes payware airports have their own layers going on, which can affect things.


Like Jon said, try putting Global airports on top, then the GB South beneath that.


See what you get. Then start introducing payware airports, and look out for any conflicts.

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