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Where I found my forum name

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The airport looks a bit deserted when no commercial airliner and GSX are present and active.


But we can see the signs, antenna, dustbins etc. are placed absolutely correct.



When you leave downtown Launceston to the northwest and stop under the bridge you see this famous building.


Looks more famous in reality.



And just a few meters further you´ll cross Kings Bridge, the entry/exit of Cataract Gorge.



Walking just about 15 minutes you´d come to first basin, with Alexandra Suspension bridge in the background.





Slightly more upstream is Sentinel Lookout.





Enough of walking, let´s drive westwards. North of Westbury you (I) will find the Extractas facility. Probably the only forum member who knew this factory has passed away, rest in peace Terry!



More famous would be Trowunna Wildlife park in Mole Creek.


Lovely critters being protected there.



Mt. Roland.





The road lead me further across Cethana Bridge, but there was no good point to stop for a picture. You can imagine how green and difficult to travel the island was 200 years ago.



A good place to stay: Cradle Mountain Wilderness Lodge. 





To be continued, if I find Orbx-sold scenery or aircraft for the tour. I know, there are too many touristic pictures here. But that is the key for me to buy scenery/airports: Preparing or repeating real life travels. Luckily enough for the providers I give them enough places to create 🙂 !

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great story to know Gerold...so we know about at present about your forum mysterious name 🙂  lovely screenshot of Mt Roland ... and very happy to see Cradle Mountain Wilderness Lodge where I slept about 26 years ago (1998) during a long trail ! we get snow and landscapes were splendid !

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2 hours ago, jean marc said:

great story to know Gerold...so we know about at present about your forum mysterious name 🙂  lovely screenshot of Mt Roland ... and very happy to see Cradle Mountain Wilderness Lodge where I slept about 26 years ago (1998) during a long trail ! we get snow and landscapes were splendid !

How time flies, Jean Marc. And I am sure you have great memories of thr Cradle area. I have been there 22 years ago as well, and I can tell you lots of touristic infrastructure has been built up there in the meantime, which changes the impression a bit. Until you walk into the wilderness...


8 minutes ago, adambar said:

Who knew, nice story and pictures Gerald! 

You´re welcome, Adam!

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I love the shots Gerold as you know. The suspension bridge washed

away in the 1929 floods, just to give you an idea how high the water was.

My Grandfather helped in the building of the current one back in 1934 

which still stands.

All the best.



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23 hours ago, wain71 said:

what a fantastic post Gerold, nice insight into the area and some great screenshots and pictures to...

Thank you Wayne. I love to share both!


13 hours ago, gumbypickett said:

I love the shots Gerold as you know. The suspension bridge washed away in the 1929 floods, just to give you an idea how high the water was. My Grandfather helped in the building of the current one back in 1934 which still stands.

All the best.



What a great insight, Gumby. You can be sure I have pictures of myself crossing the bridge in 2024 (so-called "selfies") and in 2002 (so-called "photos"). The bridge did not age much during that time.


6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

First off my apologies to you Gerold this is a informative post indeed. 



No worries, Iain. Good that we can sort it all out!


2 hours ago, boetie said:

Thanks Gerold, I enjoyed your interesting post.


Graeme :)

Thanks for your feedback, Graeme. Call me travel-ambassador. Not just of the Milford Sound area, you may ask me on Tassie as well...

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