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Study Aircraft ?

John Heaton

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48 years ago - I got my PPL in a Cherokee 140 and finished my flying days with a few endorsements for various aircraft - Inc. Twin engine

Seneca - Baron and the indomitable  - Twin Comanchee - not a glass cockpit in site - steam all the way through.

We flew with a raft of "Steam" gauges increasing in number as the aircraft got complicated - and we flew in all the conditions we meet today

only now they are simulated - and we seek to find one of our old aircrafts to fly in the sim - as we did back then - so are they what we now call

"Study Aircraft" and we fly them by instruments and Autopilots as  we used to do

Recently - developers have started to provide what some call study aircraft - viz. PDMG and Fenix - but they are are glass cockpits and tubes

but now we are seeing more GA aircraft -  replacing the default Asobo with their glass cockpits - Viz the C310 - C414 - HA 420 - JF's Arrows - and

their Analog mods to other Asobo birds - which have the old bold pilots like me - reliving their old days.


I never flew a King Air - (not to many around in the 70/80s) - but now I will get the opportunity with this beauty and relearn it all again all for the use of 

a modern invention - the Flight Sim and a plastic credit card


You can find out the rest - yourselves - because we are not allowed to pass further information on developer's websites etc ;)


Edited by John Heaton
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great post John, I prefer the older style in GA, I am not a fan of the modern glass cockpits for the smaller aircraft.....it must be great for someone that has flown in the RW to be able to do just the same procedures etc in the cockpit but within the sim...

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52 minutes ago, wain71 said:

great post John, I prefer the older style in GA, I am not a fan of the modern glass cockpits for the smaller aircraft.....it must be great for someone that has flown in the RW to be able to do just the same procedures etc in the cockpit but within the sim...

It would be - if the old brain worked as fast as it did 40 years ago when flying IFR  - and trying to do 3 things at Once on a short final:o

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