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MSFS: Autoland KBUR v2

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Discovered that the PMDG 737-700 can Autoland & tested it at EPKK with success, where it landed on its own before I took over the roll out.

Tried at KBUR v2 after departing Rwy 33 & looping around to the North & West before heading back East to ILS/Autoland on Rwy 08.

Whereas EPKK had a 10 kia wind straight down the runway, KBUR had a 14 kia crosswind, & that was my undoing.

The 737 captured the glide path ok & I had both AP's on & it was holding 140 kia right to the edge of the runway when a gust caught it & tipped it right before I could cancel the AP.

However, its worth another shot & I would think a dawn or dusk approach into KBUR v2, (which is looking pretty good),  would be quite spectacular with all the surrounding suburb's lighting.




Just departed KBUR v2 Rwy 33 & headed North.



Swinging to the North West over the Simi Mountains near Burbank.



On the way in to Rwy 08 in Autoland mode. The glide path was captured about 8 miles out & the 737 flew down it very smoothly.


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11 hours ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

Nice! How'd it make out?   

Rolled right at runway threshold in wind gust, BUT, I subsequently discovered there is a setting in the MCDU/Aircraft set up that can tell it to hold the center line, & I didn't have that on.

Will try again with the 'Centered' setting.


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