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3 hours ago, John Mac said:

Very wintry and stunning shot!


Thank you John. :)


3 hours ago, jean marc said:

well done Adam ! very atmospheric ;)

Thank you much Jean Marc. :)


2 hours ago, mikee said:

Super One :)

Thank you Mikee. :)


2 hours ago, BradB said:

Batten down the hatches , looks like some nasty weather ahead my boy . :wacko::o:ph34r:

Kinda the norm for this years weather. :rolleyes:

Thank you John. :)


2 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand shot indeed.



Thank you Iain. :)

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45 minutes ago, adambar said:

Thank you John. :)


Thank you much Jean Marc. :)


Thank you Mikee. :)


Kinda the norm for this years weather. :rolleyes:

Thank you John. :)


Thank you Iain. :)

Yep , we’re having a real winter this year here in the PNW ; 3 feet plus on the level and still two months left too go . 

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