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Norfolk Island Airport YSNF


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Since New Zeeland is on sale I bought it and decided to fly over there in the S360.  Unfortunately, its over 1300 miles from Brisbane to Auckland, too far for the Shed.  Fortunately, Norfolk Island is only 789 miles east of Brisbane where we started this flight so we are going to stop and refuel at the Norfolk Island airport before continuing on.     

Here we are on approach to YSNF with a bit inelegant shot of the S360.  The runway is just to the right of the right engine.



I made a fairly decent approach.  As you can see I remembered to lower the landing gear.



And here we are at YSNF.  I had about another hour of fuel so the total effective range of the S360, due to the changes I made to the config file, is about 900 miles at about 180 knots indicated.   The flight took less than four hours.  We had a pretty good tail wind.  Actually, not a bad looking airplane.


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Some good shots of your little voyage there! I just recently attempted a flight from Brisbane to New Zealand in the TBM-930. I didn't end ideally....I ran out of fuel in sight of the coast, but I was able to glide her into a landing on a little airport right on the coast (can't remember the name). It was actually some good practice for an engine out scenario (or an out of fuel one...lol). Lessons learned :) 



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