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Brisbane Landmarks

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G'day folks this is a quick question regarding Brisbane Landmarks. Given the extensive effort that went into making it, I was wondering if all of the helipads at PA Hospital, Royal women's and children hospital, Mater Hospital, Children's Hospital, sofitel city etc are supposed to have landable helipads? The helipads are there, however you just go straight through them. If these are not landable is there anyway  you could make them landable.


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  • 2 months later...

I also would like to see this, as there are two very good helicopters already available for MSFS, and another in the works. It would be nice to see those helipads landable, and maybe in the future it can be expanded for more helipads, e.g. for the TV stations at Mt Coot-tha?

Edited by Dan809
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  • 1 month later...

Dear Orbx Team, thank you for taking my support Questions seriously. Posted on the 6th May 2021 and here we are now the 25th August 2021 and still nothing, not a single outcome from you guys. Tell me why Should I continue to support you when you can not support your products??? Frustrated with your lack of action  is an understatement.

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Dear Orbx Team, thank you for taking my support Questions seriously regarding helipads being not landable in Brisbane Landscapes package. Posted on the 6th May 2021 and here we are now the 25th August 2021 and still nothing, not a single outcome from you guys. Not one of you have responded and said we are fixing it or no we are not doing it.  Tell me why Should I continue to support you when you can not support your products???  I have $400 worth of products in my shopping cart ready to spend and I know you will check, but I am now going to delete it all as an indication of my Frustrated with your lack of action. Think Myself and this community have been patient enough.

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So when exactly did they promise that helipads would be landable? And should I point out that official support for actual helicopters isn't even a feature in MSFS yet and that Microsoft doesn't plan on adding it until some time in 2022? Yes I am aware of the weird DLC they announced yesterday. Doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of helipads on Earth are not landable.


Here's the product page for Brisbane. Please tell us where it says that it has landable helipads? So you are asking them to fix something that isn't actually broken. That's called a feature request, not a bug. Very few scenery companies do a better job supporting their (reasonable) users than Orbx. I actually can't name one. 


And just for the record, don't expect the alleged $400 of product in your alleged cart to be filled with landable helipads.

Just sayin'


P.S., Spamming this forum over and over like a child is really beneath you. Unless you are a child. Okay, if you are a child then my apologies. Otherwise you acted like a big baby today.

Edited by Seanmo
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2 hours ago, Seanmo said:

So when exactly did they promise that helipads would be landable? And should I point out that official support for actual helicopters isn't even a feature in MSFS yet and that Microsoft doesn't plan on adding it until some time in 2022? Yes I am aware of the weird DLC they announced yesterday. Doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of helipads on Earth are not landable.


Here's the product page for Brisbane. Please tell us where it says that it has landable helipads? So you are asking them to fix something that isn't actually broken. That's called a feature request, not a bug. Very few scenery companies do a better job supporting their (reasonable) users than Orbx. I actually can't name one. 


And just for the record, don't expect the alleged $400 of product in your alleged cart to be filled with landable helipads.

Just sayin'


P.S., Spamming this forum over and over like a child is really beneath you. Unless you are a child. Okay, if you are a child then my apologies. Otherwise you acted like a big baby today.


Orbx has not promised to fix it. But  @Marfarkar is not moaning about this. He is just disappointed that he got nil answer on his request, if the helipads will be made landable or not. He was only waiting for a simple "yes" or a "no". Unfortunately this kind of lack of communication seems to become more and more common with Orbx.


Edited by wolfko
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19 minutes ago, wolfko said:


Orbx has not promised to fix it. But  @Marfarkar is not moaning about this. He is just disappointed that he got nil answer on his request, if the helipads will be made landable or not. He was only waiting for a simple "yes" or a "no". Unfortunately this kind of lack of communication seems to become more and more common with Orbx.



3 hours ago, Seanmo said:

So when exactly did they promise that helipads would be landable? And should I point out that official support for actual helicopters isn't even a feature in MSFS yet and that Microsoft doesn't plan on adding it until some time in 2022? Yes I am aware of the weird DLC they announced yesterday. Doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of helipads on Earth are not landable.


Here's the product page for Brisbane. Please tell us where it says that it has landable helipads? So you are asking them to fix something that isn't actually broken. That's called a feature request, not a bug. Very few scenery companies do a better job supporting their (reasonable) users than Orbx. I actually can't name one. 


And just for the record, don't expect the alleged $400 of product in your alleged cart to be filled with landable helipads.

Just sayin'


P.S., Spamming this forum over and over like a child is really beneath you. Unless you are a child. Okay, if you are a child then my apologies. Otherwise you acted like a big baby today.


Yeah, maybe he overdid it by posting three times, but I understand his frustrations all the same for the same reason Wolfko said -  that Orbx hasn't even bothered to answer his question one way or the other. That's pretty poor customer support. Regardless of whether or not helicopters are "officially supported", there are legitimate working helicopters available in the game, and a simple answer whether they (a) will, (b) won't, or (c) have added it to a list of feature requests is not particularly hard and should have been responded to in a reasonable amount of time.


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thanks for all of the comments and suggestions as to how we should do our jobs.

It has been a simple oversight of one topic, for which I have already apologised

and sought a solution.

For now, I will suspend the topic while we await a reply.


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Hi all,


my apologies for not directly responding to the request for making the helipads landeable.


We'll make an effort to get this done asap, also for the hospital pads we overlooked in Landmarks Adelaide.


I certainly agree that helicopters are a fun and engaging way to explore these cities, we even specifically select buildings (and vessels) to model because they have helipads.


Cheers, Holger

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