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Following footsteps

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My own footsteps: I have been to all these places before. If requested, I could look for some real life shots...
Venice, with no cruiseships. A fascinating city.


Getting lost in the streets is part of the pleasure.


Verona is the next great city on today´s route. Not only the roman Arena (offering outstanding opera experiences), but also the charming city.


Near Bardolino (cheers!) we reach the Lago di Garda and turn north, ...


... where mountains rise on both sides of the lake. To the right is Torri del Benaco, a totally charming village at the hike path on the eastern sea side. And these restaurants...


The northern end of the lake sees the cities of Riva and Torbole, separated by the Monte Brione. An easy hike even in summer.


Entering the alpine area in Bolzano - a great location for an airport, below.


And just a short hop over the Brenner later we see the Eurpoabrücke and Innsbruck city.


Fantastic scenery, in true Orbx style.


With this plane even easy to land here ...


... and a nice place to park.


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On 5/26/2021 at 4:01 PM, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots.



Thank you Iain!


On 5/26/2021 at 4:03 PM, lifejogger said:

Super flight and shots Gerold!!!!!!!!  I envy you in that you have been to all of those cities.  I  am still working at trying to visit all of the cities in Texas.

Okay, Texas has some size... I have only been in Houston, Dallas and Corpus there.

But maybe some overseas travel can be an innovative change for you...


22 hours ago, BradB said:

Stunning set of shots Gerold !! .

Thank you John! It was a pleasure meeting you in the VIP lounge, thanks for the invitation.


20 hours ago, John Mac said:

Fantastic set of shots and look how good those mountains look compared to MSFS.


Thanks John. With this extra-scenery from Orbx I do not see that big a difference to MSFS. Probably it is more a question of how much effort is put into the looks.


19 hours ago, mikee said:

Lovely shots Gerold , well done :)

Thank you Mikee.


13 hours ago, adambar said:

Wonderful set of shots Gerold. :)

Thanks Adam!


11 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

A wonderful series Gerold with some more great scenery.

Now you are back in familiar Orbx territory for me.

Thank you Martyn. I try to mix common and new grounds for you. Let me see what the next flight will be...

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