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TE PNW Scenery Hi and Low Res images around Seattle City.

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I seem to have popping scenery images (lo res. and high res.) around the Seattle Area. Please see image below. The image in the red circles appear first (lo res) then as I fly nearer, the image in the green circle appears (hi res) this happens all around the Seattle scenery area.


I do have the original Orbx NA PNW installed also, it is at a lower scenery layer level than TE PNW.


I only have Orbx add-ons installed around the PNW area and no other 3rd party scenery.


Does anyone have any ideas what would be causing this?


TE PNW.jpg

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I can confirm that, if both PNW and TE US Washington are active,  as one flies over the terrain in Seattle and the Sim loads the the highest LOD the image switches from  the TE Washington ortho scene to the conventional PNW image.  So therfore it is a rolling terrain switch.  I have tested this in P3Dv4 and p3Dv5 .  The same thing happens in both.  I hope this will be an easy fix for Sascha/  It can temporarily be avoided by disabling PNW when using TE Washington in the Seattle Area.



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Thanks for your detailed reply.


I did wonder if it could be a TE PNW / NA PNW issue. I was reluctant to disable NA PNW as I like to fly north towards the Vancouver BC area.


Hopefully a fix can soon be sorted.


Can this be put on the to do list Orbx Team please?

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Ah glad i'm not the only one. Spent a ton of time moving files around, got it working for a little bit but came right back next time i loaded the sim.


What ended up kinda working was disabling PNW then re-enabling. But came right back not long after.

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17 hours ago, Marc BF said:

Shouldn’t the Central software make sure that at least Orbx’ own products are compatible with each other...?


It should but - in all fairness - doesn't deactivate the applicable overlapping files at the moment.

I've just dropped a mail to the respective guys and hope they can fix it soon. After that it will just be a matter of clicking "verify files" in Orbx Central and it'll automatically deactivate all overlapping files while TE WA is active. No need to bother with manual renaming etc. for you guys here.




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Thanks Sascha


I will revert the files I mentioned above back to .bgl


If we only need to verify our files once correction is made that you mention, will it still show as an update in Orbx Central so we know when to verify?




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7 hours ago, paulk said:

Thanks Sascha


I will revert the files I mentioned above back to .bgl


If we only need to verify our files once correction is made that you mention, will it still show as an update in Orbx Central so we know when to verify?




It would be good to know that, so we wait for an update via Central or we have to monitor the forums.

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On 5/24/2020 at 1:17 AM, stiletto2 said:

I can confirm that, if both PNW and TE US Washington are active,  as one flies over the terrain in Seattle and the Sim loads the the highest LOD the image switches from  the TE Washington ortho scene to the conventional PNW image.  So therfore it is a rolling terrain switch.  I have tested this in P3Dv4 and p3Dv5 .  The same thing happens in both.  I hope this will be an easy fix for Sascha/  It can temporarily be avoided by disabling PNW when using TE Washington in the Seattle Area.



Why would you be using both at the same time? Dont they both do the same thing? Its like running LC products when youve loaded a region in.... 

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Hi Ed


Thanks for your quick response. I am away from my PC at the moment, so will verify TE Washington tonight. Purely out of interest, by carrying out verify I’m presuming it disables the orthoimages in NA PNW that are conflicting?



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5 hours ago, Ed Correia said:

Hi all, can you please try a verify files of TE WA and the orthimage files in the region scenery should become disabled.



Just did verify files on TE WA and Seattle looks great ...no more PNW Bleed through.  Thanks!



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