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Emergency landing at Catalina.


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So we'all got ready at KSAN with our passengers. Six  retired Miners and six Loggers all from Alaska of course. Hilda refers to them as the "Dirty Dozen":rolleyes::lol:. Got our clearance to Los Angeles. They boys wanna see "I love Lucy"s :rolleyes:dressing room at Universal Studio (Yeah I know :unsure: and it probably ain't there no mo) and "Chief Ironside" Don't laugh I saw it in the seventies at our tour of "U" studios for real:lol: Any how gotta go now. OOps hey:" T, you all fergot the wheel chocks by golly:angry:". No prob. Cap'n I'll git'm now:unsure:". teCnoGq.jpgHy ho Silver up, up and away we go. The Dirty Dozen are yelling what a beautiful City but way to dam hot:oSoon as I git home (yells one) I brake up the ice with my ax, jump in and sip on Bubba's Moonshine from McCarthy:P:wacko:TjGeQSN.jpgAaEWQqu.jpg"Aw man T-Bone she sure is a beautiful city and well done by orbx" I says to him".Kmo3jfP.jpgXAOkeSK.jpgWow man look at them beaches. A logger yelled Hilda I'd lahk to see y'all in a bikini on one of them beaches:wacko:Hilda giggles and hit him gently in his forehead with a can of beer.iiG4ZsO.jpgSo all was going well until Hilda yelled "Emergency":oI yelled what's wrong? She yells: We ain't got no beers and no cocktail wieners, if that ain't an emergency then I don't know what is:rolleyes:. I said mebby running outta gas? She says naw you've done that before and fixed it by landing someplace you weren't allowed to land.:unsure:She's right;). Hey T git on the blower to Catalina and declare our emergency. T-Bone says: "You want me to tell'm were outta beers and wieners?" Hilda says no just declare an emergency OK T?" Giving him the stink eye:angry:. Good ole T says: "got it Hilda". "Howdy Catalina this is Mule Team Freight Inc" requests clearance for an emergency landing. "This is Catalina Tower what is your emergency?" Hilda takes the mike and says"ChcRrrrrr"(supposed to be static background).T-Bone repeats: "Request for emergency landing". Catalina:" What aircraft are you?" T-Bone;" We're a very pretty C 47". Catalina's reply: "Say what? Did you say you're pretty?" T-Bone, "er, well sort of but we need emergency clearance". Reply from Catalina: "Runway is 3000' " cleared to land runway 22". T-Bone" got it. Our bird could stop at a heck of a lot less runway"B)kSXT319.jpg  Almost thereVI0bmPL.jpgOK here we are. That bus picking up our old timers looks like it's even older than our plane. Wonderful.  sMZj6ia.jpgThanks for coming along. It ain't our intention to hurt any ones feelings. However, remember the Mule Team has no feelings. Right now we're being grilled in the office by a very hostile and nasty lady  airport office manager (Didn't help when I deliberately turned our plane around and got her with the prop wash) going through FAA manuals looking for emergency declarations and yelling at me: Where does it state any where that running out of wieners and beer is an emergency? Well stay tuned if y'all want and see what happens. Cheers and bye for now. Don't complain about our service: We have none.:D Last shot is of the Catalina airport manager in our prop wash:DyFuXWpU.jpg

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Well done Karl and the team for putting a smile on my face again.

Don't those FAA people know an emergency when they see one.

I don't know about prop wash but it looks like that FAA "lady" stood too close to the rear end of one of the mules that had a big feed of green Lucerne hay.:-

Tell her not to worry as the freckles will wash off.:o

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9 hours ago, adambar said:

Those pictures ALMOST makes me want to fly with yinz guys. :D  Great pics and story Karl. :lol:

Thanks Adam. Y'all welcome to ride in first class even though we ain't got first class. Y'all ride in T-Bone's seat:D. Merry Christmas.

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9 hours ago, BradB said:

Best Christmas gift I will get this year will be a post from you Mr Karl , thanks for putting a smile on my face my friend . Merry Christmas to all of you at Mule Team air .......:):)





Thank you so much John.:DAnd a very Merry Christmas to you and yours. 

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8 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Well done Karl and the team for putting a smile on my face again.

Don't those FAA people know an emergency when they see one.

I don't know about prop wash but it looks like that FAA "lady" stood too close to the rear end of one of the mules that had a big feed of green Lucerne hay.:-

Tell her not to worry as the freckles will wash off.:o

Thank you Martyn. Yep them FAA people ain't got no idea about "real" emergencies. That "rear end'er" wouldn't pass the smell test:wacko: Merry Christmas. 

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