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My first short flight above TE North California


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14 hours ago, BradB said:

Top class shots Dario .


Thank you so much, Brad! :) 


14 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Excellent shots, every thing looks so good.


Thank you very much, @lifejogger! :) 


14 hours ago, Luquinhas said:



Thank you so much, Luquinhas! :) 


10 hours ago, adambar said:

Impressive shots Dario! :)


Thank you very much, Adam! :) 


13 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Cracking shots these Dario.




Thank you so much, Iain! :) 


8 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Amazing scenery Dario.  Unless Orbx is secretly working with MSFS2020 I don't see how these can be beat.


Thank you very much, Jack! :) I agree with you Jack, do we really need something better than this??? It is an amazing scenery indeed. 


4 hours ago, mikee said:

Super Shots Dario :)


Thank you so much, Mike! :) 


2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

With these impressive images I hope your next flight will be longer.


Thank you very much, @VH-KDK! :) I hope I will have some free time soon to continue this exploration. 


13 hours ago, gumbypickett said:

Very impressive shots Dario.:)




Thank you so much! :) 


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