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New CPU problems still exist

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I have had a new CPU  installed - Intel S1151 Core i5 9600k 3.7GHZ 6 core  and still have "black" problems. It's much better than it was,  but still not right. Can I please have some assistance with this. I was lead to believe that a faster CPU would fix my problems. In heavy density area's like the  Gold Coast, the CPU runs at 96%.

All help appreciated.





















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Not sure what assistance you are after.  The golden rule of flight sim scenery is to reduce sliders to a point where you are happy with the scenery on your computer.


Check the User Guides for graphics recommendations and tweak them to your own satisfaction.

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15 hours ago, John Dow said:

Not sure what assistance you are after.  The golden rule of flight sim scenery is to reduce sliders to a point where you are happy with the scenery on your computer.


Check the User Guides for graphics recommendations and tweak them to your own satisfaction.


Thanks John, I want to get rid of the black spots

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in your first shot, the "black" texture has night lighting in it, so it is a night texture showing during the day.

In your second and third shots, the black is too far away to be sure but it looks more like black water, as does your fourth shot.

If so, that is more likely to be the Vector or region frozen water in winter setting.


Black that is the result of textures not yet loaded invariably become textured after a delay, whereas the others do not.

P3D v4 itself does have an irritating habit of not loading textures as quickly as one might like, especially at airports and

on buildings in the distance.

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Thanks Nick, appreciate the input.


n your first shot, the "black" texture has night lighting in it, so it is a night texture showing during the day

Not sure I understand what you mean by this. How can I fix it?

In your second and third shots, the black is too far away to be sure but it looks more like black water, as does your fourth shot.

f so, that is more likely to be the Vector or region frozen water in winter setting.

The season was Spring, so no frozen water, and Vector ?

The slow loading textures I have and still am experiencing, although nowhere nearly as much as I used to since upgrading my CPU. That I can live with if its a P3D problem.

John Dow mentioned adjusting  the sliders, but I haven't been able to find them in P3D can you help?











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Hello again.

Picture one is a night texture.

Try reinstalling or Verifying files for whichever products you have active at that location.

The Vector frozen water only causes the anomaly when it is not winter, so please disable it to at least rule it out.

Sliders will have no effect on either of these two problems.

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Is it AUv2? If yes, please check that only AUv2-folders are active. All AU-folders which are not ending with a v2-syntax are from an older version and not compatible anymore. If yes please delete them. Like Nick said before verify files is always a good idea in such cases. 

Regarding to your opening post: 96% CPU-load is not a bad thing. A CPU has its full power until 100%. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kai, been absent for a few days so just catching up. Maybe you can help me. You mention AU folders ending with a v2 syntax and to delete them, had a look but I can't find them. Nick mentions  "night texture" what the heck is that! I can't find where to delete anything in ORBX.


 The Vector frozen water only causes the anomaly when it is not winter, so please disable it to at least rule it out.

I found the "vector" folder in ORBX but there is no reference to which folder or frozen water.

Thanks if you can help



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Hello Don.


1. do you even have Australia v2?

If you do, then you do not need any of the files or scenery library entries for AU Australia.


2. Please run Verify files for any Orbx products that you might have installed that cover

the areas where you are seeing night textures during the day.


3. The Vector control panel that can be accessed in FTX and in Orbx Central is where you

need to look for the "Frozen water in winter" tick box.

When you find it, remove the tick and click on Apply at the lower right of the control panel window.


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Hi Nick,

Thanks for your help. 1. Yes I do have AUv2 installed. If there is a chance AUv1 could be causing conflict, please tell me how to remove it, I've looked but can't find any "delete".


2. Today I installed the latest Central 4 and verified EVERY ORBX product file. The night textures are the worst in Canberra and it verified all files okay. I flew from Canberra airport and the scenery is still the same with night textures. I was hoping the upgrade that came with the new Central 4 would fix it.


3. Done


 Amongst the Central upgrade files to be verified and didn't work, were : YLIL, YSTW, YWOL,YMMB. should these be  deleted and reinstalled, if so how. I can't see anyway to delete these files.





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14 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:


Hi Don


Yes Aus V1, Tasmania Demo, and Holgermesh need to be uninstalled to use Aus V2.


Hi Doug,

Don't have either Tasmania demo,  Holgermesh only for PNG. Had a look for "delete" of AUv1 but couldn't see anyway to do this, can you help please. I never had any of the problems I have now, before until I  installed AUv2.



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I had this same problem some time ago.

So I went ahead and uninstalled  everything orbx except base.

It went away (at least on my rig)

I then started to reinstall it all one at a time (testing one at a time)

No problem until I reinstalled Vector and it reappeared.

So I uninstalled Vector again and continued on.

No problems. Did not reinstall Vector...

To date.....no problems.

This is a( "for what it is worth") post....Not claiming a solution.


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Thanks everyone for chipping in with advice, the main problem was with Holgermesh and I  wasn't aware that I should delete AUv1. I though with the box ticked in the Vector it was all good. Deleted both now, and a huge difference. Almost where I want it.



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