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Oregon - Crater Lake / Summer Lake


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12 hours ago, BradB said:

Amazing set of shots Sir !! .






Thank you very much, John! :) 


10 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Got the Crater Lake shots okay, Dario, but didn't recognize the second body of water. Mind clarifying where those shots took place? Thanks--and nicely done, by the way.


It is the Summer Lake. Regards!



10 hours ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

One of my favorite spots in Oregon to fly over, and it shows so well.  Thanks for the shots.  Well done!


Thank you very much, John! :) 


10 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Oh my gosh Dario, these are stunning.  Any advice on how to get to Crater Lake?  It’s beautiful!


Thank you very much, Jack! :) You can take off from 2S7 and head Northwest. 


Let me tell you something I am really enjoying, and that allows me to discover many areas inside these amazing TE sceneries. It is the Google Maps integration, which does not require any installation, only 2 small settings in XP11 that allow it to send data to the web regarding your GPS position and transponder. Then you can enjoy the beauty of seeing your plane location on-line real-time in Google Maps, either in satellite, terrain, roads mode, even with airports and navaids if you desire. And it is free! Follow this link: https://airspaces.app/



4 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Cracking set of shots Dario.




Thank you very much, Iain! :) 


4 hours ago, adambar said:

Awe-inspiring captures Dario! :)


Thank you very much, Adam! :) 


1 hour ago, wain71 said:

great shots, the scenery is fantastic...

Thank you very much! :) 


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