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The lovely detailed surroundings of Kern Valley


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In the product description, ORBX informs that this scenery includes " over 250 sq km of 80 cm crisp imagery" . 


This, together with P3D level of realism, adding the amazing AS+ASCA, A2A aircraft and PTA, is a bush flyer' s dream. 


In my opinion, with this scenery ORBX created one of the most perfect areas to fly, ever. But let the pictures speak for themselves...






































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1 hour ago, lifejogger said:

I have to agree with you, Kern Valley is a great place to fly and you shots show good it looks.


Thank you very much! It is really super nice to fly there. :) 


1 hour ago, boetie said:

You're as happy as the proverbial pig in mud Dario. Great shots!


Graeme :)


Thank you you very much, Graeme! That’s a perfect definition of my happiness flying there! :) 


58 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Cracking shots Dario.




Thank you very much, Iain! :) I really appreciate your comment! 

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3 hours ago, teecee said:

Great shots, great scenery..I do not think that i  have ever flown there..must give it a shot..Terry.


I think you will like it, the ground textures are amazingly detailed! Thank you very much for the comment and have a nice weekend! 

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On 8/10/2019 at 9:38 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

You're right Dario, it is, I'm in this area in my little sim world all the time!


It's really amazing, Jack! 60 cm/pixel! Even the new TE areas have 1m/pixel (HD) or 2m/pixel (SD). And I think it makes quite a difference, there's a wow factor going on here. :) 


16 hours ago, Chunk said:

Fantastic shots Dario, and you've got a gem of an aircraft to see the area with.


Thanks for the comments, Chunk! Yes, this V-tail, though not easy to handle (I read it is similar in real life) is quite a jewel. I love it. 


12 hours ago, wain71 said:

great shots, seeing so much dteail in the sims lately...


Thank you very much, Wain! The level of detail they reached is something unthinkable 10 or 20 years ago. 


11 hours ago, carlosqr said:

Great shots indeed




Thank you very much, Carlos! :) 


7 hours ago, RetiredFE said:

Have to agree with you.  I'm using FSX:SE and it isn't even close.  Would love to make the crossover but would need a new system and the cost is more than I can take.


It really makes quite a difference. Maybe adding XP11 (if you already didn't do it) to your PC would be a better choice now. P3D requires quite an investment to look really good. Regards!



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