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Duxford 4th June

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the weather wasn't very kind but a unique experience for someone

who has never seen more than one C 47 in the same place and never

a DC 3 or a Lisunov Li 2


Here are a few snaps, apologies, I am no photographer.
























and one of the inspiration that led to the DC 3.:)


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Wot - no ORBX scenery in the shots? ... call the moderator!!! :lol::D:lol:


What an amazing sight it must have been ... and the *sound* ... arrrgh ... I can only imagine. I grew up in Leeds - and DC-3s at Leeds/Bradford (Yeadon in my day) were common - and that distinctive drone is unforgettable. We have one beautiful RNZAF C-47 flying regularly here - a real treat.


No need to apologise for the pics either. Though I can compose a reasonable screenshot in the living room, in RL it's all I can do to even get an aircraft into the frame - let alone have it in focus as well! Sadly, when the light is poor, you don't have much latitude with shutter speeds or depth of field, so I think you did remarkably well. Some real beauties there - but my favourite is that last threesome!


Would love to see more



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Wonderful pictures, Nick.  My uncle, a fighter instructor who volunteered to pilot a glider on D-Day, said whatever fear he had was pretty much calmed, a least for a while,  when he saw the armada of C-47 exhausts around him on the way over the channel.  He survived D-Day and went to flying Thunderbolts for the rest of the war.

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