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Terrain Elevation Discrepancies | Landing Glitches | Orbx Addon Conflictions (KSFO)

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19 minutes ago, carlosqr said:



As you, Flightbeam refers to NorCal too




Maybe this has something to deal with the issue?..


Might worth checking








Thanks for pointing this out. Perhaps this is the file that makes the effect when Orbx Norcal is disabled... You may have more knowledge by simply having so much experience on the forums; do you know what the extension of the file that it is we are looking for? 


Thank You, 


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5 hours ago, TheFl4me said:

 I think you misunderstood what I said. I was talking about the thread on the P3d forum, not this one. The staff here on orbx have been very helpful compared to the LM staff,


Apparently, I did.  My apologies.

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2 hours ago, IncreaseVS said:




Thanks for pointing this out. Perhaps this is the file that makes the effect when Orbx Norcal is disabled... You may have more knowledge by simply having so much experience on the forums; do you know what the extension of the file that it is we are looking for? 


Thank You, 




My knowledge about the simulators and scenery is basic


So the Orbx staff for sure will find a solution / explanation





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Hi  Nick

I tested again Queenstown with PMDG 737 with the Free Mesh for Australia & NZ) on and off and with just Holdgermesh and no longer have the such down /fall of the plane :wacko:

just this ugly look of the terrain that takes places when approaching




I do have floating houses with either mesh as per previous shot


So this reduces the issue to only KSFO, (issue that I don't suffer and have all your products for the area + Flightbeam)


Best regards



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This is not specific to anything but perhaps someone will have any idea regarding this. Here is a video I made of a "landing gear retracted", landing. X-Posted from PMDG thread.






After I made that video I figured the "actual gear" didn't fail thus maybe that's why the plane was floating. So, I failed Hydraulic Systems 1 and 4 including the Aux (DEM) pumps and the same result happened, the gear even dropped when I slammed into the ground!


Now in pure speculation, perhaps this may be incorporated into the flight model's calculations; thus affecting...something?



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The ambience in your video looks amazing (the settings)

That weird issue causes the impression like if there was a part missing in the scenery doesn't it? The plane comes and when reaches this gap next part jumps in to fit

strange indeed

Be patient they might be checking all possibilities




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Just an observation,  in one of the movies, after 'being sucked into the ground', and being on the rwy, the outboard wheel trucks remained in the pre touchdown position during roll out.  

Maybe something to look at.








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4 hours ago, Chris.D said:

Just an observation,  in one of the movies, after 'being sucked into the ground', and being on the rwy, the outboard wheel trucks remained in the pre touchdown position during roll out.  

Maybe something to look at.









Hello Chris,


Thanks for your reply! I believe that was during the test at which I tried a higher approach speed at Mr. Sawatzky's request (150KT); the picture depict's the "nose wheel" doing a 'wheelie' partially for comedy :) but to test the high approach speed. In reality I would have used flaps 5-10 at the CGW I was running. You can see at about 2:19 of that video the bogies actually do engage the ground before the aircraft starts rising again.




4 hours ago, carlosqr said:

The ambience in your video looks amazing (the settings)

That weird issue causes the impression like if there was a part missing in the scenery doesn't it? The plane comes and when reaches this gap next part jumps in to fit

strange indeed

Be patient they might be checking all possibilities





Hello Carlos,


Thanks! I use Environment Force and I love it when it doesn't bug out (it's pretty unstable right now). 


Yes, I received a response from PMDG they actually recognized the thread (PMDG.com) and sent an internal e-mail prior to my ticket submission; they will keep the thread updated.


Also, I tried "landing" the 747 in a non-problem area and the fuselage 'slid' (to P3D's capabilities) as I would have expected. The gear did not automagically extend after sliding :)



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I posted screenshots of a PMDG747 gear up autoland, KSFO ILS28L on P3D forum (May 14 here):


My posted comments:

LANDIII Autoland

Had to use the 28 for emergency .. AI's are departing on the 1's (last couple screenshots).

Flare [check the nose up pitch] and rollout looked, ok ?.
Radio altimeter = 0 [good RA calibration!].

P3Dv4.5 HF1 (Client/Content/SDK).


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19 minutes ago, vonmar said:

I posted screenshots of a PMDG747 gear up autoland, KSFO ILS28L on P3D forum (May 14 here):


My posted comments:

LANDIII Autoland

Had to use the 28 for emergency .. AI's are departing on the 1's (last couple screenshots).

Flare [check the nose up pitch] and rollout looked, ok ?.
Radio altimeter = 0 [good RA calibration!].

P3Dv4.5 HF1 (Client/Content/SDK).





Yes, I recall that; It is likely that since you didn't experience the glitch the plane did not float as the gear extended after-or at all, correct? You are using Flightbeam's KSFO aswell? Perhaps a test could be done on your end to verify if you disable Flightbeam's KSFO; in addition to a no gear landing, that your plane "levitates"?


On 5/16/2019 at 7:40 PM, Holger Sandmann said:

The default altitude for KSFO is 13ft (3.96m). With NCA we change this to 3.69m = 12.1ft, not because we wanted to but because, for whatever reason, Flightbeam's KSFO team had done so and many NCA customers wanted the two products to be compatible. However, the difference is less than a foot, much less than the drop experienced by your plane, so I don't think this really is a factor. Moreover, Tristan has stated that the issue occurs with both default scenery and NCA meaning default and altered airport elevation.


I do not own Flightbeam's KSFO but perhaps the plane floating and the gear extending after has something to do with a confliction in some unknown variable...


Thank You!


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  • 2 years later...

Having this same issue (slam down landing) at KPDX and PAJN.  I'm using TrueEarth Oregon and Cityscape Portland, so possible a conflict there, but PAJN?  Has there been a fix, as the last post I've seen on this issue is from 2019.  Any help would be appreciated! and I only have Orbx sceneries...



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