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About Chris.D

  • Birthday 07/17/1944

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    Hervey Bay, YHBA.

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  1. Its Saturday here, so I had a mess around with Orchid Beach and the Gippsland Airvans, both RYT and BFS. The airport works OK and the AI fly in and out, on time. The Aussies will get this. While getting YOCB Orchid Beach going, I discovered an "Easter Egg" in the scenery, a bloody Dingo with a baby in its mouth !! . Sick sense of humour, but I did have a good laugh. Here you go. RYT included !
  2. Hi Gerold, Yes, both VH-RYT and VH-BFS are there but they don't go to Fraser Island in the sim. RYT goes over to Bundaburg and back and BFS goes to Cairns (YBCS) and then on to Innisfail (YIFL). I had to de compile Traffic_FTX GA Traffic.bgl to make sure. You can often see BSF at Hervey Bay if you start a flight around midday. Orchid Beach airstrip in the sim is out in the ocean with a water runway. and there is nothing on the beach at Eurong. I think that when I finish my South American adventure, I should make some new .bgl's and fix this situation up and have some planes landing on the beach again. I had all this in FS9. A real life story,, Some years back, one of our summer tropical thunderstorms came through the bay, and before they had time to put RYT in the hanger, the wind picked her up and threw her against the shed wall. Lots of damage. Got some pictures somewhere, a sorry sight. RYT at Hervey Bay. TZR flys up to Lady Elliot Island in the sim OK. The time I took the shots. Chris.
  3. Did you know, this little baby is in Orbx Australia and New Zealand AI traffic packs. Gippsland Airvan Lands on the beach too, at Fraser Island. Chris.
  4. I had a great friend, who has since passed on, who lived at Rancho Mirage. It was about 105 degrees in Palm Springs, so we caught the tramway and played in the snow at the top. Got 35mm slides somewhere, must pull them out and scan them. Great times.
  5. OK, I'm back, got in late Sunday night. Yes, it is Lady Elliot Island, part of the new Australia v2, which is, I believe is payware. I'll have a scratch around and see what else I have, but unfortunately, I did most of my flying, before retirement, on the east coast of the US. BTW, a good fun thread ! Chris.
  6. Here you go, an easy one. I believe it is in Australia v2. I'm off for a couple of days, family get together, be back on Monday. Chris.
  7. YRED, Redcliffe. More than likely on a Smoka5 RNAV approach, "Dabro", "Bekid", "Drain", "Plugg", "Sinnk", to RWY 19 at YBBN !
  8. Not sure Nick. But Windows 10 is something I don't want. BTW, I just added another link to my post above. Chris.
  9. Yes Nick, Microsoft has decided that my processor, a i7 980 extreme is not now supported and thus I had the pop up. Their suggestion is to move to Windows 10. There is an article here with a solution that I have applied and my system is back to normal. But it did cause me a lot of grief. If you do a Google search for "Unsupported Hardware pop up", you will find plenty. https://github.com/zeffy/wufuc If any one has the same problem, they can go to the above web site and download the patch, it works a treat. Even if you remove the Windows update, the code resides in you computer and is activated at random. Also read here, the troops aren't happy. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-update/windows-7-annoying-unsupported-hardware-pop-ups/b7f7ed01-c25c-4494-89d8-5df1a6983caa Microsoft is "Hell bent" on getting users of Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 onto Windows 10. I have an old machine here, that is used for audio editing with old software and it runs a mapping program for the GPS on my boat, running Windows XP and they have been reliable for years and get used frequently. There are are no drivers available for any machine for those applications above XP. Anyway, I have my GTX 1070ti Foundation Edition and a new motherboard, a Z370, processor, i7 8700K, and RAM are on their way. It will be running Windows 7. I have collected enough software, drivers etc., to make it work. The motherboard manufacturers are pulling their support for Win 7 and I was lucky to get mine from the Gigabyte site before they disappeared. Microsoft, in my opinion, is pushing out malware to get you, no, make you buy something you don't want. Chris. ps. Yes, I am upset with them. Been in the middle of replying to an email and the system crashes down without warning, with that Bl**dy pop up, and you loose the lot !
  10. Hi Stillwater, Pretty much the bottom line is that Microsoft wants EVERY computer on the planet running Windows 10. The updates now for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 are all about crippling your system so you have to move to 10. This is the latest attempt, "Unsupported Hardware" that came with an update last November. The pop up above crashes you out of what ever you are doing, back to the desktop and you loose whatever you were doing. Microsoft have convinced manufacturers to change the architecture of the USB ports on all new Motherboards and the drivers only come embedded in Windows 10. Intel and AMD are in on the act as well, I would suggest have been bought off by Microsoft. There is a sickness in some 'overseas' corporations that are compelled to control the world population in telling us what we can and cannot do. Apple do stuff too, slow down your phone to a crawl with the updates, so you have to buy the latest model for $600 / $700 which they manufacture in Asia for $25. I'm sick of people over seas telling me what to do in MY country. Chris. PS, \Rant off
  11. Hi Stillwater, Yep, experienced all that. Here is my pathway to a fast boot and a fast loading of P3dv4. Started at Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and FSX. Of course plagued with the limitations of OOM's of FSX and all that goes with it, but had good fast boot times to the OS and loading FSX. Moved to Windows 8.1 x64 Pro. and FSX, everything slowed down, and same problems with FSX. Tried Windows 10 x64Pro, hated the interface, slow to boot to the OS and FSX took forever to load. Moved to P3D v3 with Windows 10 and everything got slower. So, I'm a fiddler, and I have plenty of time to mess around . Here is the best combination I have found that suits my system and I'm happy with it. I'm now running Windows 7 x64 Ultimate , my old copy, but boot to UEFI rather than BIOS. Yes, it can be done, the USB drivers are available and you can get a universal tool from the Gigabyte website to slipstream the drivers into a WIN 7 install USB. I now use the GPT file system rather than the old MBR, Master Boot Record. Of course you will need a motherboard that supports UEFI, but most modern mortherboards are that way. Everything now runs at a super speed, from POST to Windows Desk top is 15 seconds, and all my programs load faster, including P3Dv4. It is still compatible with my other hard drives, so no changes there except my dedicated Flight Sim drive, which is now formatted in the GPT file system. You can start here, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/windows-setup-installing-using-the-mbr-or-gpt-partition-style And there are plenty of links on the page for further reading. PS. BTW, The new USB drivers and drivers for the NVMe style of SSD are included in the Gigabyte tool. Windows 7 didn't know about these things as they weren't invented when Win 7 came out. Chris.
  12. So, this may be crazy. I have just switched over to P3D V4.4.16.27077 and I only own 2 Orbx products, Australia and Hervey Bay + some Orbx freeware. P3D was running perfect until I downloaded FTX Central, then the above problem raised its head. I spent hours chasing this problem and now I believe I have it fixed. P3D was starting and was running in the background as process. Eventually, after trying all solutions I found on line, and none worked, I resorted to my own dying computer skills. Working backwards. I removed the folder Orbx ObjectFlow 2 from "My Documents" and bingo, P3D started in an instant every time out of dozens of attempts. I replaced it, and the problem came back. Next move was to check the xml file within, add-on.xml, can't see a problem there, so off to the v3.3.3.0 folder and I could turn off Orbx_ObjectFlow_x64.dll by using Central, and I left it off and still the problem remains. So, back to the add-on.xml file, renamed it to off and the problem persists. Delete the xml file, problem remains, delete the Orbx ObjectFlow 2 folder, problem gone. Rename Orbx ObjectFlow 2 to ObjectFlow 2, replaced add-on.xml in the folder, turn on the Orbx_ObjectFlow_x64.dll file and sim boots every time without fault. Rename ObjectFlow 2 to Orbx ObjectFlow, problem returns. So my conclusion is that P3D does not like long folder names or with a space or something, not an Orbx problem ?? or is it !! I have another addon, A2A in a folder just named "A2A" and i works every time too. So, there it is, for what its worth, hope it helps out. Maybe it was just my installation. Chris.
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