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KMRY - weird issue


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I have KMRY airport installed and I have noticed some elevation and transparency issued. Initially I thought that Elevation correction via Vector will help, but it didn't.

I am on P3D v4.4. I have installed it on v4.3 and then updated Prepar to 4.4 (Client and Content). I have followed the guideline how to do it. Another problem is that I have no clue how it looked prior my 4.4 update because its the first time I flew there.


My orbx libs are up to date, and I have verified files as well. Any ideas? Full reinstall maybe? Pictures are attached.






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Thanks, I went through this and nothing is helping, I have even reinstalled it. Airport hangs above the ground and... textures are watery transparent, I can see the bottom through them - as on the picture. I have checked and vector disables wherever is needed perfectly. I have also checked how default airport looks. It looks ok. Orbx, not.


Still looking for help.


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So, still the problem is there. What I have done:

1. Full re-installation of P3D

2. Full installation of KMRY

3. Forced migration, vector setting - KMRY is disabled

4. Verified download files

5. Updated Library


What else I can do?  For the moment I have product that doesn't work. This is the only Orbx scenery that I have problem with (and I have quire few of them). Its also first Orbx scenery that I have problem with - ever. Will someone from Orbx help me out, please? The "funny" thing is that in my case the whole airport looks like overlay - transparent overlay. I tried everything from the link to other topic. People there have elevation issue. I can also see that airport is somehow elevated, but still it is flat, objects are in correct place except of transparent "see through" scenery layer. I can see through the field next to the taxiway. Runway and taxiway is solid.


Attached are the screen shots of the folders.








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Thanks for responding. Well, I don’t know? All I did was download through Orbx Central. I haven’t deleted anything manually. Could this be the case? Hiw can I get this file if it didn’t install with the installer?


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7 minutes ago, st1322 said:


Thanks for responding. Well, I don’t know? All I did was download through Orbx Central. I haven’t deleted anything manually. Could this be the case? Hiw can I get this file if it didn’t install with the installer?


Hello, again.  I would uninstall KMRY and re-download and then re-install.  Possibly your original download was corrupted.  Be sure to delete FTX_US_KMRY.TXT in the Orbx\User Documents\Versions folder so that you can re-download the airport, otherwise it will show up as already downloaded, and that's not what you want.

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Did it again and this file you mention is not available.

Hovewer I have noticed something different. I believe the problem is limited to Vector AEC. Here what I did. I have installed KMRY and did not run AEC tool. Airport looked “almost” perfect. The only issue was that in the middle of runway there was little bump and I could not see the markings. Plane when rolling seemed to “sink” in it. The rest of airport looked perfect, no transparent textures issues. The I have applied AEC tool and moved KMRY to disabled section. And problem appeared again. Perfect runway and “see through” textures around.


Maybe this airport is only compatible with North California full region?



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52 minutes ago, st1322 said:

Did it again and this file you mention is not available.

Hovewer I have noticed something different. I believe the problem is limited to Vector AEC. Here what I did. I have installed KMRY and did not run AEC tool. Airport looked “almost” perfect. The only issue was that in the middle of runway there was little bump and I could not see the markings. Plane when rolling seemed to “sink” in it. The rest of airport looked perfect, no transparent textures issues. The I have applied AEC tool and moved KMRY to disabled section. And problem appeared again. Perfect runway and “see through” textures around.


Maybe this airport is only compatible with North California full region?



That's correct.  You don't have FTX_NCA installed?  You only have FTX_NA_NCA05_SCENERY?  There should be 3 more folders.  If you don't have the rest, a reinstall of FTX NCA would be called for.

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3 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Of course, if you have not done so, you will need to buy it before you can "reinstall" it.



So down to the point, this product is not compatible with P3D unless used only in combination with North California Orbx full region? Is that correct and how it should be understood?


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1 hour ago, st1322 said:



So down to the point, this product is not compatible with P3D unless used only in combination with North California Orbx full region? Is that correct and how it should be understood?



Yes sir, that's correct.


You will experience elevation issues if you are not using KMRY in conjunction with Northern California, as it was designed to fit in to that region.

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1 hour ago, st1322 said:

So down to the point, this product is not compatible with P3D unless used only in combination with North California Orbx full region? Is that correct and how it should be understood?



at the foot of every Orbx Direct product page is to be found the products that are required to make that product display as intended by its developer.

Here is the foot of the KMRY product page.


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Hello Nick,


Thanks for jumping into the conclusion. The disclaimer is misleading, it doesn’t say what will happen if you don’t have it. Pity because if exclusively stated I might have add the region to the basked at the time of purchase.


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9 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Stewart.

Because the KMRY installer places that one file into that folder and if the folder is not there, it creates it.

The OP even posted a picture of it in which can be seen that there are no other files.


Thank you, Nick.  Right you are.  I understand now, but didn't understand how that one file could be installed without the other 3.  So the OP didn't have FTX NCA in the first place.  :banghead:

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