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Mission impossible.


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I must admit that I am more into the aesthetic side of things when flying so my landings leave a lot to be desired.



Not only my landings but those who follow my posts may remember that in XP-11 the wrong flap settings have lead to disaster.



After years of realism settings in P3D being to the left, they are now in the centre.



So attempting to land this Trojan on Tyabb's narrow runway, for me appeared to be totally foolhardy.



So here goes and trying to get rid of some speed, far to high to throw the anchor out yet.


No traffic this time which is just as well.



In successfully losing the speed I lost more height than I wanted too.



Almost there and looking good.



Down on the centreline. I think that XP-11 being much harder has made me improve my landings, I actually landed a Hurricane for the first time the other night without any dramas.



The ambulance have now taken me away as I was suffering from shock and also I dislocated my shoulder patting myself on the back.


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