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Bridgework at KVUO


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Thought I'd try and do this before Jack got here and got the authorities all alert! Heading out from the rather fine new KVUO in the Stinson -



Hmm, a bridge . . .



Heading down river a bit before turning back in



"don't sink! don't sink!"



Wasn't sure this was going to be possible, and I will admit to a teensy bit of slew on this first bridge



And I still got the tyres wet coming out the other side!



But the next one was a bit easier - actually flew under this one!



Loads of room!



Love the weathering on the bridge supports



and away!



Another fine addition to the ORBX world!

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9 minutes ago, andy1252 said:

Hi Jack, so that'd explain why I beat you to it <grin>. Haven't been following things much lately - no PC? Problems?

New one being built, will be here next week.  They installed all my Orbx stuff which is all they sell so I had un remove all my Orbx stuff from the present PC.  Then I reformatted everything for sale but so far no buyers.

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2 hours ago, mikee said:

Great Shots Andy ! How are the frames ?

Cheers Mikee! No idea on the framerate, I never monitor it but have a target rate of 30. Didn't notice any particular lag or jumpiness - I get used to a bit of lag occasionally anyway as I run all maxed out on a 4k monitor and that pushes the system a bit unless it's really basic scenery. Did get a stutter or two over Portland itself as usual.


2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

New one being built, will be here next week.

Ah! Monster new beast? I saw a link in an emailshot recently that I had to check out - twin Xeon CPs, twin GTX 1080 Tis, all sorts of stuff. Never seen anything so over-the-top in my life (ignoring anything Liberace related, that is), and all for the measly sum of 16k GBP! I'll have two! (if you want a laugh, it's a Chillblast PC (https://www.chillblast.com/chillblast-fusion-leviathan-iii-gigapixel-and-vr-production-pc-1.html?category_id=412)


1 hour ago, Sniper31 said:

Wow Andy, way to show off this new scenery! That airport and surrounds looks scrumptious!

Cheers Landon - I hadn't realised it was so close to Portland, so it comes with a ready made good surround area to begin with.


1 hour ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots these

Cheers Iain.

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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Hi Andy, it’s not that powerful, just one CP and one video card.

Should be all anybody really needs, Jack!


2 hours ago, Scott Harmes said:

Awesome shots Andy!  Checking out Bill's fantastic bridge work up close, and inspecting the pylons ;).

I like that plane too.

Thanks Scott, and I suspect I won't be the last one to be giving those bridge supports a thorough examination. There's a lot of us municipal inspectors on this forum. And yep, the Stinson is great fun, sort of like a Cub with attitude.

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7 hours ago, andy1252 said:
9 hours ago, Scott Harmes said:

Awesome shots Andy!  Checking out Bill's fantastic bridge work up close, and inspecting the pylons ;).

I like that plane too.

Thanks Scott, and I suspect I won't be the last one to be giving those bridge supports a thorough examination. There's a lot of us municipal inspectors on this forum. And yep, the Stinson is great fun, sort of like a Cub with attitude.



Oops.  I should have said piers, not pylons. :)

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