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Dressed right for Whangarei

Jack Sawyer

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8 hours ago, BradB said:

Looking real sharp Jack , I like the fall colors in the area scenery . We know for sure that there is no winter ( snow ) textures ; at least at this elevation . :):):rolleyes::(





Thanks John!  I didn't try winter, I wonder what it's would look like?  Just bare trees?  Here again, three years running, the year without a winter.  Know what it's gonna be next week?  Mid 70's!  In December!  I still have flowers and roses growing.  Bare trees, flowers, and a calendar that says it's winter but summer weather.  This is annoying. 

8 hours ago, paulb said:

Well done Jack! Lovely autumnal colours and a perfect livery for the location! ;):)

Thanks Paul, I changed the season to summer in the set too.  Glad you liked them.

8 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set Jack and some great flying to fit the Q400 into such a small airport.:D

Thanks Martyn, was pretty easy, the Q400 can take off like a rocket.

7 hours ago, hwh86 said:

You are not just a pretty face, are you Jack. Excellent screen shots mate.

Thanks Les!  :wub:

2 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Smashing set of shots these 



Thanks Iain!

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