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Good flight

Jack Sawyer

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P3D v4 - Orbx everything I can get into V4 - AS & ASCA - 3/4 sliders - Chase Plane - PMDG NGX & PTA.


And, thanks to the guys at Jetline (who were the guys who set up the PC's at the conference) they helped me over the phone and remoted in today.


I never knew this but when I put the new RAM in my PC it reset the BIOS so I had HyperThreading ON!  And he unclocked the BIOS, so I went from 4.66 GHz to 4.44 GHz.


It flew as smooth as a dream and I flew for exactly 2:46 hours and no BSOD or freezes.  More work to do with the fans and OC tomorrow but I am VERY pleased.  I can't tell you how happy I am to be able to fly now.  Next a Connie flight then a long 747 flight as he wants me to do long flights to test the PC.


So here's my shots.  No yellow or inverted this time, sorry....:mellow:





















Didn't Boeing create a flying piece of art?





Descent into TNCM.  I wanna visit someday.










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Thanks Adam, it was a beta version.  Don't know when they'll release the final ASCA and I haven't even installed the new version of AS as I want to wait to see how many problems crop up, if any.  That's how I do things, monitor forums before I install or update anything.



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A great set of shots again Jack.

3 hours ago, adambar said:

Outstanding shots Jack and nice to hear you have everything working! :)  How did you get ASCA working, they just released the final ASv4 today and I didn't see anything about Cloud Art. :huh:

Adam Asca works fine with AS for P3Dv4 just download the latest version of Asca.




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7 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

A great set of shots again Jack.

Adam Asca works fine with AS for P3Dv4 just download the latest version of Asca.




Thanks Ruud!

1 hour ago, PupaZebu said:

Very nice set!

Thanks PZ!

12 minutes ago, tangjuice81 said:

Nice shots; but having the payware TNCM and KMIA makes the flight experience more enjoyable. 

Thanks Tang, I have TNCM but I had it turned off in SCE as I didn't want to post screenshots that weren't Orbx.

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46 minutes ago, BradB said:

Jack I bet your FO was not happy doing the walk around at MIA , hopefully he donned a life jacket . :o:P:lol:





He was real happy John.  He's a licensed scuba diver so he had his wet suit on and tank! :lol:

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11 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Another magical set Jack.

Some very dramatic clouds in the first part of your flight.

Tropical end is just right after the weather you started off with.

Thanks Martyn, this is a long flight over lots of open ocean, and very deep water with lots of sharks.  I'd like to visit someday if I could.  I can dream though.

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