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KBOS to KEWR and PC fail

Jack Sawyer

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P3Dv4 - Orbx Global - LC - etc.


Tried to make a flight from Boston to Newark, got to just before TOD and the PC froze solid, had to do a hard reboot.  


When I last had the BSOD I did a CC clean and replaced the RAM.  Made several flights ok but one difference, in the BSOD and today's freeze I had AS weather on and I have it really limited, one layer of clouds. 


But the fans were screaming again like when I got the BSOD.


Here I am with 16GB of RAM now and this happens!  Like I said, I have a friend in Britain who flys this same plane in FSX, on an Apple Mac emulating a PC and he does 18 hour flights!  I'm not a happy camper.


I get better performance on 3.4 with AS16 and if I'm careful I won't OOM.  


Anyway, Adam's PTA preset.




















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29 minutes ago, magic1 said:

do you have any detail on the error? 

Sadly no Magic, even that program called WhoCrashed showed nothing.  I guess the PC didn't even have time to log a crash.


All of a sudden the sound went crazy like a buzz from the repeating sound of the engines I guess, at the same time the screen froze.


All I could do was a warm reboot and then it went into Safe Mode, with the black & white screen.  So I told it to start Windows normally.  Let it settle then rebooted.


The pattern is this 747 and AS weather.  So I'm going to try to make that flight again but this time without AS on.  I think it's just too much for the PC to handle.


Tonight when I got home I even created a graphics setting where I moved all the sliders way back, unticked almost all the shadows, and set it to different settings and saved it as "747".



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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Sadly no Magic, even that program called WhoCrashed showed nothing.  I guess the PC didn't even have time to log a crash.


All of a sudden the sound went crazy like a buzz from the repeating sound of the engines I guess, at the same time the screen froze.


All I could do was a warm reboot and then it went into Safe Mode, with the black & white screen.  So I told it to start Windows normally.  Let it settle then rebooted.


The pattern is this 747 and AS weather.  So I'm going to try to make that flight again but this time without AS on.  I think it's just too much for the PC to handle.


Tonight when I got home I even created a graphics setting where I moved all the sliders way back, unticked almost all the shadows, and set it to different settings and saved it as "747".



hmm...did you try "eventvwr" - assuming you are running a windows machine.

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37 minutes ago, magic1 said:

hmm...did you try "eventvwr" - assuming you are running a windows machine.

Hi Magic!  No, I didn't even know this CMD existed till now.  Yes, Windows 7/64.  Is it too late to run it and if I do what should I expect to see?  Thanks for your help, I appreciate t.

21 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set Jack.



Thank you Iain!  I appreciate your comments as always.

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9 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Another nice set of shots Jack, and good luck with solving your problems, did you clean out the dust of your pc fans might be a heat problem.




Thanks Ruud.  Yes, I keep the PC a few feet off the floor on a strong metal table and blow out the air regularly.  There's never any dust in it anyway.  It has to be heat because I have  16GB of RAM in it and the fans start to scream.  Only happens when I use the PMDG 747 with AS weather on and AS is set to its lowest settings.

3 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Nice shots Jack hope you sort your problem out  Gianni told me to say thanks from him for putting him on to me regards stewart

Thanks Stewart.  He thanked me in an email, I hope he gets his plane started.

1 hour ago, GregJ said:

Curious if you shouldn't update windows. I have had 0 issues in terms of crashes since 10, being a true 64 bit os. Not sure if 7 is not even sure if it natters.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

I thought about that but I don't know if I want to do that if it won't fix it.  It only happens with the 747 and AS running.  I can fly and other plane all day with AS on.  It has to be the processor overheating despite that it's always 78 degrees F in here because when I do it the fans are running 150% it seems.

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I thought about that but I don't know if I want to do that if it won't fix it.  It only happens with the 747 and AS running.  I can fly and other plane all day with AS on.  It has to be the processor overheating despite that it's always 78 degrees F in here because when I do it the fans are running 150% it seems.

Nvidia? Do you have it oc'd could you set a game profile to have fans ramp up as load increases. Mine is set to increase based on card temps. I also use process lasso and have that run on p3d.exe to deliver on all cores.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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2 minutes ago, GregJ said:

Nvidia? Do you have it oc'd could you set a game profile to have fans ramp up as load increases. Mine is set to increase based on card temps. I also use process lasso and have that run on p3d.exe to deliver on all cores.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Jetline built it, I know the processor is overclocked.  The card isn't it, it's a 4 GB ZOTAC GTX 980.

I wouldn't even know where to begin doing this and I'm afraid I'd mess something up.


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On 6/21/2017 at 9:59 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

Hi Magic!  No, I didn't even know this CMD existed till now.  Yes, Windows 7/64.  Is it too late to run it and if I do what should I expect to see?  Thanks for your help, I appreciate t.

Thank you Iain!  I appreciate your comments as always.

you can run it anytime - some info on eventvwr  



On 6/21/2017 at 7:17 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

Sadly no Magic, even that program called WhoCrashed showed nothing.  I guess the PC didn't even have time to log a crash.


All of a sudden the sound went crazy like a buzz from the repeating sound of the engines I guess, at the same time the screen froze.


All I could do was a warm reboot and then it went into Safe Mode, with the black & white screen.  So I told it to start Windows normally.  Let it settle then rebooted.


The pattern is this 747 and AS weather.  So I'm going to try to make that flight again but this time without AS on.  I think it's just too much for the PC to handle.


Tonight when I got home I even created a graphics setting where I moved all the sliders way back, unticked almost all the shadows, and set it to different settings and saved it as "747".



hmm...did you try "eventvwr" - assuming you are running a windows machine.

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Jack, process lasso is simple....and if I recall, inexpensive. Nvidia fan profiles are too, and can be implemented in their over clocking software, you don't need to OC it, just have the fans run higher on certain conditions.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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Strange, I had this recently too..... the screen would pause, the same sound played over and over (typically the drone of a C177/C182), and my computer would lock up...... but ONLY in P3Dv4. The computer was unresponsive and I literally had to reboot to get out of it......... and once restarted, there was nothing in the log files, and the event viewer just shows a critical error which appeared to be resulting from an attempt to load a 32bit dll into a surrogate process, exactly what WOW64 does in windows.  


Interestingly though, my machine is running a Devils Canyon K processor with a mild overclock and the moment I reverted back to core speeds, the problem went away and everything has been fine since. 


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I should add that Initially I thought it was maybe a security issue on files / registry, or maybe the Alabeo C177 I installed, but the problem also occurred on the standard Bonanza, and was still there after I re-installed P3Dv4 as administrator. The only thing that stopped the crash happening was reverting back to stock speed, and it hasn't happened since........once again, I had a very mild overclock, liquid cooling and no problem with temperatures, and I always run triple widescreen monitors which I thought may have been an issue but it wasn't. 


Overral I'm very happy with P3Dv4..... I have Orbx Global installed, but I mainly use ORBX Australia and although its not as detailed as the LC packages, it still looks great; and the A2A C182 is simply amazing, (yes I fly low and slow), and if I could just get my local airport up and running (YPJT - Jandakot)...... then I'd be very happy indeed

Try reverting to core speeds and see it that helps

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10 hours ago, adambar said:

Sensational set there Jack! :)

Thanks Adam!

8 hours ago, magic1 said:

hmm...did you try "eventvwr" - assuming you are running a windows machine.

Didn't try it yet Magic, I looked at that Microsoft site that describes it but I'm not sure what I'd be looking at.

7 hours ago, GregJ said:

Jack, process lasso is simple....and if I recall, inexpensive. Nvidia fan profiles are too, and can be implemented in their over clocking software, you don't need to OC it, just have the fans run higher on certain conditions.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Thanks Greg but I wouldn't even know where to begin, I know it must be frustrating for you guys who know so much about hardware and dealing with someone who doesn't, I have other strong suits.  Wish I knew more.

6 hours ago, tmarshall said:

Try reverting to core speeds and see it that helps

Hi gain T, I'd do it but since Jetline built it and I have no clue how to unclock or overclock I'm gonna let them handle it.  I've been in email communication with them.

5 hours ago, Taph said:

Nice shots Jack, good luck with your computer

Thanks Taph!  Appreciate it.  From what I've been reading I'm not the only one with these freezes with just V4.  Stewart, Gianni, tmarshall.  It seems like something else is in play here.  I wonder if it's code.  LM code?  Just a totally wild guess so I'm probably wrong. :D

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1 minute ago, Ripcord said:

I suspect v4 isn't fully baked yet, and there will be a patch/update forthcoming before too long...  just a thought, based on nothing.


Hi Ripcord, I suspect you're right.  Look how long it too to get us up to 3.4.  So Im just gonna be optimistic and patient.  I have to admit, it surprised me, I thought we wouldn't see it till late summer or early fall.

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In simple terms, WOW64 is a host that allows windows to run 32 bit applications in a 64 bit environment.... the 32 bit application is loaded into a 32 bit process, allowing windows to run 32 bit applications or 64 bit applications..... the thing is though that inside the process that is launched, all the components must be the same architecture, so if in a 32 bit process, then only 32 bit components can be loaded, and if inside a 64 bit process (such as P3DV4), then only 64 bit components can be loaded.....


For us then; we have to make sure that P3DV4 which is a 64 bit application now, is not trying to load any 32bit component / dll into the same process..... such as legacy fsx components, panels, or gauges that use dlls. Its also possible of course that the P3DV4 has some code issues seeing as its the first 64 bit version of the application and although converting an application to 64 bit is a relatively easy process, I'm guessing something the size of P3D was a pig to do and probably has its fair share of bugs yet to be addressed.... hope you get it sorted soon.



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10 minutes ago, tmarshall said:


In simple terms, WOW64 is a host that allows windows to run 32 bit applications in a 64 bit environment.... the 32 bit application is loaded into a 32 bit process, allowing windows to run 32 bit applications or 64 bit applications..... the thing is though that inside the process that is launched, all the components must be the same architecture, so if in a 32 bit process, then only 32 bit components can be loaded, and if inside a 64 bit process (such as P3DV4), then only 64 bit components can be loaded.....


For us then; we have to make sure that P3DV4 which is a 64 bit application now, is not trying to load any 32bit component / dll into the same process..... such as legacy fsx components, panels, or gauges that use dlls. Its also possible of course that the P3DV4 has some code issues seeing as its the first 64 bit version of the application and although converting an application to 64 bit is a relatively easy process, I'm guessing something the size of P3D was a pig to do and probably has its fair share of bugs yet to be addressed.... hope you get it sorted soon.



Thanks Terry, I just got word from Jetline that it's definitely not a heat related issue, he thinks it's software related.  What, he doesn't know.

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